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Example sentences for "douar"

Lexicographically close words:
dotterel; dotting; dottle; dou; douaniers; douard; double; doubled; doubleness; doubler
  1. It would not be long now before they should come to the douar of his father the Agha, beyond El Aghouat.

  2. When it was evening, the douar feasted, in honour of the guests who had come to the tente sultane.

  3. There would have been room and to spare for a dozen such under the tente sultane of the Agha, at his douar south of El Aghouat.

  4. The camels had not come yet, for the men of the douar had not finished their prayer.

  5. They will have started before I can reach the douar again, by the fastest travelling, for as thou knowest, I should be some days on the way.

  6. The change from their desert land, with its few and far-scattered oases, to this country where there was a douar at the end of every day's journey, was like a change from the country to the town.

  7. Very reluctantly we rode on for another two hours and then Ain Umast, a douar that is famous for its possession of a well of pure water, received us with nightfall.

  8. At intervals the forest opens, showing some large douar that was built probably on the site of a well, and there industrious village folks have reclaimed the land, raised crops, and planted orchards.

  9. Every douar within a ten-mile radius of Hanchen sends men and women to the Tuesday market to buy and sell.

  10. During the day the black slaves--well knowing the duty they were expected to perform, had been gathering pieces of dried camels' dung along the way; this was to supply fuel for the fire of the douar at night.

  11. As the first streaks of daylight became visible over the eastern horizon, the whole douar was up and doing.

  12. The douar was silent,--so far as the children of Ham and Japhet were concerned.

  13. Although there was no current they found some pools of stagnant water: and beside one of these the douar was established.

  14. The sea was still too far off to be reached that night, and the douar was pitched about five miles from the shore.

  15. The light of day was gradually gathering in the east when the Arab sheik, recovering from his excitement, ventured to make an examination of the douar and its denizens.

  16. In an incredibly short space of time the tents were down, and the douar with all its belongings was no longer to be seen; or only in the shape of sundry packages balanced upon the backs of the animals.

  17. He believed the douar well protected on the side of the sea, for he had no idea that danger could come from that direction.

  18. He drew his deductions from Golah's conduct in the past, and during the long silent hours of the night his fancy was constantly dwelling on the manner in which the dreaded enemy had approached the douar on former occasions.

  19. On coming near a douar of seven tents was seen standing upon the beach: and several men stepped forward to receive them.

  20. The douar was instantly in wild confusion.

  21. As the douar became stirred into general activity, he, along with his two companions, was rudely started from his attitude of observation, and ordered to take a share in the toils of the captors.

  22. About noon they came to a DOUAR of about twenty tents.

  23. With little trouble Tarzan and the girl caught them, and, mounting, rode out into the desert toward the DOUAR of Sheik Kadour ben Saden.

  24. Tarzan let the officer think that he had been lost, wandering finally into the DOUAR of Kadour ben Saden, who had escorted him back to Bou Saada.

  25. While they were mounting in the DOUAR of Kadour ben Saden the morning of their departure, the girl came to bid farewell to Tarzan.

  26. The girl was wondering if they would reach her father's DOUAR before the pursuit had overtaken them.

  27. Late that afternoon they went into camp at a little oasis in which was the DOUAR of a sheik whose flocks were being stolen, and whose herdsmen were being killed.

  28. And you come to the DOUAR of my father you shall see him," said the girl.

  29. He was at the DOUAR when you were brought in.

  30. I was stolen in the night from my father's DOUAR by a band of marauders.

  31. To you, peace,' said he; 'I go to the douar to buy a sheep.

  32. Entertainment at a Douar of the Arabs of Woled Abbusebah.

  33. Invites the author and his companion, Signor Andrea de Christo, to pass the night at a douar of the Woled Abbusebah Arabs, 139.

  34. Mazagan to the right, and arrived at the Douar of Woled Aisah, at 1 o'clock, P.

  35. The environs of the Douar of Woled Aisah abound in plantations of tobacco, of a superior quality, equal to the Havannah.

  36. We pitched our tents near a very extensive and populous douar of Arabs.

  37. Travelling through the province of Suse, I once witnessed the emigration of an extensive douar of Arabs, amounting to about 200 families.

  38. In thy douar they will beat me as did The Sheik, my father.

  39. There were some who had come to her father's douar in the jungle.

  40. He would not think to look for me in the douar of a white man.

  41. We could not find Korak," replied the man, "and as our way led near my douar I have brought you here to wait and rest with my wife until my men can find your ape, or he finds you.

  42. I should rather die than leave it forever; but your douar is close beside the jungle.

  43. On the plateau outside the douar we find the cemetery, with its tombs; for the Arab, content to sleep under tissue while he lives, must needs sleep under mason-work after he is dead.

  44. Our douar proves to be an encampment belonging to the marabouts, or high religious orders, situated on a large plot of ground in the ownership of the saints, and extending up to the limits of Kabylia.

  45. A long string of camels kept pace with us for a time on a parallel trail; then a douar came into sight, afterwards two saint-houses and a ruined kasbah.

  46. With the exception of the children Edgar was the only occupant of the douar who closed an eye that night.

  47. I should send the camels back again as soon as they are unloaded, and should order those who remained behind to load all their goods upon them and to set out either for the other douar of your tribe or for the villages to the south.

  48. Each morning one of the boys remaining at the douar was sent up to the crest of the sand-hills, and there remained all day on watch.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "douar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.