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Example sentences for "communicative"

Lexicographically close words:
communicateth; communicating; communicatio; communication; communications; communicativeness; communicator; communicators; communing; communings
  1. I regard these and such like stories, especially the last one, with suspicion (is it probable that the reticent artist was communicative on so delicate a subject, and with Gutmann, his pupil and a much younger man?

  2. Saw old Fortune and the man Twyning and found them in regard to Sabre about as genial and communicative as a maiden aunt over a married sister's new dress.

  3. Everybody was cordial and communicative to everybody.

  4. No wild beast more to be dreaded than a communicative man having nothing to communicate.

  5. There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a communicative man having nothing to communicate.

  6. A fule's errand, I fear,' answered this communicative personage.

  7. He was of an open communicative disposition, and was beloved in spite of his ugliness and turbulence; for his ugliness was radiant with intellect, and his turbulence was calmed and repented of at the least caress of his mother.

  8. One or two enterprising persons speedily discovered that the colonel was not in a communicative mood, so every one retired to his favorite saloon, and bet according to his own opinion of the colonel's motives and actions.

  9. He looked up at her with a communicative smile.

  10. Regarding his English visitor merely as a literary man, or professing to do so, Friar Joseph, himself well educated, seemed to enjoy his company, and was unreservedly communicative on every subject not pertaining to his own vocation.

  11. It cannot be thought that now, in the height of its exultation, daring and aggression, this congregation has fewer emissaries, or that they are less active, or less communicative than they were at that time.

  12. He was always more communicative at such times, and ready to tell all that he had learned during the day.

  13. Though her young mistress had long since ceased to be a communicative child, the shrewd attendant could guess what was passing through her thoughts.

  14. It was upon the strength of this knowledge that the ex-guardsman was so communicative about his financial affairs.

  15. The same,” returned the good-natured and communicative Brother.

  16. I understand,” interrupted the physician, with some degree of impatience, as if he were afraid that his housekeeper was about to be more communicative than was necessary in the presence of the stranger.

  17. When sundry details of business had been disposed of, the old Jew grew very communicative about his occupation.

  18. It was soon evident that the Lesbian wine had strength as well as flavour, for the two brigands became very communicative as the flask grew lighter.

  19. He was more communicative with his sister, I suppose?

  20. After a little hesitation, this father, who before I left him was so communicative as to tell me he was a Spaniard, made a sign to me to follow him.

  21. Rectory, Willingham, by Grantham; the address being part of the information she had extracted from the communicative peasant who rode before her to Stamford.

  22. While the coachman again bridled his lean cattle, which had been indulged with a bite of musty hay, the Duke cautioned Jeanie not to be too communicative to her landlady concerning what had passed.

  23. At Stamford our heroine was deposited in safety by her communicative guide.

  24. I suppose she will tell you, though she has not been communicative to me in regard to your royal highness.

  25. The rest of the dinner passed away in silence, and Sir Magnus hardly became cordial and communicative with M.

  26. Indeed, Tom had been very communicative to this gentleman, and made him acquainted with the whole history of Sir Launcelot Greaves, as well as with the whimsical resolution of his uncle, Captain Crowe.

  27. It was by this communicative lacquey the people of the house were informed that the old gentleman his master was Squire Darnel, the young lady his niece and ward, and our adventurer a needy sharper who wanted to make a prey of her fortune.

  28. Among many other 'knowing and communicative friends' the Editor would especially dwell on his indebtedness to Mr. F.

  29. Old Thomas Fuller, on sitting down to write a detailed account of Wales, which he had never seen, genially remarked that 'it matters not how meanly skilled a writer is so long as he hath knowing and communicative friends.

  30. Young lady, I am disposed to be gregarious and communicative to-night.

  31. IN a most unwonted flow of animal spirits, and an entire affability which restored him at once to the rank of a communicative creature, General Tracy came back on Friday night.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "communicative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessible; advisory; affable; amiable; approachable; candid; chatty; civil; colloquial; communicative; companionable; compatible; congenial; conversational; courteous; cozy; demonstrative; educational; effusive; enlightening; expansive; flip; fluent; forthcoming; frank; free; friendly; garrulous; gassy; genial; glib; gregarious; hospitable; informative; instructive; interlocutory; loquacious; monitory; newsy; open; outgoing; outspoken; prolix; responsive; smooth; sociable; social; talkative; talky; unconstrained; unhampered; unreserved; unrestrained; unrestricted; unshrinking; urbane; verbose; voluble; windy