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Example sentences for "disproportioned"

Lexicographically close words:
disproof; disproportion; disproportionably; disproportionate; disproportionately; disprove; disproved; disproves; disproving; disputable
  1. From all these people there comes a babblement that seems quite disproportioned to the number of tongues that make it.

  2. Accordingly Lamb paid him a great deal of attention, and continued to speak of him for years with an interest that seemed disproportioned to his pretensions.

  3. A duty so enormously disproportioned to the cost offers an irresistible premium to the illicit trader; for the expense of smuggling tobacco by the cargo, including the first cost, does not exceed 9½d.

  4. When the pup has not entered the pelvis, the practitioner may be assured the obstacle is not created by the disproportioned size of the young.

  5. To obtain the whole of the contents, has sometimes required a quarter of an hour, and the quantity procured has frequently been quite disproportioned to the size of the patient.

  6. Great as were his faults, they are almost lost sight of in the atrocity of his opponents; so surely does disproportioned punishment for political offences produce a reaction in the minds that would approve a commensurate penalty.

  7. This Patrick Calhoun illustrates well the North-of-Ireland character; one peculiarity of which is the possession of will disproportioned to intellect.

  8. John Adams, by the constitution of his mind, was as much a tory as John Randolph; for he too possessed imagination and talent disproportioned to his understanding.

  9. The same character of despotism insinuated itself into every court of Europe, the same spirit of disproportioned magnificence--the same love of standing armies, above the ability of the people.

  10. Paris is compact; she has an enormous strength, wholly disproportioned to the force of any of the square republics; and this strength is collected and condensed within a narrow compass.

  11. The people of Ireland are a very mixed people; and the quantities of the several ingredients in the mixture are very much disproportioned to each other.

  12. They must labour to obtain what by labour can be obtained; and when they find, as they commonly do, the success disproportioned to the endeavour, they must be taught their consolation in the final proportions of eternal justice.

  13. Friendships that are disproportioned ever terminate in disgust.

  14. Disproportioned friendships ever terminate in disgust; and I thought, notwithstanding all his ease, that he seemed perfectly sensible of the distance between us.

  15. The principal characteristic of the cursorial race consists in the undeveloped condition of their wings, which are quite disproportioned to the size of their body.

  16. It was, no doubt, foreseen that this order, so disproportioned in its severity to the offence which occasioned it, would not be complied with, nor was it wished that it should.

  17. The natural remedy would be root-pruning, and leaving the top in its natural state, except shortening-in the disproportioned branches.

  18. The apple needs considerable pruning, but not of the spurs and side-twigs which bear the fruit, but of limbs that grow too thick, and of disproportioned luxuriance.

  19. The oyster fixed upon its rock, the crawling slug, are to the rotifers creatures as disproportioned as man to the Alps or Cordilleras--so disproportioned that one cannot compare them by glance, hardly by reflection and calculation.

  20. With the concurrence of two other Justices he wrote that the amendment was directed "against all punishments which by their excessive length or severity are greatly disproportioned to the offenses charged.

  21. But, independently of any such grounds of active resistance, the subject involves interests so disproportioned to its intrinsic claims, that it is no more than an act of humanity to give it a public examination.

  22. He may live in a tenement house, and his expenses will still be disproportioned to the return received.

  23. There is some one coming," she said, addressing Robert, who was thoughtfully pacing the room, with a tone and look of alarm quite disproportioned to the occasion.

  24. And there may even remain a suspicion, that we overrate, if possible, the greatness of his genius; in the same manner as bodies often appear more gigantic, on account of their being disproportioned and misshapen.

  25. He received from the generosity of the Duke di Serrano an annuity not disproportioned to his rank, and no order from his court forbade his return to Vienna.

  26. It does not appear that his position was ill chosen, or his means disproportioned to his ends, had he been sustained by funds from England, as he had a right to expect.

  27. Besides, where the punishment is so unjustly disproportioned to the offence, it is not very pleasant to be concerned in inflicting it.

  28. Let it not be objected to religion, if my judgment was disproportioned to the force of sentiments like these; and if, though no devotion can be extravagant in its degree, mine was sometimes indiscreet in its expression.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disproportioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.