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Example sentences for "drawbacks"

Lexicographically close words:
draughtsmen; draughty; drave; draw; drawback; drawbar; drawbridge; drawbridges; drawe; drawed
  1. One of the greatest drawbacks to ante-bellum travel had been the absence of bridges across great rivers, such as the Hudson and the Susquehanna.

  2. But in spite of these drawbacks the business of the Erie grew.

  3. Life at high pressure' is not without its drawbacks and its evils, but it at least means life which is largely and fully used.

  4. There are no doubt grave drawbacks to all this.

  5. You have also the advantage of having always led a smooth and well-regulated life, free from ambition, and therefore exempt from all the anxieties and drawbacks which are inseparable from it.

  6. After dangerous illnesses, if some mistake is made, drawbacks are usually dangerous.

  7. But it will not escape your notice that there are the following drawbacks in a composition of that sort: men are bound, when writing of themselves, both to speak with greater reserve of what is praiseworthy, and to omit what calls for blame.

  8. My dear boy, a journalist is a juggler; a man must make up his mind to the drawbacks of the calling.

  9. Isolation is one of the greatest drawbacks of a country life.

  10. As the process is an exceedingly simple one and free from the drawbacks of the aræometer, we are justified in concluding that the aræo-picnometer will soon be in general use.

  11. In the new aræo-picnometer these drawbacks are ingeniously avoided, so that the specific gravity of any liquid can be quickly and easily obtained with astonishing accuracy.

  12. Such drawbacks can only fall into insignificance when eclipsed by consideration of the far more than counterbalancing attractions of the poems, of their unique and surpassing interest, poetical, historical, and moral.

  13. Then I asked myself: who comes to these regions, now that invalids have learnt the drawbacks of their climate?

  14. There are drawbacks to having a character like mine; it's easier lived up to than got rid of.

  15. There are some drawbacks to being your own boss.

  16. Your plan has drawbacks now and then," Kerr remarked.

  17. One of the great drawbacks to modern travel is the fact that only a few common features in the mere outward lives of the people, are observed; and even of their habits but few can really be properly gleaned by the passing traveller.

  18. The best of it was that these little drawbacks told in our favour in the purchase; being considered by most people as great disadvantages, which lowered the value of the property.

  19. The daguerreotype was at one time very popular for portraiture, but the process has certain drawbacks that have caused it to be superseded by improved methods.

  20. No doubt there are drawbacks in holding royal honours, but I believe in the old motto, Noblesse oblige; and if noblesse does, surely royalty should.

  21. It is the thousand and one little drawbacks of matrimonial life that undermine it.

  22. Only this kind of love will survive the thousand-and-one little drawbacks of matrimony.

  23. But are there no drawbacks to all this happy state of things?

  24. On the other hand there are drawbacks in the shape of clouds of musquitoes, flying-beetles, heavy rains, monsoons, and earthquakes.

  25. Undine, hitherto, had found more benefits than drawbacks in her marriage; but now the tie began to gall.

  26. There were one or two serious drawbacks to this train-staff and ticket-working.

  27. A short experience, however, proved that the drawbacks far outweighed the apparent advantages.

  28. Fancy regarding them as drawbacks being young, good-looking and unmarried.

  29. Under the circumstances, the drawbacks in his case are, I may almost say, notorious.

  30. In the second, there seems to be even greater drawbacks to the system preferred by his friends who differ from him.

  31. On the other hand, there are two drawbacks to the slide.

  32. These classes vary in their goodness and their badness, in their drawbacks and advantages, from age to age far less than those who mold the character of marked historical periods by culture.

  33. The scholar and the poet disagreed in Tasso; and it must be reckoned one of the drawbacks of his age and education that the former preceded the latter in development.

  34. After the cholera disappeared that year, the freighting business moved along nicely and resulted in a prosperous year's work, after all the drawbacks in the early part of the season.

  35. I returned home without any further drawbacks or molestations on that trip.

  36. Amy, whose face was exultant notwithstanding the drawbacks attaching to her good fortune.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drawbacks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.