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Example sentences for "enlightening"

Lexicographically close words:
enlever; enlighten; enlightened; enlightener; enlighteneth; enlightenment; enlightens; enlightned; enlist; enlisted
  1. De Bussiere, full of hope against all human hope, allowed no opportunity to escape of enlightening his young friend; but not one consoling response could he obtain, M.

  2. In spite of this positive refusal, she let no occasion pass without enlightening him, were it ever so little, upon some of the truths of religion.

  3. Stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp and the camp of Israel: and it was a dark cloud, and enlightening the night, so that they could not come at one another all the night.

  4. A dark cloud, and enlightening the night.

  5. Anthony," were most effective in rousing general thought on the vital principles of republican government, and did much toward enlightening the possible jury in the coming trial.

  6. Judge thou between Us and them that have wronged Us without proof and without an enlightening Book.

  7. This people are assiduously occupied in enlightening the souls of men and in rehabilitating their condition.

  8. He, himself, wrote many nice Hebrew articles, with the object of enlightening his co-religionists, though his own mind was yet surrounded by darkness.

  9. It was the dawn of a glorious day to our souls, the light of which increased more and more, enlightening our minds, warming our hearts, and even then bestowing upon us unspeakable consolation.

  10. While I was examining the mug an elderly gentleman came in from the back room and the following enlightening conversation ensued: Moderato: Good afternoon.

  11. The antidote is merely enlightening the people.

  12. In leading up to what the Protocols have to say about the selection and control of Presidents, it will be enlightening to take the views which these documents express about other phases of politics.

  13. With an enlightening smile he in time replied--"This for Charlie.

  14. The talk between him and his hostess had been enlightening to both of them.

  15. The latter class had received the grace of God, the regenerating, enlightening power of the Holy Spirit, which renders His word a lamp to the feet and a light to the path.

  16. The ministry of the divine Spirit in enlightening the understanding and opening to the mind the deep things of God’s holy word, was the blessing which Paul thus besought for the Ephesian church.

  17. Furthermore, as Virginia developed few urban communities there were not sufficient persons of color in any one place to coöperate in enlightening themselves even as much as public sentiment allowed.

  18. His plan of enlightening the blacks did not include literary instruction.

  19. The editor felt that there was not a solitary argument that might be urged in favor of teaching a white man that might not as properly be urged in favor of enlightening a man of color.

  20. The friends of the colored people in Pennsylvania were among the first to direct the attention of the State to the duty of enlightening the blacks as well as the whites.

  21. Long active in the cause of elevating the colored people, the influence of the revolutionary movement was hardly necessary to arouse the Catholics to discharge their duty of enlightening the blacks.

  22. As the Quakers believed in the freedom of the will, human brotherhood, and equality before God, they did not, like the Puritans, find difficulties in solving the problem of enlightening the Negroes.

  23. The fact that some of the Negroes were able and willing to share the responsibility of enlightening their people caused a larger number of philanthropists to come to the rescue of those who had to depend on charity.

  24. After this period the work of enlightening the blacks in the southern and border States was largely confined to a few towns and cities where the concentration of the colored population continued.

  25. I wonder," answered my friend, "what conclusions are to be drawn from this enlightening conversation.

  26. Sometimes he would take out his note-book and make believe he was respectfully taking notes on some especially happy passages from these enlightening conversations.

  27. That educational and enlightening process is only effected by a long course of newspaper reading.

  28. That craving is not for philosophical works alone; it extends to and embraces every form of literature of an instructive or enlightening character.

  29. This information was gratifying in the extreme, and all seemed to think that there was a chance of enlightening these benighted people.

  30. Miss Freeman, for the purpose of enlightening them as to the playful deception that had been practised on the previous evening, which Mrs. B.

  31. Those friends of man and their country who were the earliest to combine in schemes for enlightening the people, and who continue to prosecute the object on the most liberal and comprehensive principle, have to acknowledge surmises like these.

  32. The objection against enlightening the lower classes appears so remarkably absurd as viewed in this direction, that it might tempt us to suspect a motive not avowed.

  33. He gives war the credit of causing the scientific knowledge of the state to cast deeper roots, and of enlightening individuals in the most forcible way, that they are parts of one great whole.

  34. The idea of wealth cannot absorb everything when there is question of judging and enlightening men.

  35. Of the achievements of Phillips in the way of science (for he assures he is born to the high destiny of enlightening both barbarians and civilized nations) I take the liberty, with his permission, of mentioning one.

  36. It would be useful, and might subserve the cause of civilization, were the Jews of Europe to take some means of enlightening their brethren of North Africa on the question of slavery.

  37. Defn: The act or process of enlightening again.

  38. Lucia might recommend doing nothing at all, and wish to continue enlightening studies as if nothing had happened.

  39. They are reforming and consolidating public opinion, dispelling the mists of error, inspiring the hearts of the timid, enlightening the eyes of the blind, and disturbing the slumbers of the guilty.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enlightening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advisory; coeducational; communicative; critical; cultural; demonstrative; didactic; disciplinary; edification; edifying; editorial; educational; enlightening; explanatory; hortatory; illuminating; illustrative; informative; initiatory; instructive; introductory; lecturing; lightening; lighting; monitory; preceptive; rationalistic; teaching