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Example sentences for "commonlie"

Lexicographically close words:
commonalty; commone; commoner; commoners; commonest; commonly; commonness; commonplace; commonplaceness; commonplaces
  1. This kind of inquisition was named commonlie Traile baston, which signifieth, Traile or draw the staffe.

  2. Furthermore Ranulph earle of Chester, after he was come from the holie land, began to build the castels of Chartleie and Beeston, and afterward he also builded the abbeie of Dieu Lencresse, commonlie called Delacresse of the white order.

  3. After this, came a great death amongst the people, being commonlie a neere companion to great famine and dearth.

  4. About the quindene of Easter, there was a parlement holden at London, at the which were assembled all the states of the realme in greater number than had beene commonlie seene.

  5. Hie preached commonlie at the kirk of Gaston,[341] and used much in the Barr.

  6. And in villages they are commonlie made churchwardens, sidemen, aleconners, now and then constables, and manie times injoie the name of hedboroughes.

  7. We in England divide our people commonlie into foure sorts, as gentlemen, citizens or burgesses, yeomen, .

  8. This sort of people have a certeine preheminence, and more estimation than labourers and the common sort of artificers, and commonlie live wealthilie, keepe good houses, and travell to get riches.

  9. This no doubt came to passe by the prouidence of God, though such accidents are commonlie imputed to casualtie or chance medlie.

  10. Augustine might not celebrate diuine seruice, she called thither commonlie the moonks of Christes church to say seruice before hir.

  11. About the same time there came ouer into England two cardinals, the one called Talirand being bishop of Alba (commonlie named the cardinall of Pierregort) and the other named Nicholas intituled cardinall of S.

  12. He was commonlie named when he came to ripe yeares prince Edward, & also surnamed the Blacke prince.

  13. Thus were the Romans, as commonlie in all their martiall affaires, so in this incounter verie fortunate, the happie issue of the conflict falling out on their side.

  14. Their rents are paid commonlie in dried seales and sea foule.

  15. The béere that is vsed at noble mens tables in their fixed and standing houses, is commonlie of a yeare old, or peraduenture of two yeares tunning or more, but this is not generall.

  16. One that findeth his game on the land, an other that putteth vp such foule as keepeth in the water: and of these this is commonlie most vsuall for the net or traine, the other for the hawke, as he dooth shew at large.

  17. As for wine, it is so plentifull and good cheape there most commonlie as in London, through the great recourse of merchants from France, Spaine, and Italie vnto the aforesaid Iland.

  18. Whether this was true that so he spake, as one that gaue too much credit to foolish prophesies & vaine tales, or whether it was fained, as in such cases it commonlie happeneth, we leaue it to the aduised reader to iudge.

  19. Gilbert Umfreuill earle of Angus (commonlie called earle of Kime) being then but fourtéene yeares of age, and this was the first time that the said earle spread his banner.

  20. Besides the diuerse noble exploits, and famous warlike enterprises atchiued by this valiant sonne of Mars, [Sidenote: He built Rochester bridge commonlie called Knols bridge.

  21. And here, for my pleasure I purpose a litle, by the way, to play and sporte with my Master Tully: from whom commonlie I am neuer wont to dissent.

  22. London should not be so full of lewd and rude rymes, as commonlie they are.

  23. I wishe as moch now, to haue yong men brought vp in good order of liuing, and in some more seuere discipline, then commonlie they be.

  24. Credine, and although it lie not properlie within the compasse of my description, yet I will not let to touch it by the waie, sith the causey thither from Denbighland, is commonlie ouerflowne.

  25. In champaine countries they are kept by herds, and an hogherd appointed to attend and wait vpon them, who commonlie gathereth them togither by his noise and crie, and leadeth them foorth to feed abroad in the fields.

  26. I haue in my description of waters, as occasion hath serued, intreated of the names of some of the seuerall fishes which are commonlie to bee found in our riuers.

  27. And that which is most to be merveled at, commonlie the wisest and also best men be found the fondest fathers in this behalfe.

  28. The fault is in your selves, ye noble mens sonnes, and therfore ye deserve the greater blame, that commonlie the meaner mens children cum to be the wisest councellours, and greatest doers, in the weightie affaires of this realme.

  29. But Ascham reproves parents for paying their masters so badly: “it is pitie, that commonlie more care is had, yea and that emonges verie wise men, to finde out rather a cunnynge man for their horse than a cunnyng man for their children.

  30. He vsed to helpe those that were vexed with the disease, commonlie called the kings euill, and left that vertue as it were a portion of inheritance vnto his successors the kings of this realme.

  31. While these words were in speaking, the protector accompanied with the duke of Buckingham, went through the people into the place where the doctors commonlie stand in the vpper storie, where he stood to hearken the sermon.

  32. And then see on the other side, what a sort there be commonlie therin of them, whom wilfull vnthriftinesse hath brought to naught.

  33. Young men, by any meanes, losing the love of learning, when by tyme they cum to their owne rule, they carie commonlie from the schole with them a perpetuall hatred of their master, and a continuall contempt of learning.

  34. This Leofrike is commonlie also by writers named earle of Chester.

  35. Insomuch that men commonlie report that seauen hundred nintie & seauen yeeres passed, it was by a heauenlie voice reuealed to Cadwalader last of king Britains, that his stocke & progenie should reigne in this land & beare dominion againe.

  36. Such rewards haue they commonlie that be in great authoritie with kings and princes.

  37. The empresse Maud mother to the king of England (a woman in stoutnesse of stomach and warlike attempts more famous than commonlie any of that sex) deceassed this yere the 10.

  38. But what insued herevpon euen by waie of chastisement, but that which commonlie lighteth vpon tumult-raisers; namelie, either losse of life, or at least restraint of libertie?

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commonlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.