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Example sentences for "greatcoat"

Lexicographically close words:
greasie; greasiness; greasing; greasy; great; greatcoats; greate; greately; greaten; greatened
  1. How well I remembered the hat-tree that sheltered my caps in youth, beneath the protecting foliage of the paternal greatcoat and the maternal bonnet!

  2. Sometimes the paternal greatcoat lovingly carried off the maternal shawl of a morning, which would be found later somewhere between the door and the station.

  3. A man in a greatcoat lay face downwards; dead drunk, across the pavement.

  4. Undressing, and quivering like an overdriven horse, he lay down on the sofa, drew his greatcoat over him, and at once sank into oblivion.

  5. In one sense they are, ma'am,' replied Squeers, diving into his greatcoat pocket for cards.

  6. Nicholas, throwing back his greatcoat and rousing Smike from a long nap.

  7. When he has finished his tea, Vassya packs up his books in a satchel and goes behind the stove; his greatcoat ought to be hanging there beside his granny's clothes.

  8. The grandmother and the other children look for the greatcoat together, they waste a long time in looking for it, but the greatcoat has utterly vanished.

  9. Rain and sleet were falling, and I hugged myself in my greatcoat as I walked along.

  10. It seemed as though he were impervious to the cruel elements as he ran from one side of the hearse to the other--the skirts of his old greatcoat flapping about him like a pair of wings.

  11. He darted away, his greatcoat making a dark blur in the night ahead of Philip, who paused again to shout through the megaphone of his hands.

  12. He bustled to his greatcoat and from one of the deep pockets drew forth a leather medicine case.

  13. From a side view the make-up was that of a typical huckster of these parts, fur cap, with ear lappets, corduroy greatcoat and cowhide boots.

  14. Two heads are better than one," he facetiously declared, hauling off his greatcoat for greater freedom as a heaver.

  15. The heaver who had emerged from the building in response to the clock summons showed tremor of the hands when he lifted them to draw the cape of his greatcoat closer about his throat.

  16. As for Marthereau's puttees, they are not both of the same hue, for he failed to find two fag-ends of greatcoat equally worn and equally dirty, to be cut up into strips.

  17. Most of the others use the bags for anti-gas pads, made of some waterproof material which is an excellent preservative of shag, be it coarse or fine; and there are those who simply fumble for it in the bottom of their greatcoat pockets.

  18. When he has taken off his greatcoat and appears in his jacket, you are conscious that he feels awkward about showing his legs.

  19. When a more outrageously patched-up greatcoat appears than all the others can show, Tirette questions the veteran recruit.

  20. The greatcoat of the man who still monotonously repeats, "What's the use of worrying?

  21. These are the second section and its big sub-lieutenant, whose greatcoat is tightened and strapped around a body as stiff as a rolled umbrella.

  22. His insignificant head, pale as chlorine, hops centrally about in the cushioning collar of a greatcoat that is much too heavy and big for him.

  23. He tells me, to do it, I've only got to go with him at a certain time with a Boche greatcoat and a shako that he'll have for me.

  24. It isn't a greatcoat any longer--it's armor-plate.

  25. His hand gropes within his greatcoat and his jacket till it finds the skin, and scratches.

  26. Through his unbuttoned greatcoat and jacket I see bandages around his chest.

  27. He made me a couch with his greatcoat and my saddle-bags, and started cooking the dinner, for it was midday.

  28. His generosity is unfailing; at the top of a pass, in a heavy storm of sleet, he offered me the greatcoat he was wearing, and he is always ready to help a distressed wayfarer.

  29. Grey trousers and waistcoat, small shepherd's plaid, and he must have taken a greatcoat lined with Russian sable.

  30. He asked a few questions presently about Sir Philip, who had taken off his greatcoat by this time, and appeared in all the glory of a scarlet satin jacket and a black velvet cap.

  31. Henry Dunbar wore a fashionable greatcoat with loose open cuffs, and it was towards these loose cuffs that Mr. Hartgold's eyes wandered with rapid and rather uneasy glances.

  32. He wore a greenish-brown greatcoat with a poodle collar, and was supposed to have worn the same for the last ten years.

  33. First came the town beadle, a pompous little fellow who wore a laced brown greatcoat many sizes too large for him, and carried a cudgel of office thick as his own arm, and surmounted by a brass crown the size of a baby's head.

  34. And his beadle, your lordship," added the host, and the under-strapper inside the greatcoat saluted the Colonel with a flourish of his tipstaff.

  35. Then, for his protection, he assumed a cap and a greatcoat of Austrian uniform, and instead of pursuing his way in the coach, entered a cabriolet.

  36. The ex-Emperor at once retired, and having substituted a greatcoat of his Old Guard for the Austrian suit, entered the chamber of his sister, who ran to him and embraced him tenderly.

  37. Marched about 10 miles up the country; halted upon a common; each man took his greatcoat and contentedly lay down; and for the first time in my life I slept very comfortably upon the ground.

  38. I pulled a greatcoat off a Cuirassier who was dead, and covered myself, which made me sleep well till one hour before daylight.

  39. Mrs. Treharne, distinctly wrought up, grasped one of the lapels of his seal-lined greatcoat and shook him determinedly.

  40. Judd, his burnished bald pate mottledly rosy from the heat of the blazing logs, was standing with his back to the fire, his hands thrust in the greatcoat pockets, his heavy under-shot jaw working upon an imaginary cud.

  41. He thrust his arms into the sleeves of his greatcoat of fur and strolled, with a downcast air, to the drawing-room door.

  42. In the carriage they see a prisoner in a blue greatcoat with an officer beside him and an armed soldier riding behind.

  43. Lafayette rode twenty miles; but the blood on his greatcoat awakened suspicion; he was arrested and carried back to Olmütz where a heavier and gloomier imprisonment awaited him.

  44. He returned to his box, the one that Mirko had engaged for the evening, and throwing on his greatcoat took his hat and hurried out.

  45. He still kept his greatcoat on; and it seemed by his manner that he had no intention of staying where he was above a minute or two.

  46. Within twenty minutes of the time of his rushing upstairs he appeared again before his sister with a greatcoat on, and a railway rug hanging over his arm.

  47. Peytel's face was pale, he had a long black beard, a blue cap on his head, and his greatcoat flung over his shoulders, and buttoned at the neck.

  48. He is dressed in a long greatcoat with huge pockets, and in the huge pockets are sure to be some big apples for all the children--the English child amongst the rest, and she generally has the biggest one.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatcoat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    coat; jacket; overcoat