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Example sentences for "faceless"

Lexicographically close words:
facchino; faccia; faccio; face; faced; faceplate; facer; facere; faceret; faces
  1. Zbich and the Gorilla Man worked out on headlocks, Gorgeous Gordon did calisthenics, and Barefoot Charley, Choker Jonas and the Faceless Wonder got themselves into a grunting free-for-all.

  2. They all agreed except the Faceless Wonder.

  3. And at the end of the match between Choker Jonas and the Faceless Wonder, they were reduced to a jelly.

  4. The white walls of the little room seemed to radiate a dry coldness and a pale, faceless sadness.

  5. The wood pile burned evenly and glaringly, and the faceless shadows quivered around it.

  6. I couldn't find him in the parade of golden-haired, faceless people.

  7. I dreamed of faceless people," cried Judy.

  8. Superimposed on the picture of the golden-haired girl you saw was another picture--a shadowy, faceless figure which the advertiser wished you to imagine was yourself.

  9. Judy hoped she could rest without a whole parade of faceless golden-haired people swarming in to haunt her dreams.

  10. You wouldn't know it if they flashed those faceless phantoms on a film you had made.

  11. Those faceless phantoms could be real if we once lost our freedom to think!

  12. You began to want to be like the beautiful golden-haired girl rather than the faceless shadow.

  13. Judy spent a restless night, haunted by the faceless golden-haired people of her dream.

  14. When my mom began to teach, I remember my jealousy toward the faceless names which daily she brought home.

  15. To my relief, I saw no one who remotely resembled a male teenager, and dismissed myself having only faceless memories of a pool-side conversation and a cool RC Cola.

  16. The most terrifying part of a horror story is when the killer is yet at large, faceless and unknown.

  17. None escape," from the faceless creature with the silvery hair.

  18. Once again, this is a deliberate aesthetic device, reminding one that the potter is an individual artist, not a faceless craftsman.

  19. Not in that bleak, ugly, faceless infinity.

  20. A faceless woman's shadow kneels on the ground near the sentry-box, weeping.

  21. A faceless shadow of a young man on horseback is beheld galloping toward a gulf.

  22. At least it cannot be proved," said one of the faceless men.

  23. And somewhere the faceless men with the smell of the pit on them smiled to themselves in quiet irony.

  24. The faceless mariner chucked up on Rosevear struck one as interesting.

  25. The faceless mariner was a fraud, a freak from Barnum's.

  26. Ben, however, was not faceless like Uncle John, not too remote or impersonal.

  27. In the dream, faceless beings had been shouting, not willing that Ben should fly.

  28. Most of them were faceless units in a faceless and somewhat undignified parade.

  29. And then, as a rule, as a squirrel is stroked into its wickedness by the faceless magic of a tree, so am I usually stroked into forgetfulness, and into scribbling this book.

  30. They met the faceless silence of the Black Forest.

  31. But after bone-dry Sicily, and after the gibbering of myriad people all rattling their personalities, I am glad to be with the profound indifference of faceless trees.

  32. See any faceless body here you'd like me to stick your head on?

  33. He indicated a faceless figure of a woman who was carrying dried stalks to a trash-burner.

  34. Popeek employed a small army of technicians, each one faceless and without personality, but always ready to serve.

  35. Here's a reply, sir," another of the nameless, faceless technicians said.

  36. For behind Mulhall's secretary, he had a shutter-swift glimpse of the frozen plain, starkly clear with its huddle of metal buildings and its faceless people clustered on the snow-packed street.

  37. How could he be sure that the faceless people were hostile?

  38. Jaffers, or the faceless people behind Janice Wynn?

  39. But the people were faceless no longer, except for one that knelt before the group in a tense attitude.

  40. The faceless people moved purposefully now, and beyond them loomed the towering bulk of scaffolding erected about the pit where the great bronze cylinder of a ship lay.

  41. She was connected somehow with the faceless people of his hallucinations.

  42. The silent machines crept over their snow-packed ways, the faceless people stood in frozen groups.

  43. She appeared to me at that moment a faceless figure with flounces, just as most of the servants at Baldry Court appear to me as faceless figures with caps and aprons.

  44. There were people moving, however, faceless ghosts with loud footfalls, feeling their way hesitatingly, and among them Mr. Ricardo vanished.

  45. In that deliberation the woman in the hospital, Francey Wilmot, Cosgrave, and a host of faceless men who had gone under this woman's chariot wheels played their devious, sinister parts.

  46. Mr. Ricardo scrambled into the 'bus with an unexpected agility, and from the bright interior in which he sat a huddled, faceless shadow, he waved.

  47. For the moment he lost faith in his own power to maintain himself against a patient and faceless Nemesis.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faceless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.