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Example sentences for "conversazione"

Lexicographically close words:
conversational; conversationalist; conversationalists; conversationally; conversations; converse; conversed; conversely; converser; converses
  1. Martini had been quite right in saying that the conversazione would be both crowded and dull.

  2. The conversazione will be dull beyond endurance.

  3. Now Preece, Lord of Lightning, had wrought with a cord of metal that they who were at the conversazione might hear the shouting from the Post Offices.

  4. And the word of Baines and of them that were with him went forth that the Jubilee should be kept by a conversazione at the South Kensington Museum on Wednesday the second day of the month July in the year 1890.

  5. Selina was uneasy as it was, over this conversazione business of Maud's, and if the truth be told, always winced at her relatives, the Bruces.

  6. Though Tommy measured suddenly against the requirements of a conversazione did seem very young, still his absence would leave them short.

  7. Wouldn't it be a conversazione just the same?

  8. The subject of the Santa Conversazione should not be left without a brief reference to other Venetians, who added to the popularity of this charming style of picture.

  9. Perhaps it was these traits which made the Santa Conversazione a favorite composition with him.

  10. The snobbishness of Conversazione Snobs is very soon disposed of: as soon as that cup of washy bohea is handed to you in the tea-room; or the muddy remnant of ice that you grasp in the suffocating scuffle of the assembly upstairs.

  11. To make the letter heavier, I enclose you the Cardinal Legate's (our Campeius) circular for his conversazione this evening.

  12. In honour of this election a conversazione was held, to which a number of distinguished guests were invited.

  13. At one such conversazione Mr. Stacy Marks exhibited his famous "Gargoyle" before it went to the Royal Academy.

  14. I am going to take her to the Conversazione of the Royal Society on Wednesday next, as Ethel is going to stay behind for her political work.

  15. He was, however, well enough to attend the Conversazione at the Royal Society, and showed some experiments on rabbits and rats which bore on questions of acquired characters.

  16. I did not intend going to her conversazione next week, but as she has sent me a card I suppose she wants to see me.

  17. The Countess of Broadhem requests the pleasure of Lord Frank Vanecourt's company at a conversazione on Thursday the 22d, at nine o'clock.

  18. My mother has, I suppose, given her usual conversazione at the end of the season.

  19. In my undergraduate days we used to speak with bated breath of the 'Apostles'--the accepted nickname for what was officially called the Cambridge Conversazione Society.

  20. You will hear it said at a ladies' working party, "What a shame of the Catholics to take our conversazione night for their concert!

  21. I was its guest at a conversazione on the Wednesday following the Saturday supper-party.

  22. Among other attractions the gallery possesses a portrait by Antonello, a Santa Conversazione by Paris Bordone, a battle scene by Tintoretto, a portrait by Titian, and a doubtful Giovanni Bellini, attributed by Mr Berenson to Catena.

  23. The chief attraction of this room is, however, 147, a magnificent Sacra Conversazione by Palma Vecchio.

  24. Seventh Anniversary and Conversazione of Young Men’s Institute at Town Hall; Sir E.

  25. Conversazione at the Public Library, many objects of interest exhibited.

  26. In 1829 the Society erected the galleries in New Street, now occupied by the Royal Society of Artists, and in this year the first conversazione of the Society of Arts took place.

  27. If we regarded the conversazione as somewhat of an ordeal, we all thoroughly enjoyed the breaking-up party which took place on the last day before the holidays.

  28. But a conversazione would give play to no sensual propensity, nor occasion that intolerable expense which the gratification of sensual propensities too often produces.

  29. Then four times during the two hours' period of her conversazione tea and cake were to be handed round on salvers.

  30. I go with you to this conversazione to-night," she said.

  31. His encounter with Pauline Marrabel at the conversazione had given him the keenest pleasure.

  32. The conversazione was held in the Chapel school-room.

  33. This conversazione had been delayed for some months, as Miss MacFie had been forced to remain behind at Barton Bridge in order to recover from a particularly severe chill, and also to arrange for the letting of the house.

  34. For reasons of economy the presentation was to be made on the same occasion as the conversazione inaugurating the pastorate of Mr. MacFie.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conversazione" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.