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Example sentences for "foolhardy"

Lexicographically close words:
fooled; fooleries; foolery; fooles; foolhardiness; fooling; foolis; foolish; foolishe; foolisher
  1. In a hazy way came the question whether after all it were not foolhardy to remain here now, to dare that invisible, intangible something before which, almost in panic, the others had fled.

  2. Last of all, boldest of all, most foolhardy of all, as you please, came the tiny delegation from the settlement of Sioux Falls.

  3. He despised the load of life, and in this heat, wherein all materials of his inner being were melted into one flood, the inner lava sought an outbreak in some foolhardy venture.

  4. Mr. Redfox, I tell you plainly it's a foolhardy game you are playing with that boy," said the helmsman earnestly.

  5. But his voice didn't sound as much like the voice of Lauritz Melchior as it usually did, not even when he made a brave, if foolhardy stab at the Melchior accent.

  6. They attacked cats in battalions or singly, cheering and almost waving large flags as they went over the top, completely foolhardy in the presence of any danger whatever.

  7. Under any circumstance it would be foolhardy for so small a vessel to remain in the open sea outside, after darkness set in, in those ice-menaced fog-choked northern waters.

  8. Even though the gale that swept the ice field had not been too fierce to face, any attempt to cross would obviously have been a foolhardy undertaking.

  9. It was a foolhardy attempt, for the hill was strongly held, the summit of it bristled with cannon.

  10. Even if any foolhardy adventurers should defy these dangers, and escape the horror of the dragons and the bird, other perils threatened them.

  11. But when the Suliote chief drew his sword, his country lay bleeding at the feet of a giant, and all Europe condemned the Greek revolution as foolhardy and desperate.

  12. You say that all connected with the circus have so little fear of the beast that even attendants sometimes do this foolhardy trick.

  13. It was really foolhardy to have attempted the thing alone.

  14. I must confess that I did not like advancing towards the lioness, for I knew very well of what hungry lions are capable; and there is nothing like experience to damp the foolhardy courage of ignorance.

  15. Of course no man of sense does go poking about in dense bush after a wounded buffalo, but then all hunters are foolhardy sometimes and trouble ensues.

  16. He had not really intended to go after him in the boat because he realized how foolhardy such a performance would be, but he had another scheme in mind, and he prepared to carry it out.

  17. Pa," she whispered, "it was foolhardy to come here.

  18. The great wheels began to turn and hiss, the Barbara's passengers waved good-by to the foolhardy lunatics who had elected to go back into the jaws of destruction.

  19. By a sort of backward throw of the hand he covered the fleeing form of the foolhardy Sonkwana, and pressed the trigger.

  20. They stared at the foolhardy speaker as men who dream.

  21. The quivering bodies of the foolhardy emissaries lay pierced with a dozen great gashes.

  22. A bold and resolute attitude is the only one which commands their respect, as indeed Gerard's intrepid and apparently foolhardy act served to show.

  23. Had it been otherwise, to have made fast to the tree would have been foolhardy to a degree.

  24. To attempt the traverse at night were as foolhardy and impossible as that of shooting Niagara in an open boat.

  25. Surely he had not been foolhardy enough to face the marauders alone?

  26. It would be foolhardy to take a boat like the Curlew out in such a storm.

  27. His wilful and foolhardy imagination was pleased with the idea of playing the part of a criminal condemned to death.

  28. The general, instead of annihilating his foolhardy antagonist, found pleasure in his presumption, and it flattered him that he was esteemed too magnanimous to revenge himself for a few words of insult.

  29. The extreme of terror had given place to a reaction of foolhardy daring.

  30. There are circumstances in which even the least energetic of mankind learn to behave with vigour and decision; and the most cautious forget their prudence and embrace foolhardy resolutions.

  31. It isn't often I take a little pleasure, but sure as I leave my post for an hour or two some foolhardy or sleepy-headed warder lets one of those vermin get away.

  32. It has been remarked with truth that in this episode Odysseus acts out of character, that he is foolhardy as well as cunning.

  33. It seems almost like a foolhardy risk," Julien muttered.

  34. Yes, our aerial ships are large and stanch; but it would be foolhardy to attempt to reach the pole in one of them.

  35. The foolhardy attempt now about to be made will not only end in disaster to the gentlemen engaged in it, but will bring sorrow to the nation by the loss to the President of his only son.

  36. They went on with the usual impetuosity of their tempers, full of outcries and lamentations when taken, but madly careless of themselves, foolhardy and obstinate, while they were well.

  37. The lieutenant ordered his men to halt and face the foolhardy bandits.

  38. As soon as Juon Tare perceived that his antagonist was foolhardy enough to try a fall with him, he complacently allowed his body to be encircled and calmly murmured: 'Ho, ho!

  39. Ten to one, if I were so foolhardy as to cut the Hispaniola from her anchor, I and the coracle would be knocked clean out of the water.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foolhardy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adventuresome; adventurous; audacious; bold; daredevil; daring; desperate; enterprising; foolhardy; foolish; forward; harebrained; headlong; hotheaded; imprudent; impulsive; inadvisable; indiscreet; mad; madcap; overconfident; precipitate; presumptuous; quixotic; rash; reckless; silly; stupid; unwary; venturesome; wild