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Example sentences for "jocular"

Lexicographically close words:
jockeys; jockies; jocose; jocosely; jocosity; jocularity; jocularly; jocund; jodel; joes
  1. The chief received him at the castle gate, welcoming him in jocular terms of high chivalry to the castle of Roxburgh, which he took care always to denominate "my castle.

  2. Possibly it was the general sombreness of events that caused these British statesmen to find a certain relief in jocular small talk and reminiscence.

  3. By this time we were in the street, walking arm in arm toward the park, and he continued his jocular allegory.

  4. A lady a few days since described to me her daughter as being always “on the go,” which I take to be a jocular way of saying that the young lady was very fond of paying visits.

  5. This was the jocular suggestion of Dexter Freer.

  6. This pledge was cheerfully given, and after a few words of jocular good-nature were exchanged on both sides, Horse Shoe and his companion retired.

  7. They were all written in the confident and even jocular tone of a light-hearted soldier who sought to amuse his mistress; and they narrated such matters of personal history as were of a character to still her fears for his safety.

  8. That's another consarn for you to ruminate over," replied Horse Shoe, in the same jocular mood.

  9. But he was merry and jocular as if he had never heard of the King of Terrors.

  10. A jocular and cheerful expression, because physicians and surgeons use cheerful words with ladies and treat this sweet flower with flowery phrases.

  11. Florac was of the party; he had been exceedingly jocular when Lord Kew's name was mentioned, and said, "Ce petit Kiou!

  12. He was a better man of business than his more solemn and stately brother, at whom he laughed in his jocular way; and he said rightly, that a gentleman must get up very early in the morning who wanted to take him in.

  13. The Sixth with "Blowing of the zephyrs of wit, and the breezes of jocular sallies, which cause the buds of the lips to laugh and the flowers of the hearts; to bloom.

  14. All the bland words, the jocular phrases of his singular wooing came back to her now, weighted with deep significance.

  15. He said nothing directly--at first--but she was able to interpret all too well the meaning of his jocular remarks and his wistful glances.

  16. Howell Gruffydd, who had been as thunderstruck as the rest of them, now affected to take a jocular view of the matter.

  17. She bent ingratiatingly forward; as if a key had clicked, a dazzling smile cut her face into two; and after a jocular word or two Mr. Morrell bore her off, Ynys following.

  18. He of course acquiesced in his servant’s request, and after a little jocular and rough rallying, proposed that the Bidding should be immediately commenced.

  19. He feels quite jocular now that the strain is over.

  20. I have in mind one brilliant Scottish professor who, whether he is jocular or serious, invariably monologises in the tones of a man condoling with a widow.

  21. And that irrepressibly ribald organ, the New York Beam, could not forbear its customary jocular sport.

  22. I gathered that this jocular pleasantry was the stock joke of all near-wits who visited undertakers--I mean morticians.

  23. Then his broad good humor, running easily into jocular talk, in which he delighted and in which he excelled, was a rich gift to this wise man.

  24. Sir Walter Scott speaks, in the most jocular manner, of an ancestress who had a curious hand at pickling the beef which her husband stole; and that there was not a stain upon his escutcheon, barring Border theft and high treason.

  25. But, not to alarm her by calling it by that name, I always said to her, in a jocular manner, that it was the mason word I wished her to teach me.

  26. How much this is in keeping with the Gipsies, who so frequently speak of each other, in a jocular way, as "brown and black rascals!

  27. The affair called forth laughter and jocular exclamations from those around: "How are you Johnnie!

  28. Well, I guess that's about all Dav does," said Bagley, in a jocular manner.

  29. You know all about it, Mr. Bagley," said Lafferty, taking refuge in jocular irony.

  30. It is very characteristic of the English renaissance, and of the public which Shakespeare had in view in his early plays, that he should make this noble heroine take part with Parolles in the long and jocular conversation (i.

  31. Indeed, they tried to be jocular with me; and I submitted to their course, and joined in it, as the best way.

  32. There were others who did not seem inclined to treat the affair in this jocular fashion.

  33. As he approached the conclusion of this somewhat jocular peroration, he held up a flask--suspended by a strap over his shoulders--and unconcernedly commenced extracting the stopper.

  34. Conversing in this jocular vein, the two travellers reached the summit of the sloping declivity; and, continuing onward, entered upon a wild tract of country known as Jarret's Heath.

  35. Having delivered himself of this jocular allusion to the Tower, he passed through the park gate; and at the head of his troopers continued briskly, but silently, along the king's highway.

  36. The question was evidently asked with a keen interest: for the revelations which Will Walford was making had all at once changed the jocular air of his interrogator into one of undisguised eagerness.

  37. When he had looked at her for some time, Bernard Grandin replied with a jocular accent of sincere conviction: "You may well call her beautiful!

  38. In the end he excited my pity, and I sent for my colleague, Rivet, a jocular but very sensible little man, to give us his advice.

  39. Laughter, and jocular remarks on the scene were heard all about, as we worked the gun, and we did our best to keep up the show.

  40. Towards the end his voice had lost its tone of unpleasant excitement, it became merely jocular and buoyant.

  41. Viewed by the sober light of day it appeared she had been making a silly romance out of some half-jocular attentions paid to her by a vulgar man, almost old enough to be her father!

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jocular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    biting; brilliant; buxom; clever; comic; droll; facetious; flippant; frivolous; funny; gleeful; hilarious; humorous; jesting; jocose; jocular; joking; jolly; joshing; jovial; joyful; joyous; keen; merry; mirthful; mordant; pointed; pungent; rejoicing; risible; salt; salty; scintillating; sharp; smart; sparkling; sprightly; waggish; whimsical; witty