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Example sentences for "contusion"

Lexicographically close words:
contumacy; contumelious; contumeliously; contumely; contused; contusions; contynually; contynue; contynued; conueie
  1. If the Sprain is very slight and moderate, a Plunging of the Part into cold Water is excellent; but if this is not done at once immediately after the Sprain, or if the Contusion is violent, it is even hurtful.

  2. This Contusion is caused by the violent Friction of the Bone against the neighbouring Parts; and as soon as the Bones are immediately returned into their proper Situation, the Disorder should be treated as a Contusion.

  3. He did find concussion and contusion of the brain, yet there was no evidence of that.

  4. There was also a severe contusion apparently made by a bludgeon on the forehead, as well as a lineal incision on the neck that had been made by some sharp instrument.

  5. Perkins, and argued that if it would not be possible to tell whether the victim died from concussion or contusion of the brain without a microscopical examination, it was a remarkable thing that no such examination had been made.

  6. Perkins next comes on the stand, and tells you that the man died of concussion or contusion of the brain.

  7. No man can tell how he was killed, whether the wounds caused death or whether he died from contusion or concussion of the brain.

  8. Moore says that he might have died and possibly would have died from concussion or contusion of the brain, but he does not dare say that he did die from it.

  9. In this charge Colonel Grimes' sword was severed by a ball, his clothing perforated in many places--a ball imbedded in his sword-belt and scabbard and he received a severe contusion on the foot.

  10. On the day after the fight at Bethel he wrote his wife: "I have to thank God for a great and decided victory, and that I escaped with a slight contusion on the knee.

  11. When there is a Contusion either in the {196} Pericranium, or in the Skull, the Wound must be kept open till after the Suppuration or Exfoliation.

  12. While I was there this morning, she was dressing a poor Land Transport Corps man, who had received a severe contusion on the head.

  13. He had received a terrible contusion on the head, and his black swollen eyes and blood-stained face rendered his appearance anything but prepossessing.

  14. The socket of the left (sic) arm was perfectly white and healthy, and the clavicle firmly united to the scapula, nor was there the least appearance of contusion or wound.

  15. The clavicle of the right shoulder was firmly united to the scapula, nor did there appear any contusion or indentation that evinced symptoms of any wound ever having been inflicted.

  16. The treatment would of course be simply that adapted to contusion or concussion.

  17. An old pensioner fell from a scaffolding, and sustained a severe contusion of the back.

  18. A contusion or bruise is a subcutaneous laceration, the skin above it being uninjured, as in the abdomen; or being damaged without a surface breach, as in a part overlying bone, and blood being effused.

  19. The stain following a contusion is most marked in the most dependent area.

  20. Influence of wind contusion on the central nervous system.

  21. About three years later, a shell burst near him and made a large contusion about the right eye, without hurting the globus.

  22. He told how the regiment had been bombarded for a time and how a shell burst near him; how he got a splinter in the buttock (of which the contusion was still visible); and how he had been thrown down by the windage of the shell.

  23. Ankyloses do not so much concern the trunk as the vertebral column itself; disc contusion produces disorders in standing and gait as well as pains and edema.

  24. A Moroccan of the Seventh Tirailleurs was thrown to the ground by the explosion very near him of a large calibre shell, lost consciousness, and woke up with a slight contusion of the right side of the head.

  25. Traumatic spondylitis follows the contusion after months and after a phase of neuralgia.

  26. He went to Villejuif, January 22, with the diagnosis of spinal contusion and hemiplegia.

  27. This infantryman later continually complained of pains in the opposite hip though there had never been a contusion there, nor anything felt there.

  28. The lesion may be a simple bruise, or it may be a severe contusion with swelling, edema, heat, and pain.

  29. If the bruise or contusion is not so severe, many cases are quickly cured by constant fomentation with hot water for from two to four hours.

  30. I see it has blood upon it, O'Reily, and this may explain the cut on your mouth, but how came that contusion on your temple?

  31. I received a contusion in the side, which, though at first painful, is doing as well as possible, and does not even prevent my going on with the usual duty of the ship.

  32. I am happy to acquaint you that we have providentially lost no man in the action; eight only wounded, all doing well; amongst which number is Mr. Mansell, from a contusion in his right shoulder by splinter.

