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Example sentences for "dampening"

Lexicographically close words:
damozel; damp; damped; dampen; dampened; damper; dampers; dampest; damping; dampish
  1. There was heavy rain in the highlands and an ominous sound in the dampening air.

  2. Other procedures effect the dissociation of the caffein-acid salt by dampening or immersion in a liquid and subjecting the mass to the action of an electric current.

  3. Was that candle of the Lord afterward put out amid the dampening and unfriendly influences of a long political life?

  4. The disastrous quality of their last adventure had had a dampening effect on the girls' enthusiasm for this form of entertainment, and for the present they preferred the safety of the ranch to the lure of the great unknown, as it were.

  5. All right," said Betty, with a lack of enthusiasm that fell with a dampening effect upon Mollie's ears.

  6. I had not thought it best to risk dampening Captain Tancred's enthusiasm by confessing that I thought it was a good ten-to-one against my man's turning up at the rendezvous.

  7. This paper can be used only for dry printing, where it does not require any dampening at all.

  8. Paper presses are needed both to obtain a uniform dampening of the paper as also to restore the proper flatness to the printed paper.

  9. Much depends on the dampening of the paper, on its make, and chiefly on the manner of sizing it.

  10. In the first inking-in there should be very little pressure with the sponge or wet cloth when dampening it, as the lightest parts of the design are easily rubbed away before they have taken color.

  11. Dampening is done chiefly to soften the paper, and the qualities of the paper dictate the amount necessary to a large extent.

  12. Soft color spreads more readily under pressure, but is removable after each impression by merely dampening the plate.

  13. In general, the rule holds good that the degree of dampening must be in proportion to the firmness of the varnish, and that a softer varnish permits increased dampening.

  14. Therefore it is well to hold the paper to the light before dampening or printing and to remove any apparent defect of magnitude with a little knife.

  15. Perhaps you had better run up here again, as there's no telling what joyous upheaval I may accomplish when out from under Sandy's dampening influence.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dampening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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