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Example sentences for "hepatic"

Lexicographically close words:
heom; heora; heore; heow; hepar; hepatica; hepaticae; hepaticas; hepatitis; hepher
  1. From hepatic or Socotrine aloes (in powder), 2 dr.

  2. The passage of renal or hepatic calculi may give rise to symptoms falsely suggesting neuralgia, which require just to be mentioned here.

  3. But there is no need to dwell much upon the diagnosis, for the passage of renal or hepatic calculi has always attendant symptoms and features of constitutional history, which ought to preserve the physician from mistake.

  4. I have elsewhere explained that the impaction of a renal or an hepatic calculus, in the ureter or the ductus choledochus, may set up a true neuralgia in persons with the requisite congenital predisposition.

  5. It seems, therefore, as if an essentially depressing influence on the mind was excited by hepatic neuralgia; or else, that emotional causes are the chief source of the malady.

  6. No food passes into the hepatic caecum, which has been de finitely shown on embryological and physiological grounds to be the simplest persistent form of the vertebrate liver.

  7. He appears to have been the first to detect valves in the orifice of the hepatic veins.

  8. The ascending colon runs up from the caecum at the level of the ileo-caecal valve to the hepatic flexure beneath and behind the right lobe of the liver; it is about 8 in.

  9. The hepatic duct passes downward and to the right from one to two inches where it is joined at an acute angle with the cystic duct.

  10. The hepatic cells are found in every stage of necrosis.

  11. The severe form may be due to congenital closure or absence of the common or hepatic duct, to hepatic syphilis of congenital form, or to septic infection due to phlebitis of the umbilical vein.

  12. The common bile duct (ductus communis choledochous) is the common excretory duct of the liver and the gall bladder, and is formed by the union of the cystic and hepatic ducts.

  13. That portion of the duct lying in the intestines is more frequently and seriously affected, though the inflammation may extend to the cystic and even the hepatic duct.

  14. The color is generally of a lemon hue, becoming darker and assuming a bronze or greenish tint as the hepatic lesion assumes a graver character.

  15. The cystic duct is about an inch and a half in length, and passes obliquely downward to the left from the neck of the gall bladder, and joins the hepatic duct.

  16. The abdominal aorta gives off in rotation the coeliac axis, which as a hub in a wheel gives off three spokes, the gastric artery to the stomach, the hepatic to the liver, and the splenic artery to the spleen.

  17. A grave form of jaundice characterized by neurosis of the hepatic cells and atrophy of the liver.

  18. Of Laxothalen, which is said to contain phenolphthalein, aromatics and sugar, it is stated that “its action is confined to the bowel and it has practically no hepatic action.

  19. For instance, Phenolax, which is said to contain phenolphthalein and cane sugar, is claimed to be “a great success for all forms of constipation, intestinal atony and hepatic torpor.

  20. Other virtues ascribed to wild indigo are its properties as a cardiac and hepatic stimulant and its value in sepsis, particularly in typhoid fever.

  21. As evidence of hepatic insufficiency the author apparently relies on the color of the stools, and for pancreatic insufficiency he cites the high urea output.

  22. No information seems to be given regarding its composition except such as is contained in the following vague and uninforming phrases: “Effervescent saline combination, hepatic stimulant, laxative and an eliminant of irritating toxins.

  23. Thus, if the obstruction be due to an impacted gallstone in the common or hepatic duct, there will probably be the symptoms of intense suffering characterizing hepatic colic (see COLIC).

  24. The contents of the bowels also undergo changes, being characterized chiefly by their pale clay colour, which is in proportion to the amount of hepatic obstruction, and to their consequent want of admixture with bile.

  25. The arrangement of the hepatic cells in lobules can no longer be distinguished; the trabeculæ are ruptured and broken asunder, and we find nothing more than a confused agglomeration of cells floating in the extravasated blood.

  26. In certain cases we find extensive areas of fatty degeneration, or small foci in which the hepatic tissue is absolutely destroyed.

  27. It would not be unreasonable to conclude from this that the compartments were destined to form the hepatic caeca, each caecum being enclosed in a layer of splanchnic mesoblast, and its hypoblastic wall being derived from the yolk cells.

  28. Coincidently with the formation of the hepatic network, the umbilical vein (Pl.

  29. By stage K the hepatic diverticula have begun to bud out a number of small hollow knobs.

  30. These rapidly increase in length and number, and form the so-called hepatic cylinders.

  31. By stage O its anterior end has dilated into a distinct gall-bladder, whose duct receives in succession the hepatic ducts, and so forms the ductus choledochus.

  32. In the neighbourhood of salt-springs, it is also found; and frequently in water, in combination with hydrogen, forming the natural hepatic waters.

  33. Hepatic Wells), in a kloof of the mountain, we found a considerable quantity of native nitre.

  34. This disease is distinguishable from the foregoing by the palpable hardness or largeness of the liver; and as the hepatic glands are not totally paralytic, or the whole liver not affected, some bile continues to be made.

  35. But the after punishment of those, who steal this accursed fire, is a vulture gnawing the liver; and well allegorises the poor inebriate lingering for years under painful hepatic diseases.

  36. A solution of hepatic gas in distilled water, if added to wine sophisticated with lead, will produce a black sediment, and thus discover the smallest quantity of that poisonous metal; but in pure wine, no precipitation will take place.

  37. No less pregnant of future discoveries was the idea suggested by this newly-found-out action of the hepatic tissue, the idea happily formulated by Bernard as 'internal secretion.