  33. The iron plate at the end of the handspike had cut deep into the skull, and there was every appearance of a contusion of the brain.

  34. The small intestine may present evidence of lateral contusion in the shape of elongated ecchymoses, either parallel, oblique, or transverse to its long axis.

  35. A large proportion of the contusion and destruction is therefore explained by violent impact of the projected brain with the skull prior to the passage of the bullet, and not to the direct action of the bullet on the tissues.

  36. Instances of severe contusion or division of one nerve of the arm, for instance, accompanied by transient signs of concussion of varying degrees of severity in all the others, were by no means uncommon.

  37. The only injury sustained by the trooper was a contusion on the inner aspect of the elbow-joint, with slight signs of contusion of the ulnar nerve.

  38. Again, severe contusion or actual laceration of the nerves, with resulting anæsthesia, was less common than when the bullet directly implicated the nerves in transverse wounds.

  39. The hyperæsthesia gradually disappeared in a few days, and was clearly due to concussion and possibly slight contusion of the cervical nerve roots.

  40. The symptoms of contusion were somewhat less simple, since, in addition to lowering or loss of function, signs of irritation were often observed.

  41. This was a common sequence of contusion of the nerve itself, or of its subsequent inclusion in a cicatrix or callus.

  42. In the cases in which the contusion was not of extreme degree, hyperæsthesia often developed as a later sign, and was probably due to the irritation of hæmorrhage, when the sensory portion of the nerve began to regain functional capacity.

  43. In all such cases signs of concussion or contusion of the nerve would be expected, judging from the similar results observed in the brachial nerves when the neighbouring artery was implicated.

  44. Concussion and contusion of the nerve both occurred, but I was unable to differentiate between the effects of these on the nerve itself, apart from the effects on the globe of the eye, which usually accompanied wounds of the orbit.

  45. The degree of contusion was in fact slight, while the incised character was strongly marked.

  46. Although the pleura has not been opened, the lung may be lacerated either by the force of contusion or, as in a case recorded by Dr.

  47. In addition to the wound just named, he had received an extensive contusion of the right thigh by the fall of some heavy substance from the explosion which occurred at one A.

  48. Severe contusion of the bones of the cranium, followed by necrosis, and even fracture, with or without depression, may occur without an open wound of the superficial investments.

  49. The great force by which these wounds must be produced, and the general contusion of the surrounding structures, cause a large proportion sooner or later to prove fatal, notwithstanding the peritoneal cavity may have escaped.

  50. Of eight cases of contusion or fracture of the cranium, with displacement of both tables, recorded by Dr.

  51. Temporary paralysis from contusion of a nerve in the passage of a projectile is not unfrequent.

  52. He mentions a boy of twelve, who was run over by a wagon and suffered a contusion of the bones of the right leg.

  53. Rupture of the heart from contusion of the chest is not always instantly fatal.

  54. Contusion of the eyeball may cause dislocation of the lens into the anterior chamber, and several instances have been recorded.

  55. It is a well-known surgical fact that a major degree of shock accompanies a contusion of this portion of the body.

  56. Tiffany reports several interesting instances of sarcoma, one in a white female of nineteen following a contusion of tibia.

  57. Marshall had under his observation a case in which the femoral artery was ruptured by a cart wheel passing over the thigh, and death ensued although there were scarcely any external signs of contusion and positively no fracture.

  58. The contusion on his cheek was not particularly noticeable; it might be worse in the morning; his collar was a trifle crushed and his hair was awry; on the whole, he had come out of the fight very well.

  59. Little Willie Warner, our pretty cabin-boy, received a severe contusion of the head by a fall down the companionway, and had to go under medical treatment in consequence.

  60. This means the black and blue discoloration from the effects of the congestion or contusion of the blood.

  61. A severe contusion during life may present, at first, no mark or only a general redness.

  62. The Babu had certainly a much discoloured nose, the contusion having been caused no doubt by a splinter of wood thrown up by the shot.

  63. And I have a contusion of the nose," said the Babu lugubriously.

  64. Shortly afterwards his horse was killed under him, and he received a contusion in the fall.

  65. As depicted in figure 385, in the apex of the right pleural cavity there was a bruise or contusion or ecchmymosis of the parietal pleura as well as a bruise of the upper portion, the most apical portion of the right lung.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contusion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.