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Example sentences for "conversationalist"

Lexicographically close words:
conversable; conversance; conversant; conversation; conversational; conversationalists; conversationally; conversations; conversazione; converse
  1. On leaving this charming conversationalist I went to the theatre and then to the faro-table, where I saw the masquer who had won three hundred sequins the evening before.

  2. It may safely be said that as a conversationalist he was unequalled.

  3. Johnson then was not only a great writer, a conversationalist so unique that his sayings have passed more into current speech than those of any other Englishman, but he was also a great moralist--a superb inspiration to a better life.

  4. She had a reputation as a brilliant conversationalist to uphold.

  5. Esmé was the first conversationalist in England to discover that fact, and so he won his present unrivalled position, and has known how to keep it.

  6. She was a fine conversationalist and interested us much.

  7. Harte is as fine a conversationalist as I ever knew.

  8. In Macaulay, a conversationalist more rapid than himself, Carlyle found a rival rather than a companion; but his prejudiced view of physical science was forgotten in his personal affection for Tyndall and in their congenial politics.

  9. It is the business of any supposedly good conversationalist to discern when and why one must give one's companion over to soliloquy, and when and why one must not do so.

  10. A conversationalist whose argument is wholly fallacious will often, by exercise of verbal adroitness, dispose of an objection which is really fatal.

  11. He has grown so habitual in his interrupting that he rattles on unconscious of the disgust he is producing in the mind of any well-bred, discriminating conversationalist who hears him.

  12. The cultivated conversationalist who talks gossip in its intellectual form does not indulge in oblique hints and insinuations.

  13. Without intelligent listeners, the best talker is at sea; and any good conversationalist is defeated when he is the only member of a crowd of interrupters who scream each other down.

  14. You can not hope to become a pleasing conversationalist until you own and use a good dictionary.

  15. Self-restraint must be developed before one can hope to be either a good conversationalist or a social success.

  16. At length the conversationalist descended to expostulation.

  17. As might be expected, the conversationalist was completely nonplussed.

  18. If his listener spends his spare time investigating Guernsey cattle or agitating social reforms, the discriminating conversationalist shapes his remarks accordingly.

  19. The charming conversationalist is prepared to talk in terms of his listener's interest.

  20. I've forgotten about it," answered the brilliant conversationalist sullenly.

  21. The brilliant conversationalist burst into the room breezily, confidently.

  22. Don't it beat all how time flits by, as it were, when you meet a good conversationalist and get started on various topics!

  23. It was said that she was a good conversationalist and would talk in low, eager tones to them whose fingers she tooled.

  24. Therefore, to be a good conversationalist you must be spontaneous, buoyant, natural, sympathetic, and must show a spirit of good will.

  25. It is a rare thing to find a polished conversationalist to-day.

  26. There is no other way, however, to become an orator or a good conversationalist than by constantly trying to express oneself efficiently and elegantly.

  27. People thought her an interesting conversationalist because she had this ability to call out the best in others.

  28. No one can make a good conversationalist who is not sympathetic.

  29. The conversationalist called his partner for a short run, and when that unfortunate gentleman had sprinted some twenty yards, reconsidered the matter and sent him back.

  30. It induced them to bowl with the sole object of getting the conversationalist at the batting end, thus enabling the professional to pile up an unassuming but rapidly increasing score by means of threes and singles.

  31. There is a story of Macaulay and some other great conversationalist getting into the swing at breakfast when staying, I think, with Lord Lansdowne.

  32. I was myself an ardent conversationalist in early years, and, with the charming omniscience of youth, fancied that my opinion was far better worth having than the opinions of Dons encrusted with pedantry and prejudice.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conversationalist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chatterbox; conversationalist; speaker; talker