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Example sentences for "exams"

Lexicographically close words:
examines; examining; example; exampled; examples; examyned; exanthematic; exanthematous; exarch; exarchate
  1. Our exams begin the last Monday in April, and they're no joke.

  2. I am so busy with exams this week that I can't do much letter writing.

  3. If you aren't careful you won't pass the college exams and then where will you be?

  4. You won't be eligible for the college exams if you do," added Valerie Wallace.

  5. I'd fail in all my exams if I dared, but Pa knows I'm not a wooden head, and I'd just have to try it again somewhere else.

  6. She says she is going to settle down after mid-year's exams and work.

  7. Bed During Exams is from "Cap and Gown," published by Messrs.

  8. At last the Upper Fourth was reached, and Gwen knew that as she had taken her exams with her old Form (the Middle Fourth it had been in July) her name would be still on that list.

  9. It was not a very satisfactory ending to a first term, even though Gwen had done better in the exams than she expected, so that her place in her new Form was well assured.

  10. I wish there weren't any exams this term; I'd like to play the whole time.

  11. But the exams are the stiffest things you ever saw!

  12. When at last the exams came off and the lists were made known, Eric was second.

  13. Though limping a good deal, he had been able to be up and around for a month before the exams and he had been slaving like a forty-mule team.

  14. If Father were only going to stay another year on the coast, I could finish my work here and then get ready for the exams in June.

  15. If you had some coaching next summer you could pass the college exams all right.

  16. The result of the exams was rather depressing, and besides--I can't help realizing that solitude is inexpensive, if nothing else.

  17. I wish now that I had kept on studying an hour or two every day, as I did for about a week after my encounter with the exams in October.

  18. It was a case of getting the drop on my exams or letting them get the drop on me.

  19. It just happened that the next day after Berri had delivered his thesis, the talk at luncheon turned on cheating at exams and handing in written work that is n't your own.

  20. We did n't refer to the exams again, so I don't see exactly how I can ever right the wrong they have done me.

  21. The poor boy will never pass those exams in the world.

  22. He's a youngster--twenty or thereabouts--and he purports to be reading for his exams for the Army.

  23. But these Honour exams take it out of one.

  24. And he's full up with horrid exams and lectures.

  25. And exams are over and gone--the time of Convocation will come soon--next Wednesday.

  26. So let's go house-hunting at once, before exams come on.

  27. I think these exams have thoroughly tired out both of you.

  28. How did he know what exams you were going to have?

  29. His evil prophecies about the exams were fortunately not fulfilled, for his cousins, though they did not score brilliant successes, just managed to scrape through without any failures.

  30. He did not know that the papers had been prepared individually, the tests given on the basis of the entrance exams he had taken back at New Chicago Primary Space School.

  31. Why not start the entrance exams at the beginning with the classification and aptitude?

  32. Even after we had survived exams we were half afraid to begin settling for fear we would be ordered to move once more.

  33. Medmangi writes that she has passed her exams and entered the Medical School.

  34. I think exams are a relic of the barbarous ages, and they ought to be banished, with thumb-screws, and the rack, and all other instruments of torture.

  35. If you won't work and don't pass your exams what's going to happen to you?

  36. But after a certain age exams become a nuisance.

  37. Why, I could pass their exams on my head, if I hadn't anything better to do.

  38. It isn't the exams that are difficult--you may tell that from the fellows that pass them.

  39. And here we are, with the exams looming up next week.

  40. Girls, sometimes I feel as if those exams meant everything, but when I look at the big buds swelling on those chestnut trees and the misty blue air at the end of the streets they don't seem half so important.

  41. She says it would only tire and confuse us and we are to go out walking and not think about the exams at all and go to bed early.

  42. Yes, but those exams didn't make me nervous.

  43. Why, you came out splendidly in the exams Miss Stacy gave.

  44. In last term's exams these three were fairly equal," commented Miss Janet.

  45. So equal that I shan't take the results of the exams into consideration.

  46. So, in case I can use you on the team, you would have to go up for your exams two months or more ahead of time.

  47. Foolishly Ken asked a sophomore in what light old Crab might regard a student who was ambitious to pass his exams early.

  48. I'll have to take my exams before the first college game, April 8th, and that's not long.

  49. If you'll work honestly and do the very best you know how, I'll get you so you can pass the exams this Fall.

  50. I've got to take my college exams next year, and I know blamed well I won't pass them.

  51. But if we go, and if the selection is left to me, I may not please you; for I should choose those whose record for good conduct is highest and whose preparation for exams is most complete.

  52. Easter holidays were past, spring exams proved fairly satisfactory with much yet to be accomplished before Commencement came.

  53. Spring exams are near, and 'Honors' or even 'Distinction' will not be won without hard work.

  54. Gordon polished off two exams with masterly speed, and returned to his study.

  55. The day when he took exams in big school will never be forgotten.

  56. The summer exams turned out a lamentably dull affair.

  57. Tester was reading The Oxford Book of English Verse; the exams for the Sixth were over.

  58. I've been working so hard at trig just before exams that I'm in no state to go on solving problems.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exams" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.