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Example sentences for "hornless"

Lexicographically close words:
hornbook; horned; hornes; hornet; hornets; hornlike; hornpipe; horns; hornstone; hornwork
  1. She goes in the form of a hornless red heifer; she rushes before the cows upon the pools and fords.

  2. He throws a stone at the hornless red heifer, so that her leg breaks under her.

  3. I will come to you in the form of a hornless red heifer before the cattle.

  4. If it is true, equal numbers of gametes with and without the horned factor must be produced by the F1 ewes, while the factor should be lacking in all the gametes of the hornless F2 rams.

  5. When crossed with pure hornless ewes the heterozygous horned ram transmits the horned character to half his male offspring (cf.

  6. And since the heterozygous males are horned, while the heterozgyous females are hornless, we should expect from this mating equal numbers of horned and hornless rams, but only hornless ewes.

  7. A {78} hornless ram, therefore, put to a flock of F1 ewes should give rise to equal numbers of zygotes which are heterozygous for the horned character, and of zygotes in which it is completely absent.

  8. In the F2 generation raised from these F1 animals both horned and hornless types appeared in both sexes but in very different proportions.

  9. However, an intelligent friend of mine near Chichester is determined to try the experiment; and has this autumn, at the hazard of being laughed at, introduced a parcel of black-faced hornless rams among his horned western ewes.

  10. Gelt stags and bucks have hornless heads, like hinds and does.

  11. Many domestic horned breeds of animals, especially sheep and goats, throw off hornless sports.

  12. Thus, suppose a species with well-developed horns produces as a mutation a hornless variety, which eventually replaces the horned form, we should look in vain for any forms intermediate between the parent and the daughter species.

  13. This hornless breed, or rather the ancestor of the breed, arose quite suddenly.

  14. These are, firstly, the celebrated hornless Paraguay cattle.

  15. A hornless individual in the wild state would stand but little chance in fighting for females against his horned brethren.

  16. And one time we saw beside us a hornless deer running hard, and an eager white red-eared hound following after it.

  17. And as to Bres himself, he put a tax on every house in Ireland of the milk of hornless dun cows, or of the milk of cows of some other single colour, enough for a hundred men.

  18. To Mr. Shaw's astonishment the lambs were without an exception hornless and brownish in the face, instead of being black and horned.

  19. Many years ago there were in the Kennebec valley a few polled or hornless cattle.

  20. Gelt-stags and bucks have hornless heads, like hinds and does.

  21. The Hornless Owls are much like the others with the exception of their smooth round heads, without any projecting feathers to form curious ears and horns.

  22. Some are satisfied with the division simply into Horned and Hornless Ruminants.

  23. For brief and simple classification the Owl family is usually divided into two groups—the Horned Owls and the Hornless Owls.

  24. CLINE, Mr., on the skull in horned and hornless rams, ii.

  25. The aboriginal species from which our domesticated cattle and sheep are descended, no doubt possessed horns; but several hornless breeds are now well established.

  26. But from the facts given with respect to horned and hornless cattle, it is probable that the horns and skull would immediately act on each other through the principle of correlation.

  27. So it is with hornless breeds of cattle, some of which acquire, as they grow old, small horns.

  28. The same fact of loose horns occasionally appearing in hornless breeds has been observed in Germany: Bechstein, 'Naturgesch.

  29. Some of the Damaras will not eat the flesh of hornless sheep.

  30. Thus, a cow that had lost a horn from an accident with consequent suppuration, produced three calves which were hornless on the same side of the head.

  31. With hornless breeds of cattle and sheep; another and singular kind of rudiment has been observed, namely, minute dangling horns attached to the skin alone, and which are often shed and grow again.

  32. We also saw, by our sides, a hornless fawn leaping nimbly, and a red-eared white dog, urging it boldly in the chase.

  33. A cow lost a horn from an accident with consequent suppuration, and she produced three calves which were hornless on the same side of the head.

  34. These polled, or hornless cattle vary in color and qualities, but they are usually very good milkers when well kept, and many of them fatten well, and attain good weight.

  35. A hornless skull of a nearly allied animal from the same strata and locality is placed with that of the Sivatherium, and was considered by Dr.

  36. Two entire skeletons of the male, with antlers measuring a little over nine feet from tip to tip, and one skeleton of the hornless doe, are to be seen set up in the middle of the long gallery No.

  37. With respect to sheep, the Chinese prefer rams without horns; the Tartars prefer them with spirally wound horns, because the hornless are thought to lose courage.

  38. So it is with hornless breeds of cattle, some of which acquire small horns as they grow old.

  39. The same fact of loose horns occasionally appearing in hornless breeds has been observed in Germany; Bechstein 'Naturgesch.

  40. CLINE, Mr., on the skull in horned and hornless rams.

  41. But there are exceptions to the rule: hornless breeds of cattle possess a latent capacity to reproduce horns, yet when crossed with horned breeds they do not invariably produce offspring bearing horns.

  42. When tailless or hornless animals are crossed with perfect animals, it frequently, but by no means invariably, happens that the offspring are either furnished with these organs in a perfect state, or are quite destitute of them.

  43. But from the fact given with respect to horned and hornless cattle, it is probable that the horns and skull would immediately act on each other through the principle of correlation.

  44. A hornless stag or spurless cock would have a poor chance of leaving numerous offspring.

  45. This quality was found advantageous, and by propagating the hornless cattle among one another, a hornless race was obtained, which at present has almost entirely supplanted the horned cattle in Paraguay.

  46. A very striking instance is furnished by the hornless cattle of Paraguay, in South America.

  47. A curious instance of the force of hereditariness is sometimes seen in two little loose hanging horns, quite useless as far as the function of a horn is concerned, which are produced in hornless races of our domestic cattle{498}.

  48. It is said that the cattle are made hornless by burning them with fire, with a view to enable them to penetrate jungles.

  49. The cattle of Usongora and Unyoro are mostly all of a hornless and humpless breed, and principally of a fawn colour; while those of Ankori have immensely long horns, and their hides are of variegated hue.

  50. A hornless fawn once crossed our course, bounding nimbly along from the crest of one wave to the crest of another; and close after, in full chase, a white hound with red ears.

  51. On the opposite side of the river, they saw a herd of animals like great hornless oxen, all lying down; and a man of gigantic size near them: and Germane began to strike his spear against his shield, in order to rouse the cattle.

  52. A Caribou Elysium: a hornless doe approaching within 15 feet of the photographer at the mouth of Little River.

  53. However, completely hornless does are not particularly uncommon at this season; in Charles Schweder's opinion, some remain permanently in that condition.

  54. He recognized it as the same animal because at both encounters it was limping from a previous wound and was hornless as well.

  55. The hornless condition appears to be astonishingly more common in Keewatin than in regions farther west.

  56. In a single group of three adult does photographed at close range on August 28, one was hornless and another one-horned (fig.

  57. On the following day a band of equal size, composed chiefly of bucks but including three hornless individuals (does?

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hornless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.