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Example sentences for "ductile"

Lexicographically close words:
ducking; ducklings; ducks; duckweed; duct; ductility; duction; ductless; ductor; ducts
  1. The will and the emotions, ductile as they will never be again, are ready to make full and ungraduated response to any genuine appeal to enthusiasm.

  2. In tender age Thus youth is trained; as curious artists bend 160 The taper, pliant twig; or potters form Their soft and ductile clay to various shapes.

  3. Gold crystallizes in cubes and octahedrons, is of a beautiful yellow color, great lustre, and is the most malleable and ductile of all the metals.

  4. In the metallic state, copper is of a red color, has great lustre and tenacity, is ductile and malleable, and crystallizes in octahedrons and cubes.

  5. It is heavy tin-white metal which is ductile and malleable, but very infusible, and characterized by its resistance to strong chemical reagents.

  6. The will was then ductile and pliant to right reason.

  7. Ferber to be changed into clay by means of the sulphur- acid, and even pots made of clay and burnt or vitrified are said by him to be again reducible to ductile clay by the volcanic steams.

  8. Whence ductile Clays in wide expansion spread, Soft as the Cygnet's down, their snow-white bed.

  9. Indeed, the true use of gold in this world is only as a very pretty and very ductile clay, which you can spread as flat as you like, spin as fine as you like, and which will neither crack nor tarnish.

  10. All kinds of twisted and wreathen work on every scale become delightful when wrought in ductile or tenacious metal; but metal which is to be hammered into form separates itself into two great divisions--solid, and flat.

  11. It is the most tenacious of all the ductile metals at ordinary temperatures with the exception of cobalt and nickel; it becomes brittle, however, at the temperature of liquid air.

  12. It is the common, very magnetic form of iron, in itself ductile but relatively soft and weak, as we know it in wrought iron and mild or low-carbon steel.

  13. The leather is usually wet, preparatory to being manipulated thus, which renders it more flexible and ductile than in its dry state.

  14. The most commonly used one is a long metallic comb, which is drawn across the surface of the combined liquids, leaving its pattern impressed upon the ductile fluid.

  15. Only when at last we have thrown the thread of faith to Thee, shall the ductile anchor hold.

  16. However, in this country ductile tungsten was soon on its way.

  17. For example, the story of the development of ductile tungsten, which has revolutionized lighting, is complex and more or less shrouded in secrecy at the present time.

  18. As extracted from clay by a series of very difficult chemical operations, it forms a white metal, very ductile and malleable, and susceptible of a high polish.

  19. Copper is very malleable and ductile when cold, and in this state may be easily worked under the hammer.

  20. It forms a metal with high tensile strength while being ductile and malleable.

  21. Tin is ductile and malleable and slightly crystalline in form, almost as heavy as steel, and has a tensile strength of 4,500 pounds per square inch.

  22. The will was then ductile and pliant to right reason.

  23. The process by which blister steel is rendered ductile by being forged with a tilt hammer.

  24. To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as elastic or ductile substances.

  25. In the greater bodies the forge was easy, the matter being ductile and sequacious.

  26. It is the only metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures, and it solidifies at about -39ยบ Centigrade to a soft, malleable, ductile metal.

  27. Easily persuaded to good or bad; yielding; ductile to a fault; pliant; flexible.

  28. Nickel is white, ductile and malleable, but of difficult fusion.

  29. Copper is of a red color, very sonorous and elastic, and the most ductile of all metals, except gold.

  30. If the sword or spear proved either too ductile or too brittle for use, it would be consigned anew to the furnace, with such additions to the mixed metals as experience must soon suggest.

  31. Different labourers convey small masses of this ductile material between their mandibles, and with the same instruments they spread and mould it to their will, the antennae accompanying every movement.

  32. This ductile mass they attach to that part of the building upon which they are at work, walking backwards and spreading it into laminae of the requisite thinness by means of their jaws, tongue, and legs.

  33. Nature, and even the human body itself, being more ductile and more susceptible of extension, their growth was not so soon accomplished as at present.

  34. From that point, however, it becomes more ductile as the quantity of manganese is increased, until at about 12 per cent.

  35. Manganese steel is peculiar in becoming ductile by sudden cooling, and brittle on cooling slowly--precisely the reverse of ordinary steel.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ductile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adaptable; compliant; convenient; docile; ductile; elastic; facile; feasible; flexible; flexuous; formative; giving; handy; impressionable; limber; lissome; lithe; malleable; manageable; plastic; pliable; pliant; practical; receptive; responsive; sensitive; springy; submissive; supple; susceptible; tractable; willowy; yielding