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Example sentences for "disproof"

Lexicographically close words:
dispossession; disposure; dispraise; dispraised; dispread; disproportion; disproportionably; disproportionate; disproportionately; disproportioned
  1. If necessary ideas find no illustration in sense, he deems the fact an argument against the importance and validity of sensation, not in the least a disproof of his ideal knowledge.

  2. If, therefore, his attempt to disprove this theory fails, his proof that we cannot know any external objects also fails; and I think it is easy to see that his disproof does fail.

  3. This is certainly possible, in the same sense in which it is possible that I do not really know any external facts: no conclusive disproof can be brought against either position.

  4. The disproof of Darwinism on the basis of scientific research is an accomplished fact.

  5. Immediately after, however, the adversaries of Darwinism are asked in all seriousness to produce individual facts in disproof of the theory.

  6. Nevertheless, so far from saying that the lack of personal pronouns is a proof of the "impersonality" of the Japanese, I think we may fairly use it as a disproof of the proposition.

  7. The only adequate disproof of the position here maintained would be about as follows.

  8. The disproof of this and of Freudianism are equally impossible.

  9. At all events, the difference of title in the case of a work having probably more names than one, is of no weight in disproof of identity.

  10. The pretended "logic" can be good for very little, which comes out with so suicidal an achievement as the disproof of first truths.

  11. It is the Jewish Press which has so signally failed to bring forward disproof either by fact or argument.

  12. To this, of course, strong Jewish objection is made, though no strong disproof can be made.

  13. Sadler's Law of Population, and disproof of Human Superfecundity;' containing also Additional Proofs of the Principle enunciated in that Treatise, founded on the Censuses of different Countries recently published.

  14. The Law of Population; a Treatise in Six Books, in Disproof of the Superfecundity of Human Beings, and developing the real Principle of their Increase".

  15. I have already previously pointed out that the above-mentioned facts of heredity contain the disproof of Minot’s theory, inasmuch as the egg-cell transmits male as well as female characters.

  16. I do not therefore place too much dependence upon the geological facts by themselves, as a disproof of the self-variability of Nägeli’s idioplasm; for it must be admitted that the facts are not sufficiently complete for this purpose.

  17. In all the arguments adduced by the advocates of special creation in disproof of Darwin's hypotheses, these variations have been tacitly admitted to arise by evolution.

  18. The instances of correlation are innumerable; and every one of them is a disproof of the doctrine of compensation of growth.

  19. For the general and decisive disproof of these assertions it is necessary only to follow Messrs.

  20. Personal identity, therefore, is full disproof of the theory.

  21. The evidence in favor of an affirmative answer to this question appears to me to be so strong that I think the onus of disproof rests with the sceptics.

  22. In a region where disproof and proof are equally impossible this element of capricious control is suspicious.

  23. Knight's experience was a complete disproof of the assumption that love always comes by glances of the eye and sympathetic touches of the fingers: that, like flame, it makes itself palpable at the moment of generation.

  24. Such casual changes can be proved by observations such as those upon the evening-primrose, but it is obvious that a disproof can never be given.

  25. The matter is capable of disproof however, and such disproof seems to be afforded by the direct evidence of the present condition of the alpine varieties at large, and by many other similar cases.

  26. For this reason I have chosen another species of clover to be able to give proof or disproof of the assertion quoted.

  27. We need not labor any disproof of the truth or authority of this doctrine as the Pharisees held it, because, admitting that they had the record of a revelation from God, this doctrine was not a part of it.

  28. Our present lack of recollection of past lives is no disproof of their actuality.

  29. A faith supported by many classes of independent arguments is not overthrown by the disproof of one of those classes.

  30. In the present case the weight of disproof is small.

  31. Disproof of one statement is never proof of another.

  32. The supreme examples of genius have indeed been furnished by men; but this is no disproof of the opinion, that the average height and quickness of feminine mentality are above the masculine average.

  33. It is no disproof of the need of the great virtues to serve as the basis of a true and enduring friendship.

  34. We must note here, however, in disproof of that jealousy of contemporaries which has been laid to his charge, the following generous estimate of those who were his collaborateurs in some respects, his rivals in others.

  35. Disproof the most convincing is to be found in the fact that the distinguishing characteristic of the pedagogue in the novel was his resemblance to Horace’s plagosus Orbilius—the flogging Orbilius.

  36. And there is no disproof of this, as far as I see, in the account of even the first sacrifice of all.

  37. It will be well to conclude our examination of Weismann’s system by stating exactly the effect produced on his theory of evolution by the foregoing disproof of its fundamental postulate—the absolute stability of germ-plasm.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disproof" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abjuration; abrogation; annulment; contradiction; crossing; denial; disavowal; disclaimer; disproof; explosion; expose; exposure; invalidation; negation; nullification; recantation; refutation; renunciation; repudiation; retraction; revocation