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Example sentences for "drawen"

Lexicographically close words:
drawbridge; drawbridges; drawe; drawed; drawee; drawer; drawers; drawes; drawest; draweth
  1. For al be it so þat ge{m}mes drawen to hem self a litel of þe laste beaute of þe worlde.

  2. The booke of the great and mighty Emperor of Russia, and Duke of Muscouia, and of the dominions orders and commodities thereunto belonging: drawen by Richard Chancelour.

  3. And they answered me, that it was his head, his shoulder and left arme, which the line had cut off, I meane the knot which I sawe afterwarde drawen hard together.

  4. Sir Rees ap Meridoc was had to Yorke, where at length, after the king was returned out of Gascoigne, he was hanged, drawen and quartered.

  5. But the Englishmen came vpon them in the night and tooke them both, so that being brought before the iustices they were condemned, and therevpon hanged, drawen and quartered.

  6. From thence he sent his iustices vnto Berwike, where they sate in iudgement vpon Nigell Bruce, and the other prisoners taken with him, which were condemned to die, and so they were hanged, drawen and quartered.

  7. I was fiue whole weeks vpon the riuer of Dwina till I came to Vologda, being drawen with men against the streame, for other passage there is none.

  8. The booke of the great and Mighty Emperor of Russia, drawen by Richard Chancelour VI.

  9. Another very great and principall commoditie is their Trane oyle, drawen out of the Seal fish.

  10. And let the riuer be drawen full of Ships of all sorts, to make the more shew of your great trade and traffike in trade of merchandize.

  11. For their manner is when any will inuade them, to allure and drawe them on by flying and reculing (as if they were afraide) till they haue drawen them some good way within their countrey.

  12. This tryumphant Charyot, was drawen by sixe white Elephants, coupled two and two together, such as will hardly be found in Agesinua, nor among the Gandars of India.

  13. I then being content with a wounded hart full well vnderstanding that mine eies had drawen it dying into all these elegant parts.

  14. Besides, if any man hath a morsell giuen him, which he is not able to swallow, and for that cause casteth it out of his mouth, there is an hole made vnder his tabernacle, by which hee is drawen forth and slaine without all compassion.

  15. And when Quahutimoc who stoode on the puppe of the Canoa ready to fighte, sawe those bowes ready bente, and many drawen swordes, he yéelded himselfe, declaryng that he was the king.

  16. Wee shall be both salfe ynough, (aunswered Euphimia) for my deuice proceedinge from a woman's heade, hath already drawen the plot of thy deliueraunce.

  17. Behind his backe he bore a brasen shield, 2 On which was drawen faire, in colours fit, A flaming fire in midst of bloudy field, 4 And round about the wreath this word was writ, Burnt I do burne.

  18. And the Alkaron seythe also of the day of doom, how God schal come to deme alle maner of folk; and the gode he schalle drawen on his syde, and putte hem into blisse; and the wykkede he schal condempne to the peynes of helle.

  19. In that valeye is a feld, where men drawen out of the erthe a thing, that men clepen cambylle: and thei ete it in stede of spice, and thei bere it to selle.

  20. And whan thei wil have ony companye of man, than thei drawen hem towardes the londes marchynge next to hem: and than thei have loves, that usen hem; and thei duellen with hem an 8 dayes or 10; and thanne gon hom azen.

  21. And the hony and the wyn and the venym ben drawen out of other trees, in the same manere, and put in veselles for to kepe.

  22. A note drawen out of a very ancient booke remaining in the hands of the right worshipfull M.

  23. And sithen thende is every tales strengthe, 260 And this matere is so bihovely, What sholde I peynte or drawen it on lengthe To yow, that been my freend so feithfully?

  24. To drawen folk to heaven with fairenesse, By good ensample was his businesse.

  25. At last it happened to Palamon-- "That by the force of twenty is he take Unyolden, and drawen to the stake.

  26. The chiefe things worthie obseruation in Florida are drawen in colours by Iames Morgues painter sometime liuing in the Black fryers in London.

  27. Also a generall rule | of al manner of Herbes drawen out | of an auncient boke | of Physycke by | W.

  28. That scabious, if bruised and applied "to any place wherein any splinter, broken bone, or any such like thing lyeth in the flesh doth in short time loosen it and causeth it to be easily drawen forth.

  29. Also a generall rule of all maner of Herbs, drawen out of an auncient booke of Physicke by W.

  30. The herbal in question is merely another edition of Banckes's Herbal, but it is quite possible that the three additional chapters at the end were "drawen out of an auncyent booke of Physick" by Copland.

  31. The enemy being fled further then we had reason to follow them, all our companies were drawen to the towne; which being vnfortified in any place, we found vndefended by any man against vs.

  32. He was condemned to die at Pomfret, and was drawen from thence through euerie good towne, [Sidenote: He is executed at Lōdon.

  33. And lyke as al waters by kynde drawen to the see, so al kyndely thinges thresten, by ful appetyte of desyre, to drawe after thy steppes, and to thy presence aproche as to their kyndely perfeccion.

  34. And thus drawen was this innocent, as an oxe to the larder.

  35. But ever, me thinketh, he wereth his olde clothes, and that the soule in the whiche the lyfe of frendship was 50 in, is drawen out from his other spirites.

  36. Upon this a letter or warrant was drawen in the name of the whole assembly to sumon Captaine Martin to appeare before them in forme following: By the Governo^r[58] and general assembly of Virginia.

  37. Hitherto suche lawes as were drawen out of the Instructions.

  38. And because I send your Lordship our voyage drawen in a Mappe, I will speake no more thereof in this my letter.

  39. And I hope you will be all contented herewith: for to go any other course then I haue determined (by Gods helpe) I will not be drawen vnto.

  40. The Meridian, if a line that is drawen quite crosse the Æquinoctiall, and passeth through the Poles of the Earth, going directly North and South.

  41. Parallels, because they are so drawen on each side of the Aequator, as they are equidistant vnto it euery way.

  42. In a round body as the earth is, there can be no distinction of parts, & places, without the helpe of some lines drawen or imagined to be drawen vpon it.

  43. This line is but a peece of the Horrizon, which if you conceiue to be drawen vpward about the World from the West to the North, and so by East and South, to West againe you haue the whole Horrizon described.

  44. Vpon the Globe it is easily discerned being drawen bigger then any other circles from East to West, and with small divisions.

  45. There saw I many another wondrous story, The which me list not drawen to memory.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drawen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.