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Example sentences for "incommoded"

Lexicographically close words:
incomings; incommensurability; incommensurable; incommensurate; incommode; incommoding; incommodious; incommodities; incommunicable; incomparable
  1. French fishermen shall not be incommoded in the cutting of wood necessary for the repair of their scaffolds, huts, and fishing boats.

  2. Here, while the army encamped on a small plain, surrounded by hills, it was incommoded by volleys from the enemy, which wounded some men, and killed several horses.

  3. For several days after our arrival at Sennaar, our camp was incommoded by furious squalls of wind, accompanied with thunder, lightning, and torrents of rain.

  4. I did not feel incommoded by heat in the desert when out of the sun's rays, but on arriving at Assuan I found it almost intolerable.

  5. Mayenne, who was incommoded by a sciatica, followed as best he could, but some way behind, dragging his limbs after him very heavily.

  6. The Duke of Mayenne was incommoded by his great bodily bulk, which could not support the burden either of arms or of fatigue duty.

  7. And then he said, keeping on talking the toney way he knowed how to: "I trust, sir, that you are not incommoded by the heat.

  8. However, when she attempted to walk, she found herself very much incommoded with the smarting pain.

  9. We again indulged in all the luxuries of carnal enjoyment, as far as could be done, incommoded as we both were by dress and locality.

  10. This is, probably, a way of telling us that Hercules and his assistants were obliged to work in the water, which incommoded them very much.

  11. He indulged himself in indolence and social pleasure, but was at the same time much devoted to reading; and enjoyed a tolerable good state of health, although often incommoded with a fluxion of rheum upon the eyes.

  12. I rather wondered why he chose to be the centre of all this ceremony; for he did not seem either particularly to enjoy it, or to be at all incommoded by it, as a more nervous and susceptible man might have been.

  13. I hardly ever pause to look at a shop-window, without being immediately incommoded by boys and men, who stop likewise, and would forthwith throng the pavement if I did not move on.

  14. If you find yourself incommoded by heat or pressure, you are at liberty to declare it without fear of giving offence.

  15. They walked away in single file at a brisk pace; the aunt and niece considerably incommoded by the weight of their drooping pockets.

  16. He himself went to Amisus, which still held out under the command of Callimachus, who, by his great engineering skill, and his dexterity at all the shifts and subtleties of a siege, had greatly incommoded the Romans.

  17. Nor was he less incommoded by the Indian philosophers, who inveighed against those princes who joined his party, and solicited the free nations to oppose him.

  18. In that part of the Union, the repair of roads is left to the care of the towns, and it is plain that the travel through a whole State might be seriously incommoded by the neglect of one town.

  19. Mr. Elton was to take the drawing to London, chuse the frame, and give the directions; and Emma thought she could so pack it as to ensure its safety without much incommoding him, while he seemed mostly fearful of not being incommoded enough.

  20. In the seat thus pirated sat two Americans, greatly incommoded by that woman's majestic coffin-clad feet.

  21. By this means we had always the same climate in all the rooms, and an equal heat was preserved; and how cold soever it was without, it was always warm within; and yet we saw no fire, nor were ever incommoded with any smoke.

  22. The people however thronged about the house in such numbers that I was much incommoded by the heat, which being observed they immediately drew back.

  23. It shall be no crime in you, if ye be incommoded by rain, or be sick, that ye lay down your arms; but take your necessary precaution:p GOD hath prepared for the unbelievers an ignominious punishment.

  24. In the midst of it, where they were incommoded neither by the heat of the sun nor the closeness of the cave.

  25. Verily we have made a provision for thee, that thou shalt not hunger therein, neither shalt thou be naked: and there is also a provision made for thee, that thou shalt not thirst therein, neither shalt thou be incommoded by heat.

  26. They are also found in the stomach of the ass; and yet neither of these animals are incommoded thereby.

  27. The rooms, too, were so disposed, that I was not incommoded by the proximity of the Grand Duke's apartments.

  28. Tis true, that the Inhabitants are not very much incommoded by it, and that they might even do without them[102].

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incommoded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.