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Example sentences for "hed"

Lexicographically close words:
hectic; hectograph; hectolitres; hectored; hectoring; hedde; heddle; heddles; hede; heded
  1. Didn't know as how thet rascal hed a wife.

  2. If they hed I might have scooted to one side or tudder.

  3. I hung around an hour, an' then I made up my mind ter ride over an' tell ye wot I hed heard.

  4. Berried on Chrismus Eve, but little she ever thought of it, nor me, and little of it Jimmy hed here to home.

  5. Her sister hed on a black silk to the funerel to ride to the grave in; I guess they are well-to-do.

  6. Jim hed jes' time ter make up a saplin' an' Mr. B'ar set down under him ter bide his time.

  7. What sort o' crazy animile Hed got the Deacon in its clutches?

  8. Old Spense hed got a patent churn, Thet gev the Church a drefful turn).

  9. I reckon tho' old Spense hed sign'd With Satan queer law papers, He'd fill'd that dairy up chock full Of them thar patent capers.

  10. He hed one here; nobody knows how many he's got scattered 'round.

  11. Yer oughter hed me with yer from the first; I'd hev found him.

  12. I sed she knowed the boys hed gone huntin' fer Gill.

  13. She told yer she hed a good figger; and there ain't no better in the mountins.

  14. Thar the lads come, safe and sound; though they hed a pull against the wind, I bet.

  15. I've hed that put down in the log with my name to it, and priest and lawyer and doctor as witness.

  16. She stands out so far she hed the first bite at things.

  17. We hed a fight over the diggin's an' I was the only one left.

  18. He hed a rope an' he got to chasin' some hosses over thar.

  19. Wils yelled fer a rifle, but nobody hed one.

  20. When I was your age I hed done my day’s chores afore the day hed begun.

  21. I never would’ve run off with him; all my folks were agen it, and a sore time I’ve hed in the wilderness ’way back from my beautiful city.

  22. You know what a bother I hed with you last time.

  23. I wish I hed a stick to make this durned cow keep quiet--I kin’t milk her!

  24. We’re neither on us rough timber--we’ve both hed our wainy edges knocked off, hey?

  25. All these hed taken strange wives, an’ some of them hed wives by whom they hed children.

  26. He says two darkies hed a fight over the belle.

  27. I allowed I’d walk over to the village to see if it hed come.

  28. Dets Formaal var, hed det, at forøge og nære logisk Skarphed i Diskussionen og Færdighed i at tale Latin.

  29. I reckon as how you uns hed quite a bit of a scrap afore ye laid thet thar dorg out, stranger," he said, a half-angry tone lurking in his deep voice.

  30. Whin I got hum ther ol' cabin hed bin plum burnt down, nary stick o' it left, by gum!

  31. Ther whole valley is mighty bare north o' thar, fer I rid through it, an' Beelzebub hed ter live on clay, fer sure.

  32. He come up on us like a streak out o' thet black hollor, an' he'd a sure got away of Mason hed n't clubbed him with his gun.

  33. Twar a scheme to plunder the ship o' the gold-dust Don Gregorio hed got in her; an' carry off your young ladies.

  34. I hed no dread o' dyin'; only from the fear o' its leavin' the saynoreetas unprotected.

  35. At the begynnyng of the mete, Of a borys hed ye schal hete, And in the mustard ye shal wete; And ye shal syngyn or ye gon.

  36. He got kicked a few days back, and then hed the skin pulled offen his nose.

  37. If you fellars hed been careful, no white blood would hev been spilled.

  38. I was afeared Girty hed your friends, the sisters, an' mebbe your brother, too.

  39. She come to me at the fort, an' tells as how her folks hed been killed by Injuns, an' she wanted to git back to Pitt to meet her sweetheart.

  40. I hed that experience onct, an' onct's enough.

  41. I heerd tell thet the little girl hed turned his head an' Tave couldn't git nothin' in the way of work out of him.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.