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Example sentences for "hectored"

Lexicographically close words:
hectare; hectares; hectic; hectograph; hectolitres; hectoring; hed; hedde; heddle; heddles
  1. Threatened and hectored in his own house by a loutish, daubing plough-boy!

  2. For a week, ever since the strike was declared, Carmen had lived among these hectored people.

  3. Alone with his bruised ambitions, his hectored egoism, his watery aims.

  4. After she had hectored him almost out of his wits, she fled in a state of wild excitement from the palace, and took up her abode at the residence of Sir Daniel Harvey, the ranger of Richmond Park.

  5. He was strong and brave, but he was gentle and considerate, and he never hectored me--a girl likes not to be hectored and quarrelled with in her courting.

  6. There will no man quit any of his goods upon a sentence coming from an incompetent judge: and shall ministers or people be hectored or fooled from such a privilege by them that have no such power.

  7. I shall not go so far as to say that he hectored his parents into sending him to our school.

  8. Minnie had no taste for being hectored or lectured; but it seemed to her that what the cobbler and tinker said, was more important than the fact that it was they who said it.

  9. Hectored by women all my life--hectored by women--first one, then another.

  10. And that our King did openly say, the other day in the Privy Chamber, that he would not be hectored out of his right and pre-eminences by the King of France, as great as he was.

  11. The regulars had been hectored and picked, and driv 'round so from piller to post, that they was dog tired.

  12. But the Conference was a mere farce; the king browbeat and hectored the ministers, and declared himself wholly convinced by the arguments of the Anglican clergy.

  13. She might have found it difficult to cite any definite example of Truesdale's goodness; perhaps she meant merely that he never snubbed her, never hectored her.

  14. In fact, he hectored his father as unscrupulously, as unceremoniously, as he had browbeaten Belden.

  15. Sophy obeyed the stern voice of Mammy Nan, from the instinct of a hectored childhood.

  16. She resented being hectored in the middle of the night by that "wizzening little stick of a man.

  17. Tiresome work, from morning until night, and hectored by a superior officer, to whom one must cringe.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hectored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    badgered; baited; bedeviled; beset; dogged; harassed; harried; hounded; needled; persecuted; pestered; plagued; ragged; tormented; worried