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Example sentences for "hunters"

Lexicographically close words:
hunny; hunt; hunte; hunted; hunter; hunteth; huntin; hunting; huntings; huntress
  1. Drusinin received the first information of this massacre from some inhabitants of Sitkin, where he then was; and immediately set out with the remaining hunters to join their companions, who were left on board.

  2. She rode and drove with him, and, as he had no taste for field sports, neither his guns nor his hunters took him away from her.

  3. He had made many of the hunters he rode, and was not afraid to tackle the most difficult subject.

  4. You will, in all probability, be very little troubled with my company, as I am likely to remain in Paris for some time to come; and you and Bothwell can ride my hunters and consider yourselves master and mistress of everything.

  5. Unless you think maybe we'll meet the Hunters hiding under a loose stone.

  6. It was opened by the pressure of the Hunters bursting out.

  7. And I would have come into it, but the Hunters swarmed in their multitudes.

  8. My attempt to construct the communicator called down the Hunters upon me.

  9. You've convinced yourself that the Hunters were after us back at Mayport when we ran off like a pair of idiots.

  10. The Hunters clustered, taking the mark of their prey.

  11. When the Hunters came again, I fled, not understanding.

  12. The Hunters sensed it, and swarmed to me.

  13. The eyes met his, unflinching but mournful as those of a tormented deer whom the hunters drag from worrying hounds.

  14. When a spiritless fox disdains to double, and stands waiting for the hounds, who have only to rend it, hunters feel cheated, and deem it no chase.

  15. As was the custom with the Flathead Indians in traveling in the buffalo country, their hunters and warriors were in advance of the main camp.

  16. These sailors and hunters naturally gathered around the American mission; many of them had, or soon took, native women for wives; the missionaries themselves encouraged them to marry these women.

  17. That, henceforward, furs shall be purchased from none but the actual hunters of the same.

  18. Two days from Pawnee village the hunters brought into camp some bull buffalo meat; next day cow buffalo meat in abundance.

  19. It relates to a company of fur hunters composed of Smith, Sublet, and Jackson.

  20. We will call these mountain hunters by numbers, for convenience, as we shall refer to them in our future political sketches, in which they participated.

  21. The considerable band of hunters which accompanied the native army, succeeded in capturing quite an amount of game for the use of the troops.

  22. Indian hunters accompanied the expedition to search the forests for game.

  23. In the heat of a tropical sun they ate a few rice-cakes and drank warm water from the canteen, but they had to wait for more than an hour before the other hunters came back.

  24. Jack and Ray stared for a moment in sheer unbelief, then they aimed, shot, and at the same instant the sickening mass sunk, and all the hunters could see was a cleavage of the surrounding slime.

  25. The transfer was made and then, man-like, the hunters all clamored for an explanation.

  26. The hunters returned earlier than had been planned for, hence they had a tiresome wait at Spanish Town for the appearance of the White Crest once more.

  27. Other hunters spear the turtles in the open sea, and this is really the most daring of the hunt, as often a turtle will suddenly make a swift run to the open sea and drag a harpoon in its track.

  28. The three men had been hunters and trappers for many years.

  29. While they were nothing loth to engage in a scrimmage with the hunters and trappers, yet they preferred those of their own race above all others.

  30. It was not to be expected that the animal had any fear of hunters in such a solitary place, and he came forward with a proud step, as though master of the wilderness.

  31. Jack kept close watch of the black eyes, which, like those of professional hunters and scouts, were never at rest.

  32. He was losing ground, and he could not fail to know that escape was out of the question: he was as much doomed as if surrounded and driven at bay by a dozen hunters and their hounds.

  33. My brothers are coming," said Deerfoot, quietly, referring to two other hunters who at that moment put in an appearance.

  34. The courage of the slave-hunters did not prove equal to the occasion, and finally Troutman resorted to argument.

  35. Corny spoke so confidently, and looked so pleased with his plan, that honest Chris could not bear to tell him how much danger he would run in that pathless forest, where older hunters than he had been lost.

  36. But Tom would not budge, and having used up their ammunition, the disappointed hunters went home resolving to bring dogs next day and finish the job.

  37. Abner said there was an old cabin, where the hunters used to sleep, somewhere round that way.

  38. Hunters can bear more than that, I guess.

  39. But he was off before a shot could be fired, and the disappointed hunters followed long and far, resolved not to go back empty-handed.

  40. Every autumn with the hunters came the unhappy parents of the lost baby to search again for him.

  41. Beside the chieftain's teepee waited the hunters while the tall man entered with the child.

  42. On the evening of the same day sat a group of hunters around a bright burning fire.

  43. While the hunters were questioning whether or no they should carry it home, the wee Indian baby kept up his little howl.

  44. Five prairie chicken were bagged on the way, and soon the hunters were once more at the camp-ground.

  45. The young hunters turned to look upwards among the dense leaves of a gigantic maple tree whose lower branches were matted with twining convolvulus and other wild creepers.

  46. In this case the lynx had been watching the young hunters with one eye for some time from her shelter among the leaves of the overhanging maple.

  47. That's the worst of this jungle, I've heard hunters say.

  48. Boys, if you brave hunters had thought to throw a little salt on that lizard's tail you might have caught him," added Ken.

  49. And now few even are the hunters or way-farers that wend through it.

  50. Five negroes, who were cattle hunters at Indian Land, some of whom belonged to Captain McPherson, after wounding his son and killing another man, made their escape.

  51. Signs were numerous everywhere prohibiting hunters from firing over the Harvester's land.

  52. His father and grandfather were old-time hunters of skins and game.

  53. No doubt was left upon the minds of the man-hunters as to the personalty of the Gadshill robbers.

  54. The hunters came to the place where the bank and the waters met, and, apparently satisfied, they turned and went back.

  55. Thus appealed to the ferryman crossed the river to the northeastern shore, where the horse thief hunters awaited him.

  56. The two robber hunters then consulted together.

  57. And so the brigand hunters passed into Clay county.

  58. The hunters for the Jameses met with no better luck.

  59. Yet the Goths themselves were astonished by the fierce and undaunted aspect of their formidable antagonist; and their historian has compared Attila to a lion encompassed in his den and threatening his hunters with redoubled fury.

  60. Fortune-hunters would learn of her existence and draw near in shoals.

  61. He will guard you as you guarded me from the hunters at the door of the great temple.

  62. There were hunters in the country of Idzumo who thirsted for the blood of the beautiful white fox.

  63. The hunters from the glacial plains of Canada were fraternizing with the volunteers from Australia and New Zealand.

  64. All preparations having been made, therefore, he and his plucky little band of French-Canadian boatmen and Indian hunters got into their canoes.

  65. He told them of the Algonquin braves--the hunters of the wild, Of how the Indian mother in the forest rocks her child; Of how, poor souls!

  66. Without stopping, the hunters pressed on after the flying animals, and by nightfall a row of antelope hung high up against the log portion of the dug-out.

  67. Baldy and Ben's horse were quickly saddled, rifles, belts, and cartridges were slung on, and in a twinkling the two young hunters were off after the biggest game the country afforded.

  68. Now if the hunters could get within range before the spell of curiosity had been satisfied, all would be well.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hunters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.