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Example sentences for "clept"

Lexicographically close words:
clepede; clepen; clepeth; clepid; clepsydra; cler; clercs; clere; clerely; clerestory
  1. Ethiope is departed in two princypall parties; and [th]at is in the Est partie, and in the Meridionall partie, the whiche partie meridionall is clept Moretane.

  2. In Ethiope ben many dyuerse folk, and Ethiope is clept 'Cusis.

  3. And therfore who so wil go right weye, men gon fro Trapazond toward Ermonye the gret, unto a cytee that is clept Artyroun, that was wont to ben a gode cytee and a plentyous; but the Turkes han gretly wasted it.

  4. Sychem is a 10 myle fro Jerusalem, and it is clept Neople; that is, for to seyne, the newe cytee.

  5. And this regnede longe and governed wisely; so that his eldest sone was chosen aftre him, Melechemader; the whiche his brother leet sle prevyly, for to have the lordschipe, and made him to ben clept Melechmadabron.

  6. The seconde lynage is clept Tanghot; the thridde Eurache; the 4 Valair; the 5 Semoche; the 6 Megly; the 7 Coboghe.

  7. And his othere bretheren wenten to wynnen hem many contrees and kyngdomes, unto the lond of Pruysse and of Rossye, and made hem to ben cleped Chane: but thei weren all obeyssant to hire eldre brother: and therfore was he clept grete Chane.

  8. And fro Tholomayde, that men clepen now Akoun, unto a gret hille, that is clept Scalle of Thires, is 100 furlonges.

  9. And there hen many gode watres, and gode welles, that comen undre erthe, fro the flom of paradys, that is clept Eufrates, that is a jorneye besyde that cytee.

  10. And besyde the cytee of Akoun renneth a lytille ryvere, that is clept Belon.

  11. And thei wenten to duelle in the lond of Chanaan, in a place, that is clept Sychem.

  12. Fro that cytee, men gon to another cytee, that is clept Bethe, that is a iourneye fro the see, that men clepen the gravely see.

  13. And whan he was kyng, he was clept Jobab.

  14. Wherefore Englishmen putten no trust in them of Muscovy, save only the Englishmen clept Radicals, for they make as if they loved these Develes, out of the fear and dread of war wherein they go, and would be slaves sooner than fight.

  15. For first they have taken an Yle that is clept Malta; and therein built they great castles, to hold it against them of Fraunce, and Italy, and of Spain.

  16. After go men the way toward Ind by many journeys, and by many countries, unto the city that is clept Cassak, and that is a full noble city, and a plenteous of corns and wines and of all other goods.

  17. That castle let make King Baldwin, that was King of France, when he had conquered that land, and put it into Christian men's hands for to keep that country; and for that cause was it clept the Mount Royal.

  18. And that other is clept Tigris, that runneth by Assyria and by Armenia the great.

  19. Nazareth is as much to say as, 'Flower of the garden'; and by good skill may it be clept flower, for there was nourished the flower of life that was Christ Jesu.

  20. After that was the son of Elphy chosen to be soldan, and clept him Melechasseraff, and he took the city of Akon and chased out the Christian men; and this was also empoisoned, and then was his brother made soldan, and was clept Melechnasser.

  21. And above the city is a great mountain that also is clept Polombe.

  22. And the other properly be clept Saracens, of Sarah.

  23. And Turks hold now all that place, and the city and the church; and all Asia the less is y-clept Turkey.

  24. And she was thus changed and transformed, from a fair damosel, into likeness of a dragon, by a goddess that was clept Diana.

  25. For we be clept Christian men, after Christ our Father.

  26. And though it be clept the Tower of Babylon, yet nevertheless, there were ordained within many mansions and many great dwelling- places, in length and breadth.

  27. I trow that zee knowe wel y now, and have herd seye, wherefore the Emperour is clept Prestre John.

  28. And that other is clept Eufrate, that rennethe also be Medee and be Armonye and be Persye.

  29. In this yle is a great ryvere, that is wel a 2 myle and an half of brede, that is clept Beumare.

  30. And bezonde theise yles, there is another yle, that is clept Pytan.

  31. And aftre that, thei passen an arm of the see, and thanne thei gon to another cytee that is clept Golbache: and there thei fynden marchandises, and of popengayes, as gret plentee as men fynden here of gees.

  32. Aftre that, is the kyngdom of George, that begynnethe toward the est; to the gret mountayne, that is clept Abzor; where that duellen many dyverse folk of dyverse naciouns.

  33. Of Kyng Alisandre: and wherfore the Emperour of Ynde is clept Prestre John.

  34. And the princypalle cytee of Comenye is clept Sarak, that is on of the 3 weyes for to go in to Ynde: but be the weye, ne may not passe no gret multytude of peple, but zif it be in wyntre.

  35. The firste ryvere is clept Phison, that is to seyne in hire langage, Assemblee: for many other ryveres meten hem there, and gon in to that ryvere.

  36. And than the emperour seyde, that he wolde no longer ben clept kyng ne emperour, but preest; and that he wolde have the name of the first preest, that went out of the chirche: and his name was John.

  37. The seconde ryvere is clept Nilus or Gyson: for it is alle weye trouble: and Gyson, in the langage of Ethiope, is to seye trouble: and in the langage of Egipt also.

  38. And theise currours ben clept chydydo, aftre here langage, that is to seye, a messagere.

  39. And thorgh that lond runnethe a gret ryvere, that is clept Thebe.

  40. From that kyngdom comen men, in returnynge, to another yle, that is clept Rybothe: and it is also under the grete Chane.

  41. But why he clept a churchyard Holy Land, that I learned not then, but after dinner.

  42. Why, that is what I clept them ere I knew them: and you withstood me.

  43. And the folk of that country are black, and more black than in the other part, and they be clept Moors.

  44. From Constantynoble he that will go by water goeth to an isle that is clept Sylo, and then to the isle of Patmos.

  45. And in the tomb of Saint John is nought but manna, that is clept angels' meat.

  46. And she was thus changed and transformed from a fair damsel in the likeness of a dragon by a goddess that was clept Diana.

  47. The priests of that temple have all their writings under the date of the fowl that is clept Phoenix; and there is none but one in all the world.

  48. Mandeville, who travelled in the fourteenth century, seems to have adopted the account of Odoricus when he says, "Beside the isle of Lemery is another that is clept Sumobor; and fast beside a great isle clept Java.

  49. But, why he clept a churchyard Holy Land, that I learned not then, but after dinner.

  50. Why that is what I clept them ere I knew them: and you withstood me.

  51. And in the tombe of Seynt John is noughte but manna, that is clept Aungeles mete.

  52. And so evere more sittiens, he is clept Prestre John.

  53. And then the emperour seyde, that he wolde no longer ben clept kyng ne emperour, but preest: and that he wolde have the name of the first preest, that wente out of the chirche; and his name was John.

  54. Toward the heed of that forest (he writes) is the cytee of Polombe, and above the cytee is a great mountayne, also clept Polombe.

  55. And in that chirche is a welle, in manere of a cisterne, that is clept Probatica Piscina, that hath 5 entreez.

  56. And therfore is that feld clept the Feld of God florysscht: for it was fulle of Roses.

  57. In the midst of the way there arose a woman of Ireland, that clept herself as a soothsayer.

  58. And he had made a conduyt under erthe, so that the 3 Welles, at his list, on scholde renne milk, another wyn, and another hony and that place he clept Paradys.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clept" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.