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Example sentences for "headstall"

Lexicographically close words:
headset; headshake; headship; headsman; headsmen; headstock; headstone; headstones; headstream; headstreams
  1. The headstall and the headband of the bridle are embroidered in silk for the commonality, and in silver or gold for the rich.

  2. The swellings behind his ears are rounded like spheres: the headstall and the headband seem as if they were fixed to the extremity of the trunk of a palm-tree, stripped of its leaves.

  3. Beside Stands tethered the Pearl: Thrice winds her headstall about his wrist: 'Tis therefore he sleeps so sound--the moon through the roof reveals.

  4. He has set the tent-door wide, has buckled the girth, has clipped The headstall away from the wrist he leaves thrice bound as before, He springs on the Pearl, is launched on the Desert like bolt from bow.

  5. Funny, but I felt exactly as if somebody had stolen that headstall and spurs right out of my hand, and I just had to get it back pronto.

  6. The headstall of this period is not unlike the earlier one, from which it differs chiefly in having a crest, and also a forehead ornament composed of a number of small bosses.

  7. No shocks, no lashings, no harsh words to make the sight of that headstall throw him into a panic whenever it was produced.

  8. It should have a headstall and cheek-pieces, and be buckled tight enough to prevent the horse from opening his mouth too wide, but it must not restrain his breathing.

  9. She must see that the headstall fits, that the forehead-band is not too tight, and that there is plenty of room between the throat-latch and the throat.

  10. If there be no snaffle, the cheek-pieces of the headstall of the curb or Pelham should be held.

  11. He has set the tent-door wide, has buckled the girth, has clipped The headstall away from the wrist he leaves thrice bound as 80 before, He springs on the Pearl, is launched on the desert like bolt from bow.

  12. Beside Stands tethered the Pearl; thrice winds her headstall about his wrist; 'Tis therefore he sleeps so sound--the moon through the roof reveals.

  13. I would begin with the headstall of the bridle.

  14. It would take three times the space given to the headstall to describe the bit, and then come the reins.

  15. It must have been the headstall which, dragging along the bottom, had so opportunely anchored him.

  16. He was carrying a headstall and a couple of reims for this purpose, and, thinking it a trifle shorter to ford the river below the drift than at it, had gone into the water accordingly.

  17. The headstall of a cart-horse: sometimes extended to the headstall and blinkers of a carriage horse.

  18. Casting the tackle carelessly on the animal's back, he handed Mr. Mortimer the headstall rope, and left him, to return two minutes later with the saucepan he had promised.

  19. He strode in haste to Old Jubilee's headstall and began to back him towards the boat.

  20. Beside Stands tethered the Pearl: thrice winds her headstall about his wrist: 'T is therefore he sleeps so sound--the moon through the roof reveals.

  21. He has set the tent-door wide, has buckled the girth, has clipped The headstall away from the wrist he leaves thrice bound as before, He springs on the Pearl, is launched on the desert like bolt from bow.

  22. How he gained the stable he never knew, nor how he backed the horse from the building, nor how, hopping on one leg, he got the headstall on and drew the cinches tight.

  23. Bareback, with but the headstall and bridle left upon the pony, he rode at the river.

  24. The room had a forlorn appearance, there was dust everywhere; Gordon had pitched the headstall into a corner, where it lay upon a miscellaneous, untidy pile.

  25. THREE I On an afternoon of the second autumn following Lettice's death Gordon was fetching home a headstall resewn by Peterman.

  26. See also that the bit is so attached to the headstall that the corners of the mouth are not drawn up by it.

  27. He slipped the bit out of Midnight's mouth, pushing the headstall back on the sleek black neck by way of lead rope, and they strode away to the water pen, side by side.

  28. The pony's small red head was quite innocent of bridle; the bit was against his red breast, held there by small hands desperate on the reins; the torn headstall flapped rakishly about the red legs.

  29. A noseband prevents the cheek of the bit and of the headstall from going forward, and so impedes the true action of the bit.

  30. The gag bearing-rein is a rein passing from a point of the headstall on each side, through a swivel attached to the snaffle, thence through another ring, and fastened on to the hook of the pad or saddle.

  31. The horse's eyes should come in the middle of the winkers, and the headstall should be so fitted as to keep them there.

  32. In using it, however, you must see that the headstall is long enough for the pressure to lie on the bars of the horse's mouth.

  33. I do not much care for nosebands; they seem to me to interfere with the proper action of the bridle, by preventing the headstall from going forward, and also the cheek of the bit.

  34. When the headstall has been nicely fitted, take a glance over it, and note that the forehead-band is loose enough, and that the throat-lash will admit at least two of your fingers between it and the skin.

  35. To bridle a horse, go quietly up to him, holding the headstall in your hand.

  36. At the suggestion of the groom the headstall was provided with several inches of chain next to the animal's head, so as to discourage any possible inclination he might have to bite it.

  37. Tennessee was mounted upon it, the reins in her hands, the headstall and bit poised on the peaked pommel.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "headstall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.