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Example sentences for "incomparably"

Lexicographically close words:
incommoding; incommodious; incommodities; incommunicable; incomparable; incompatibilities; incompatibility; incompatible; incompetence; incompetency
  1. Certainly the words of the service, incomparably beautiful as they are, must be in the main lost.

  2. Now incomparably the most important facts in the Roman Church are those which concern not merely a member of it, but the whole Communion: e.

  3. Clouds are far smaller than the earth; while the smallest nebula known to us is incomparably greater than the sun.

  4. The moon is so close to us that her brilliant rays pale to invisibility countless orbs of a size and an intrinsic splendour incomparably greater than her own.

  5. All these stars are incomparably more distant than the sun, which they surround, so it is evident that our sun and, of course, the system which attends him lie actually inside the Milky Way.

  6. Crabbe's portraits are only spirited vignettes compared with the elaborate full-lengths drawn by the intense imagination of the French novelist; and Crabbe's whole range of thought is incomparably narrower.

  7. When we have to find a language for our emotions instead of our sensations, we generally express the result of an incomparably more complex set of intellectual operations.

  8. I confess that, in my opinion, Lamb could have himself drawn a far more sympathetic portrait of Shakespeare, and that Scott would have brought out the whole scene with incomparably greater vividness.

  9. Whoever overrides it will find it easier to do great things, but incomparably more difficult to do permanently what is right.

  10. This was incomparably more difficult in the Roman Catholic Church.

  11. The losses which the German races had experienced were great, but the injury to the Austrian nationalities was incomparably greater.

  12. I believe that it is now universally recognised that the most difficult of all missionary fields--incomparably the most difficult--is China.

  13. She is head and shoulders above the Japanese; she is more intellectual, or, rather, she is more capable of intellectual development; she is incomparably more chaste and modest.

  14. It is the softness of calcareous spar in comparison with that of rock-crystal; and although the latter is incomparably harder than the former, I think it will be conceded that the term viscous would be equally inapplicable to both.

  15. But the action of the simple gases, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, was incomparably less than that produced by some of the compound gases, while these latter again differed widely from each other.

  16. The ice yields to the pressure with incomparably greater ease than the glass; and if the force be slowly applied, the lateral yielding will far more closely resemble that of a truly plastic body.

  17. There were some inconveniences connected with the present system, but they were incomparably less than those connected with slavery.

  18. Throughout the West Indies, in every island, the condition of the people is incomparably superior to what it was in slavery.

  19. Bridge accidents in fact always have been, and will probably always remain, incomparably the worst to which travel by rail is exposed.

  20. She has white and regular teeth, however, and her hair is incomparably the most beautiful I ever saw.

  21. The contadini of Rome, the lazzaroni of Naples, the paysans of France, are incomparably more handsome than their superiors in rank, but it is strikingly different here.

  22. The latter is incomparably the finest statue.

  23. Gaudiness and tinsel were exchanged for plain richness and perfect fitness in the carriages and harness, while the horses were incomparably finer.

  24. They have the unique merit of retaining all their peculiarities unchanged throughout life, and afford in consequence an incomparably surer criterion of identity than any other bodily feature.

  25. In the end, this plan will be very much cheaper, and incomparably better, than buying crude bromides from quacks.

  26. For the rest, this speech, dry enough in a sense, is an incomparably masterly statement of the then political situation, reaching from its far back origin to the precise and definite question requiring decision at that moment.

  27. We learned from the apprentices themselves, by conversing with them, that their condition, in respect to treatment, is incomparably better than it was during slavery.

  28. I get my work done better than formerly, and with incomparably more cheerfulness.

  29. Though great cruelties have always been inflicted by men upon brutes, yet incomparably the most horrid ever perpetrated, have been those of men upon their own species.

  30. In this point of view, therefore, slavery is an incomparably greater sin in us, than it was in them.

  31. The former is incomparably less to be feared; its ills exist in the main only as possibilities, and if they come at all it is only one among millions that they touch.

  32. The cost of railway construction is incomparably greater than that attendant on the cutting of canals, and therefore the land carriage can very seldom, when speed is not required, compete with the water conveyance.

  33. But how incomparably more dangerous it would be to inundate the country with an alien population, whose mere brute strength, without a particle of productive skill, is their only passport and certificate!

  34. It is incomparably weirder than the howl of any European dog; and I fancy that it is incomparably older.

  35. There, within a palace of jewels, Nanda saw a multitude of heavenly maidens celebrating some festival with music and dance; and the beauty of the least among them incomparably exceeded that of the fairest woman of earth.

  36. The size and value of the modern cotton factory, iron works, sugar refinery, or brewery are incomparably greater than the units of which these industries were composed a century and a half ago.

  37. In short, if in an epic poem there must be amorous matters, I own that I incomparably prefer the assignations of Alcina with Rogero, and of Armida with Rinaldo.

  38. Whence commentators conclude that men of those times were incomparably larger, stronger, and more industrious than those of modern nations.

  39. These words are said to have incomparably more energy in Arabic.

  40. The double varieties are now grown almost to the exclusion of single flowers, and the former are so incomparably superior, that they are judged by the severe rules of the florist.

  41. The individual prowess and hardihood of the Mongols, and the perfection of their military organization, rendered their armies incomparably superior to those of any European, or any other Asiatic, power of that day.

  42. Solemn it was and ceremonial, yet intimate, relieved by the minute absurdities, the tender follies of people who were, as Tanqueray owned, incomparably untainted.

  43. She could almost see it working, the predestined attraction of the eternally compatible, the incomparably fit.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incomparably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    awfully; eminently; exceedingly; highly; incomparably; most; perfectly; preeminently; prominently