  38. Secretion is an hepatic character, excretion a pulmonic character.

  39. The salivary ducts are the hepatic or biliary ducts.

  40. This organ will therefore for the first time make its appearance in this animal circle--Hepatic animals.

  41. What the spleen is for the stomach, that is the liver for the duodenum; it is the hepatic stomach, and consequently the vascular stomach.

  42. Recently Mosher has demonstrated that hepatic abnormality may furnish an organic cause in many cases formerly considered spasmodic.

  43. A compressive stenosis due to hepatic abnormality may simulate spasmodic stenosis as shown by Mosher, who believes that 75 per cent of so-called cardiospasms are organic.

  44. Those of the biliary ducts, and of the hepatic veins, emerging from the cavities of these bodies.

  45. The ramifications of the hepatic artery distributed to this cellular envelope; 3.

  46. B, I have removed the chitin, to show the generative and hepatic tissue (gen.

  47. Intrusion of generative and hepatic mass round brain into base of flabellum.

  48. It is a well established fact that the greater portion of the digestive work is done beyond the stomach, in the duodenum, by the hepatic and pancreatic fluids.

  49. They have always prescribed remedies for this malady on the theory of portal congestion and hepatic derangement, and hence their supreme motto: "Physic!

  50. There was an hepatic connection through the band, and also some interlacing diaphragmatic fibers therein.

  51. The hepatic and cystic ducts were pervious and the hepatic duct obliterated.

  52. There were signs of hepatic cirrhosis and in addition an inguinal hernia.

  53. The gut from the tip of the caecum to the hepatic flexure was entirely invested by peritoneum continuous with the mesentery.

  54. The hepatic portal vein is formed by the veins of the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines.

  55. The hepatic artery, in addition, marks the cephalic limit of the adhesion which anchors the duodenum and mesoduodenum to the parietal peritoneum.

  56. It now becomes necessary to regard the development of the great omentum from the primitive dorsal mesogastrium in relation to this course of the hepatic artery.

  57. The two principal secondary branches of the hepatic duct give origin to sprouts or buds.

  58. In this way a species of recess (Spigelian recess or hepatic antrum of lesser sac) is formed.

  59. The postcava then receives the right hepatic veins separately, while the left hepatic veins and ductus venosus open together into the main vein.

  60. The blood after traversing the capillary system of the liver is collected by hepatic veins, which form a dilated hepatic sinus emptying into the sinus venosus of the heart.

  61. The abdominal vein, corresponding to the mammalian umbilical vein, has assumed a greater importance in reference to the hepatic circulation.

  62. The ventral (distal) outgrowth is double, the two portions proceeding symmetrically from each side of the hepatic duct.

  63. Scattered throughout the hepatic tissue, I found numbers of well-formed cholesterine crystals, like those represented in Fig.

  64. The consequence was, that within three days after his arrival he began to suffer from hepatic tenderness, and dyspeptic symptoms; the skin at the same time assumed a dusky hue, which soon merged into a decided yellowness.

  65. Secondly,--The morbid effects arising from its accumulation in the ducts, and consequent interruption to the hepatic functions.

  66. Secondly,--By the deep staining of the hepatic tissue with bile pigment, just as occurs in jaundice the result of obstruction.

  67. In the hepatic tissue were found some beautiful {86} stellate crystals, as well as a number of separate needles of tyrosine.

  68. In cases of this kind, the obstruction is not usually to be found within the liver itself, but in the ducts after their exit from the hepatic organ.

  69. Some time afterwards, in the beginning of December, we again saw the patient together, and made a physical examination of the hepatic organ, the result of which only confirmed our suspicions.

  70. Caudate or spindle-shaped cells, from epithelial lining of hepatic ducts.

  71. These substances, although for many years known to chemists, attracted comparatively little attention until Frerichs discovered their diagnostic value in hepatic disease.

  72. By the 25th the hepatic tumour was less, and the icterus was disappearing.

  73. Again starting from the right side, two impressions are seen; the anterior one is for the hepatic flexure of the colon, and the posterior for the upper part of the right kidney.

  74. In the Varanidae (Monitors) the hepatic duct is also retiform (see F.

  75. If an hepatic abscess is injudiciously left to itself it may eventually discharge into the chest, lungs or belly, or it may establish a communication with a piece of intestine.

  76. These eventually reach the hepatic radicles, and so the blood is conducted into the vena cava.

  77. The right and left hepatic ducts, while still in the transverse fissure, unite into a single duct which joins the cystic duct from the gall bladder at an acute angle.

  78. But when the hepatitis is of septic origin, suppuration is likely to occur, the result being an hepatic abscess.

  79. In the Acrania (Amphioxus) the liver is probably represented by a single ventral diverticulum from the anterior end of the intestine, which has a hepatic portal circulation and secretes digestive fluid.

  80. From the cephalic part of this primary diverticulum solid rods of cells called the hepatic cylinders grow out, and these branch again and again until a cellular network is formed surrounding and breaking up the umbilical and vitelline veins.

  81. This is bounded on the left by the inferior vena cava, which is sunk into a deep groove in the liver, and into the upper part of this the hepatic veins open.

  82. From these intralobular capillaries run toward the centre of the lobule, forming a network among the polygonal hepatic cells.

  83. Hepatic Abscess is especially common in persons from the East who have recently undergone an attack of dysentery.

  84. The individual is doubled up with acute pains which, starting from the hepatic region, spread through the abdomen and radiate to the right shoulder blade.

  85. Vertical section through two hepatic lobules of a pig.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hepatic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.