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Example sentences for "expertise"

Lexicographically close words:
experiments; experimentum; expers; expert; experte; expertly; expertness; experto; experts; expertus
  1. Below the high command posts there is a wide range of handymen and specialists who fill particular positions and place their time, energy, experience and expertise at the disposal of the high command.

  2. Many businessmen have fled the country, taking capital and expertise with them.

  3. C) The Under Secretary for Science and Technology, based on consideration of the expertise of the Under Secretary in, and responsibilities associated with, standards.

  4. The Directing Officer of the NBIC shall hire individuals with the necessary expertise to develop and operate the NBIC.

  5. C) Exchange of expertise on terrorism prevention, response, and crisis management.

  6. At the same time, the immigrants bring to the economy scientific and professional expertise of substantial value for the future.

  7. The large size and diversified operations of the agroindustrial complexes place a heavy demand upon the expertise of management.

  8. The deterioration of economic conditions has been greatly exacerbated by the flight of most business people with their expertise and capital.

  9. Businessmen have fled the country, taking capital and expertise with them.

  10. Help schools fight drugs by providing them with the expertise and financial resources of community groups and agencies.

  11. The new principal, Bill Rudolph, also committed his energy and expertise to fighting the drug problem.

  12. Call on local professionals, such as physicians and pharmacists, to share their expertise on drug abuse as class lecturers.

  13. Communities Providing Support Recommendation #11: Help schools fight drugs by providing them with the expertise and financial resources of community groups and agencies.

  14. Randy expected the medical students to worship him and instead they found him appalling because of his lack of expertise in the subject he taught and for his repeated, haughty demonstration of it.

  15. The so-called expert testimony of doctors, psychiatrists, as well as various technical expertise such as fingerprint and document analysis is.

  16. The Sannaiyat garrison fled precipitately, and the 7th Indian Division occupied successively the Nakhailat and Suwada lines with no opposition worth mentioning.

  17. BellSouth's technical expertise was second to none, thank you kindly.

  18. Urvile was privately convinced that sheer technical expertise could win him free of any kind of problem.

  19. It was only when it came to actual computer expertise that Fry Guy was small potatoes.

  20. I want to use Kumiko's expertise as a weapons officer familiar with Inner Region ordnance.

  21. For the moment, I need his expertise in military strategy and managing our resources.

  22. Hodak's expertise with duct tape and hand tools would get credit for the successful escape.

  23. Many businessmen fled the country, taking capital and expertise with them.

  24. Museum now-a-days, solely owing to the expertise of Mr Brindley.

  25. I asked them how I could be expected, in such a state, to judge delicate points of expertise in earthenware.

  26. But it is clear from Ovid's verse that he had a solid practical expertise and interest in law.

  27. The passage is evidence for Ovid's expertise and interest in law.

  28. When the Company finally formed its own section to handle that work, he'd moved on and hired out his expertise to a free-lance organization called ARM, the Association of Retired Mercenaries.

  29. But what if we're just being used somehow, having our brains picked, our expertise stolen?

  30. Eritrea's economic future depends upon its ability to master fundamental social problems like illiteracy, unemployment, and low skills, and to convert the diaspora's money and expertise into economic growth.

  31. Even Nom, with his growing expertise in the Unix operating system which formed the basis of many new Internet sites, wasn't up to Electron's standard.

  32. Few officers had expertise in computers, let alone computer crime, so this case would prove to be an important proving ground.

  33. As he moved into serious hacking and developed his expertise in X.

  34. Electron had grown beyond Powerspike's expertise just as Phoenix had accelerated past Force.

  35. You see, ol' Red didn't have enough expertise that night to know when to stand off.

  36. How, one might inquire, did all this expertise come about?

  37. Although Dai Nippon was technically only a shell corporation, all Matsuo Noda had to do was pick up a phone to have at his disposal the expertise of any one of a hundred Japanese corporate brain trusts.

  38. Your financial expertise could make you a great asset to us.

  39. For now we believe that the expertise in our Ministry of International Trade and Industry is most appropriate since it has guided corporate growth in Japan for many years with undeniable success.

  40. Education acknowledges the narrow domains of expertise which labor division brought about, and reproduces the structure of current human experience in its own structure.

  41. As a result of the experience itself, as well as through import of pertinent knowledge from other domains of human activity, expertise becomes more and more focused.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expertise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.