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Example sentences for "cookie"

Lexicographically close words:
cookee; cooker; cookers; cookery; cookhouse; cookies; cookin; cooking; cookmaid; cooks
  1. Penrod drew breath more freely, and accepted the warm cookie Mrs. Williams brought him.

  2. He broke off a piece of the cookie and held it in his claw while he ate it; and seeing his success Twinkle followed his example, and after a few attempts found she could eat very comfortably in that way.

  3. So Twinkle flew up and crept into her basket again, quickly returning with a bit of cookie in her claw.

  4. Pit that cookie back on the plate, Jeanie!

  5. So here's a good luck and health to Cookie Jim!

  6. Well, well," Cookie said, shaking his head as though grieved.

  7. Of course, that unhappy notion was no longer a possibility--not after the scene which took place in Mr. Kennedy's office several hours after Sandy and Cookie and Sam had gone below to break the news to Jerry James.

  8. He recalled, with dread, what Cookie had been telling them only moments before about the killing cold of the lake water.

  9. Turning around, Sandy saw one of the seamen who had helped pull Cookie out of the water.

  10. Why, look what he said to you after you rescued poor old Cookie from drowning!

  11. As it was, he knew his face must have given him away, for Cookie had quickly flashed him a warning look, before he began backing away, still mouthing insults.

  12. Sandy did, indeed, and the eyes of both of them went wide with wonder at the sight of the breakfast Cookie had set up for them on a tiny table at the end of his gleaming, spotless, aluminum galley.

  13. Cookie removed his pipe from his mouth and pointed with the stem at the boat that trailed the James Kennedy about a half mile to port.

  14. When this was done, Cookie opened a cupboard and took out a bucket and mop together with a long-handled, T-shaped instrument that looked something like a window washer's rubber blade.

  15. Cookie returned their stare with a toothless grin.

  16. He said you did," Cookie rushed on eagerly.

  17. He sent Sandy back to Cookie and Jerry with the promise that if the two youths worked well enough in the galley, he would bring them topside for the return trip.

  18. Cookie stood a little aside, staring out of frightened eyes as the door jumped under the captain's powerful, bludgeoning blows.

  19. Aye, aye, sir," Cookie said, bobbing his bald head and grinning.

  20. To the great relief of both Jerry and Sandy, Cookie instantly forgot his question and turned to covering his grill with sizzling slices of bacon and gently popping eggs.

  21. Well, Cookie took the job, an' the tender tried to land him here.

  22. The boat was swung out an' Cookie was told to get in.

  23. So, instead of hazin' him for showin' the white feather so often, I praised Cookie for having made so brave a landin' on such an awful day.

  24. If the sea gets much higher, Cookie won't have to stir the plum duff at all!

  25. Drop from teaspoon on greased cookie sheet, spacing about 1 inch apart.

  26. Dear old Cookie who scolded and complained unceasingly, but who loved the entire school with a love which took the substantial form of delicious cakes, and buns, and jellies.

  27. And Leonie smiled, answering with the superb confidence of youth, and a slight ray of hope pierced the suffocating fog of fear, and brought Cookie from the head of the bed where she had been standing in the shade of a screen.

  28. Cookie Wilson gasped, his the sole audible comment upon an entirely novel situation.

  29. Unruffled by Packard's presence he said casually: "Cookie mos' usually has the hell of a head after a night like las' night.

  30. At any rate Cookie was swelling with eager conjecture and Blenham was in an evil mood.

  31. I am willing to bet a cookie that when I was doing my observing in comfort on the dry bank the thoughts of the man sloshing around in the ditch were much like those expressed above.

  32. Though he didn't say so, I am willing to bet a cookie that they all had a smile like Clementine's.

  33. Roll out very thin on floured board; cut with cookie cutter; sprinkle with sugar; put a raisin or a piece of walnut in the center of each.

  34. Roll out thin on slightly floured board and cut with cookie cutter.

  35. Roll out 1/4-inch thick on floured board; cut with cookie cutter.

  36. And please, Susan, may I have a cookie for Dick?

  37. How it happened no one seemed to know, but perhaps in eating his cookie Arnold struck the Captain with his elbow.

  38. Finally, Dick heard the cookie calling for Barrows to come out a moment, and Barrows obeyed the summons.

  39. Suddenly the cookie darted away, and Barrows re-entered the cabin and stood leaning against the door.

  40. He shifted from one foot to the other and absently ate a warm cookie from the jarful at his hand.

  41. Araminta gave him a cookie and advised him to go down by the brook.

  42. I'll bet a cookie I know what he's found.

  43. He opened his eyes as wide as he could make them go, tried to take another bite of cookie and made one last desperate effort to smile.

  44. Just as good as new, except for a little hole that I'm willing to bet a cookie your mother can mend for you.

  45. Sunny, seated before a bowl of bread and milk, held a cookie in his hand and wondered what was the matter with the hanging lamp with the pretty red shade.

  46. At this it frequently happened that the prosperous boy threw away his cookie from sheer disgust, whereupon I would be mean enough to pick it up and to eat it in triumph, calling him something equivalent to "Sissy.

  47. When they're all right Cookie an' the hoss-wranglers will have to hold 'em during the night while we do the rest.

  48. Now, what was it Cookie said for us to bring him?

  49. So we went into the galley together, and there was cookie busy amongst his pots and pans.

  50. I've always wanted to enter on the arms of a handsome cookie manufacturer.

  51. The incursion, however, had its effects, and the better inclined near the frontier have since come forward, and been enrolled as the Cookie levy.

  52. Unorthodox she might be, the former whore, witch, and child deserter with her cookie stained hands, but she was not a propitiatory type.

  53. She thought of the feel of her grandmotherĀOs pantyhose when sitting in her lap and the appearance of that ceramic cookie jar in the form of a piggy with a chipped ear and a vest.

  54. Beginning with Flossie, then handing one to Freddie, next passing a cookie to Bert and helping herself last, as was polite, Nan gave out the cookies.

  55. And, now she isn't coming, he thinks he can have a cookie whenever he wants it.

  56. Mrs. Alder gave her a cookie for her pay, and said she had done very well.

  57. The woman laughed, as she took out a cream cake, a cookie with nuts on it, and a doughnut.

  58. She put two thick slices of bread and a big cookie on each plate.

  59. Thanks," said Clematis, eating the cookie as she went out.

  60. Every slice of bread and every cookie was in place.

  61. The bosun and I had stepped in to wet our whistles, and, looking out of the open door, I was astounded to perceive our truant cookie pass by.

  62. Certainly he was playing a part aboard here, for when I ran across him yesterday morning, in Frisco, he was anything but the cookie of a wind-jammer, and his English showed a remarkable improvement.

  63. Our missing cookie appeared upon the passenger list of neither vessel, but we concluded that he had taken steerage passage for Yokohama.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cookie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.