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Example sentences for "idioms"

Lexicographically close words:
idiocy; idiom; idioma; idiomatic; idiomatically; idiopathic; idiosyncracies; idiosyncracy; idiosyncrasies; idiosyncrasy
  1. Of this language it may he said that for flexibility, copiousness, freedom of construction, and harmony and beauty of sound, it is the most perfect of all the idioms of the Neo-Latin or Romanic tongues.

  2. To understand this poem requires a knowledge of the vulgarisms and idioms which are frequently introduced in it.

  3. Great progress has been made in the cultivation of the language, and great care is taken by modern Greek writers to avoid the use of foreign idioms and to preserve the ancient orthography.

  4. During successive ages, four idioms have prevailed in Persia, and Persian literature may be divided into four corresponding periods.

  5. The Polish language is the only existing representative of that variety of idioms originally spoken by the Slavic tribes, which, under the name of Lekhes, in the sixth or seventh century, settled on the banks of the Vistula and Varta.

  6. It is not by means of rules that such idioms as the following are made current: "I can make nothing of it.

  7. The act of rendering into another language; interpretation; as, the translation of idioms is difficult.

  8. A phrase or form of speech in accordance with genius and construction or idioms of the Greek language; a Grecism.

  9. Each county of England has some peculiarities of dialect, and so have most of the professions, while the great idioms of the language are everywhere the same.

  10. The idioms of a language belong to its very structure; its dialects are varieties of expression ingrafted upon it in different localities or by different professions.

  11. Some that with care true eloquence shall teach, And to just idioms fix our doubtful speech.

  12. What the Western World needs is a Bible in which the idioms of the Aramaic of thousands of years ago are translated into the idioms of today.

  13. There is probably little danger that the ordinary writer or speaker will not use idioms enough.

  14. In this book, well-established colloquial idioms or constructions are mentioned from time to time, but always with a note as to their actual status in the language.

  15. Many constructions, originally elliptical, have become established idioms in which no ellipsis is felt.

  16. The choice among these three idioms is largely a matter of emphasis or euphony.

  17. The following phrases are established idioms with the possessive.

  18. The dialects of the center, especially the Tuscan, show marked superiority both in grammatical form and phonetic purity over the more disintegrated and corrupted idioms of north and south.

  19. At Bundi, the style was obviously a direct development from that of Udaipur itself--the idioms for human figures and faces as well as the glowing colours being clearly based on Udaipur originals.

  20. All three are illustrated in the prevailing Jain style with its spiky angular idioms and all three have the same somewhat sinister air of barbarous frenzy.

  21. Yet the version in question shows the same poverty-stricken manner with its crude aping of imperial idioms and utter lack of sensitive expression.

  22. I confess that my circumscribed knowledge of the varieties of dialect used in different parts of the Highlands, may have left me unacquainted with some genuine Gaelic idioms which ought to be noticed in a work of this kind.

  23. The Gaelic is in manifest danger of falling into this discreditable condition, from the disuse of old idioms and distinctions, and the admission of modern corruptions, unless means be applied to prevent its degenerating.

  24. Betty spoke Tuscan with English idioms and an English accent, but her voice was so silvery and clear that her Italian was delightful to listen to.

  25. My preface was in French, but full of Parisian idioms which rendered it unintelligible to all who had not visited the gay capital, and this circumstance gained me a good many friends amongst the younger generation.

  26. But if the French laughed at my mistakes in speaking their language, I took my revenge amply by turning some of their idioms into ridicule.

  27. There are still many savage idioms in which the conception of plurality has not advanced beyond that of duality.

  28. The musical language employed in Faust was new and fascinating, and it was soon to be adopted by many other French composers, certain of its idioms thereby becoming hackneyed.

  29. It is often impossible to render the thoughts expressed in the peculiar idioms of one tongue into exactly corresponding idioms of another.

  30. I had been taught to speak plain and careful English, and though always a student of foreign languages, I had never thought fit to mix their idioms with those of my native tongue.

  31. She spoke English fluently, but with idioms derived from other languages, in some of which I should have understood her more easily than in my own.

  32. About the same time the fusion of idioms took place, and the English language was definitively constituted.

  33. They talked the American slang of the war days and of the days before the war; without a mastery of Italian, they often used the idioms of that tongue in their English speech.

  34. Madame Uccelli's character remained inalienably American, but her manners and customs had become largely Italian; without having learned the language thoroughly, she spoke it very fluently, and its idioms marked her Philadelphia English.

  35. The feminine la is used in a number of idioms in a true neuter sense; at least, no obvious noun can be supplied.

  36. We are often able in fact to trace particular phrases or idioms to individuals; we know the history of their rise.

  37. An Englishman or a Frenchman would be almost unintelligible and altogether ridiculous to each other, who used the French or English words, with the idioms or peculiar uses of his own language.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idioms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.