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Example sentences for "conversable"

Lexicographically close words:
converged; convergence; convergent; converges; converging; conversance; conversant; conversation; conversational; conversationalist
  1. But, seriously, I deserve your exception, for I am the only conversable being about the Hall, except the old priest and Rashleigh.

  2. I decided to put him into the insane hospital, where he now accordingly is, and to-morrow (by which time he may be in a more conversable mood) I mean to pay him a visit.

  3. I seldom meet with a man who puts himself more immediately on conversable terms than the Commodore.

  4. On the other hand, Miss Wilson was as affable and courteous as heart could wish, and though I was in no very conversable humour myself, the two ladies between them managed to keep up a pretty continuous fire of small talk.

  5. He was not a very conversable man, but so much we screwed out of him, with the added fact that the tuition of that school was no longer free.

  6. Kate was glad Basil was not too fond of books, for that scholars be not as conversable as agreeable husbands should be.

  7. Now to see if there is anyone conversable within these walls.

  8. He was of a conversable temper," so he says of himself, "and insatiably curious in the aspects of life, and spent much of his time scraping acquaintance with all classes of men and womenkind.

  9. They are always more conversable in the country than they are in town; or rather, we listen there to them with less distracted attention.

  10. Do not despise Nature or regard her as a steam-engine; you will find in her a very agreeable and conversable friend if you will cultivate her intimacy.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conversable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessible; approachable; candid; communicative; demonstrative; effusive; expansive; frank; free; newsy; open; outgoing; outspoken; sociable; talkative; unconstrained; unhampered; unreserved; unrestrained; unrestricted; unshrinking