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Example sentences for "chiefess"

Lexicographically close words:
chiding; chidings; chief; chiefe; chiefely; chiefest; chieflie; chiefly; chiefs; chiefship
  1. She was a grand young woman with a body generous as that of a chiefess and more wonderful, as she came upon us, across the wet sand, in the shimmer of the moonlight.

  2. Now, on his first voyage to Puna, as the chief came to land at Hana, Maui, a high chiefess named Hina fell in love with him.

  3. At this saying of the chief, the man begged that the chiefess be shown to him, and Kaulaailehua, the daughter of the chief, was brought thither.

  4. Reproached because he has no name song, he secures from a visiting chiefess of Kauai the chant called "The Mirage of Mana.

  5. The chiefess consents, and during the absence of the ambassadress, goes journeying with her four remaining guardians.

  6. His fame travels about Kohala and the young chiefess Kikekaala falls in love with him.

  7. No mention is made of Mr. Gallatin, nor indeed of any others besides Colonel Morgan, from whom the information was derived; but there can hardly be a doubt that this was the occasion of the meeting.

  8. The joy of the people was great when they knew that their chiefess had escaped death and would still dwell among them in comfort.

  9. They waited three days and looked for their chiefess to come in the form of a woman.

  10. The men toiled rapidly, placing the imu mats over their chiefess and throwing the dirt back into the oven until it was all thoroughly covered and the smoke was quenched.

  11. As Sir George Grey tells the story: "When Maui came along the path carrying the present of food, the old chiefess sniffed and sniffed until she was sure that she smelt some one coming.

  12. The same force leads him to treat with respect and veneration a chief or chiefess even if abjectly poor, though before the law the highest chief is no better than the common people.

  13. At last they went to Hawaii to the place where Haina-kolo lived, a chiefess and a kua (goddess).

  14. Whether in the forest or by the sea they made the days pleasant for each other until at the appointed time together they entered the shades of Milu as chief and chiefess who could not be separated.

  15. The messenger reported that he had found certain tabu surf waters of the Kona beach and had seen a very high chiefess who alone played with her surf-board on the incoming waves.

  16. His wife, Pauahi, was a very high chiefess descended from the royal line of Kamehameha the Great.

  17. The mother knew that this chiefess of such great beauty must be Kewalu, the sister of Hiku.

  18. Here he chose a chiefess by the name of Hina as his wife, and to them were born two children.

  19. Paliula, chanting this, turned away from Waolani to Waianae and dwelt for a time with the chiefess Kalena.

  20. At last he came to the place where the great chiefess dwelt.

  21. This chiefess heard their noisy clamor and asked her servant, "What's the trouble with these noisy ones?

  22. The face of the chiefess grew dark with disappointment.

  23. Soon the tendrils grew tight and slowly but surely choked the beautiful chiefess to death.

  24. The kahu returned to Molokai, but the chiefess saw him coming back alone and became very angry, her eyes flashing with wrath because he had not brought the young chief with him.

  25. The chiefess of that part of Kauai was surf-riding and heard the people shouting welcome, so she came to land and found the visitors sitting on the sand, resting.

  26. Long ago, it seems, he fell in love with a native lady, a High Chiefess in Ua-pu.

  27. She was of the ancient chiefess type, as large as a man, perfectly modeled, a tawny Juno.

  28. Cook had had a sincere friendship, if not a sweeter sentiment, for Oberea, the high chiefess of the clan of Tevas at Papara, and whom at first he thought queen of Tahiti.

  29. Pomaré IV had generously granted permission for the high chiefess of Papara to ally herself with the shrewd descendant of the House of David, and their progeny had included the queen, Tati, and others celebrated in Tahitian life.

  30. Then the chiefess named Kamakahelei, mother of Kaumualii, said, "Let us not fight against our god; let us please him that he may be favorable to us.

  31. I decided to see Strickland, and when I had finished with the chiefess asked for a boy to show me the way.

  32. Coutras had gone one day to Taravao in order to see an old chiefess who was ill, and he gave a vivid picture of the obese old lady, lying in a huge bed, smoking cigarettes, and surrounded by a crowd of dark-skinned retainers.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chiefess" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.