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Example sentences for "cryptogamic"

Lexicographically close words:
cryolite; crypt; cryptic; cryptocrystalline; cryptogam; cryptogamous; cryptogram; cryptograph; cryptographic; cryptography
  1. In 1857 he published his "Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany.

  2. Their affinities and analogies to other cryptogamic families, and to the Phanerogamia.

  3. Some of the cryptogamic plants form considerable articles of commerce, particularly as food plants, affording gelatinous and amylaceous matter, and being useful in medicine and the arts.

  4. Thwaites, who was born in 1811, established a reputation in this country as an expert microscopist, and an acute observer, working especially at cryptogamic botany.

  5. It prevails principally during epidemics of diphtheria or of scarlet fever, and may be of cryptogamic origin.

  6. This cryptogamic growth is developed in the proliferated cells of epithelium.

  7. The cryptogamic plants, which reached their maximum in the Primary epoch, become now less numerous, while the Conifers experienced a certain extension.

  8. They resembled both mosses and lycopods, which are flowerless cryptogamic plants of a low organisation.

  9. There can be no doubt that these beds owe a considerable portion of the substances of which they consist to grasses, small branching shrubs, and cryptogamic plants.

  10. The oldest transition strata, as we have already observed, contain merely cellular marine plants, and it is only in the devonian system that a few cryptogamic forms of vascular plants (Calamites and Lycopodiaceae) have been observed.

  11. One characteristic of cryptogamic vegetation is important for its bearing on the work of the fourth day.

  12. In 1857 the Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany appeared, which remained for many years the standard work on the subject.

  13. Griffith was specially interested in the study of Cryptogamic plants.

  14. Thus up to 1820 his chief successes lay in the sphere of Cryptogamic Botany.

  15. The whole line of work brings vividly before us how cryptogamic the Cryptogams were at this period.

  16. The Mesozoic period, as a whole, is characterised by the prevalence of the Cryptogamic group of the Ferns, and the Gymnospermic groups of the Conifers and the Cycads.

  17. The group of Cryptogamic plants generally known as "Club-mosses.

  18. The order of Cryptogamic plants comprising the Ferns.

  19. These plants are the sole cryptogamic ones known to sleep.

  20. A large plant of this species--the only Cryptogamic plant known to sleep--with some leaves pinned open, was exposed for 1 h.

  21. The seeds of the Pteridosperms, unlike those of the Lycopod stock, have not yet been found in statu nascendi--in all known cases they were already highly developed organs and far removed from the cryptogamic sporangium.

  22. Here, then, we have seeds arising casually, as it were, at different points among plants which otherwise retain all the characters of their cryptogamic fellows; the seed is not yet a morphological character of importance.

  23. As a matter of fact all the three great Cryptogamic classes have found champions to maintain their claim to the ancestry of the Seed-plants, and in every case fossil evidence was called in.

  24. The whole Order is relatively primitive, as shown most strikingly in its cryptogamic mode of fertilisation, by means of spermatozoids, which it shares with the maidenhair tree alone, among recent seed-plants.

  25. It has, however, been held that certain other Cryptogamic phyla had a common origin with the Ferns.

  26. He acquired an enthusiastic love of cryptogamic botany in his early years, and soon was recognized as the leading British authority on fungi and plant pathology.

  27. In New Zealand, before the introduction of the potato, the roots of the fern were largely consumed; at the present time, I believe, Tierra del Fuego is the only country in the world where a cryptogamic plant affords a staple article of food.

  28. After this fact one need not be surprised at the diffusion of the far lighter and smaller sporules of cryptogamic plants.

  29. This opened up a new field of research, and led the way in the study of Cryptogamic reproduction, which has since been much advanced by the labours of numerous botanical inquiries.

  30. It was farther augmented by him, and reprinted in 1696, together with a description of the Cryptogamic plants, which had hitherto received little attention.

  31. But it is a curious phenomenon in the old-book trade, that rarities do not always remain rare; volumes seeming to multiply through some cryptogamic process, when we know perfectly that no additional copies are printed and thrown off.

  32. You can also see cryptogamic crust: a dark brown or black crusty layer on the soil, it is actually a very delicate plant community.

  33. Lichens are a lot tougher than the cryptogamic crust, but it seems a shame to walk on them.

  34. The cryptogamic soil is a combination of algae, fungi, lichens, and other odd plants, all dependent upon each other for some factor necessary to their lives.

  35. The vine is as free from the attacks of fungi as the Concord but the fruit is a little more susceptible to cryptogamic diseases and especially to black-rot, though not attacked by fungi so much as Niagara.

  36. Besides its susceptibility to cryptogamic diseases the variety is fastidious as to soils and even in localities to which it seems adapted it is variable in growth.

  37. It is very resistant to cryptogamic diseases, mildew, black-rot and anthracnose, and is a strong, vigorous grower.

  38. The diseases to which the Rose is liable are generally owing either to the presence of various Cryptogamic plants, or to the attacks of certain insects whose larvæ are supported at the expense of the plant.

  39. Among Cryptogamic parasites which have been observed upon rose-bushes, and which infest chiefly the Provence and other rough-leaved roses, the following are the most troublesome: Rust.

  40. Is it not so with Cryptogamic plants; have not most of the species wide ranges, in those genera which are mundane?

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cryptogamic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.