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Example sentences for "grunting"

Lexicographically close words:
grummets; grumous; grumpy; grunt; grunted; grunts; grup; grupo; grym; grype
  1. Partridges and loons abounded, but ducks were seldom seen.

  2. While I admired them very much for their handsome, showy appearance, I expressed grave doubts as to their ability to catch and kill timber wolves, notwithstanding I had read graphic accounts of their killing coyotes in thirty-five seconds.

  3. I found nothing, but that night my slumbers were disturbed by the splashing and grunting of a herd of buffalo drinking.

  4. Chabot took up the coiled birch, and the echoes rang out with a short grunting call, which so much resembles a man chopping wood.

  5. The Wizard continued this surprising performance until nine tiny piglets were running about at his feet, all squealing and grunting in a very comical way.

  6. He sprang upon her, grunting and whistling, seized her hair and lifted her head, to send it crashing against the ground.

  7. He finished her culinary tasks and glutted himself on the food, grunting and tearing at it like a wild animal.

  8. The name squirrel is in allusion to the grunting noise it emits when captured, which is compared to the barking of that animal.

  9. In fact, Neewa considered himself in clover and was grunting his satisfaction continually, especially as his bad eye was beginning to open and he could see things better.

  10. With the morning Noozak rose to her feet, and with a grunting command for Neewa to follow she slowly climbed the sun-capped ridge.

  11. Whilst he was grunting in dispute To hang himself or fight it out, He almost lugg'd, at one smart pull A pound of carrots from his skull; But finding that did little good, He fell to praying as he stood.

  12. Slowly he drew closer to the other animal, crowding a bit to the left to be nearer, grunting with his straining, dividing his attention between preserving caution and making progress.

  13. They lunged into the wall again and hung against it a long, straining moment, breathless in their efforts; then, grunting as Lytton wriggled violently to escape, Benny steadily tightened his hold on him.

  14. As I drew near I could hear the scrape and rattle of stones, and the vigorous grunting of Sam as he laboured among them.

  15. When he came in view I laughed to see him lugging and grunting among the great pile of stones that had fallen in a mass from the quarry-side; a pile of stones and earth and crushed vegetation.

  16. Then the first piled through Brownell for three yards, slipping in the mud, panting, grunting to the accompaniment of thudding feet and the swish of wet canvas.

  17. He listened on and on to these phantom pleadings and to the rather coarse old Lawford conscience grunting them mercilessly down, too weary even to try to rest.

  18. The giant carrying the grunting hog between the prongs of the iron fork, whom you first saw, is he who is yonder, and his name is SLOTH.

  19. He carried an iron fork upon his back, and a grunting hog was placed between the prongs of the fork; a young girl of mature age followed and forced the giant on his way before her.

  20. He inspected her bullocks critically, as they came up grunting and blowing under the yokes.

  21. Most men had eaten and pulled deep at their gurgling, grunting hookahs, which in full blast sound like bull-frogs.

  22. So as (old Homer sung) the associates wild Of wandering Ithacus, by Circe's charms To swine transformed, ran grunting through the groves.

  23. When child-birth overtakes the wife, the husband puts himself to bed, and there grunting and groaning he affects to suffer all the agonies of a woman in labor.

  24. The reverend stared at Auguste for a moment from under bushy brows before grunting an acknowledgment.

  25. He smiled grimly, grunting as he hauled Gray Cloud to his feet.

  26. The grunting changed to a rumbling growl that made the floor of the cave tremble beneath him.

  27. The noise which roused her was the grunting of wild pigs.

  28. That uproar took place beyond doubt at a distance; but in the stillness of night, and the general drowsiness, it seemed so near that Basia heard not only grunting and squeals, but the loud whistle of nostrils breathing heavily.

  29. Ogden heard him through patiently, grunting affirmatively from time to time.

  30. He shouldered the burden, grunting as he did so, angered by the weight of it.

  31. And I'll feel insulted if they don't come down and get you to-night because you can't walk home, and find you all rooting in the sand here like so many grunting hogs!

  32. The boat of tio Borrasca was more to his taste than the grounded hulk on shore there with its grunting hogs and cackling hens.

  33. On another day towards the end of the period, while quite stiff, she kept grunting and screaming “murder.

  34. But the deep stupor was interrupted again for a day by grunting and screaming of “murder.

  35. After this the moaning and grunting ceased and she was essentially indifferent, and for the most part kept her eyes closed.

  36. Then a peculiar squeal and grunting sound, and then once again, Phoonk!

  37. I believe it's one of those two-tailed pigs grunting and chuntering.

  38. It was neither more nor less than the sound of an ill-blown, yelling and grunting bagpipe.

  39. Not from your muck stable, Issues so hearty a grunting or laugh!

  40. I marked the branch declining fast, Its fibres creaking sore: I heard the grunting of the beasts Still fiercer than before.

  41. Beneath the spreading shadow Of a tall and stately tree, Was a band of porkers gathered, Grunting fierce as fierce could be.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grunting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.