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Example sentences for "leaven"

Lexicographically close words:
leauie; leauing; leave; leaved; leaveing; leavened; leaveneth; leavening; leavens; leaves
  1. So rapid is this increase, that if a single yeast-plant were to be put into a great mass of dough it would very quickly leaven the whole mass.

  2. Christ said that the kingdom of heaven could be likened unto leaven (or yeast), which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till the whole was leavened.

  3. And His rule working and spreading secretly, like leaven changing the meal, is intended in His loving purpose to convert the whole world unto obedience to Himself.

  4. Other signs of the leaven working in the hearts of the faithful may be gathered from a variety of expressions in the different Epistles, pointing to the changed lives of the members of the Church (1 Cor.

  5. It would be like leaven working in the meal.

  6. For, if the leaven represents a corrupting influence, the Parable would describe the Kingdom of Heaven either as having an evil effect upon the world, or else as progressing itself towards corruption till the whole is corrupted.

  7. Because leaven is commonly referred to in Holy Scripture as a symbol of evil, some have interpreted this Parable in a very different manner.

  8. They have a great deal of the Methodist leaven amongst them, and at prayer, or while speaking is going on, express their feelings in a way which, to a stranger, may be considered unnecessarily noisy.

  9. The lawyers and the doctors were mostly Tories, but the tradesmen and the merchants were not a little leavened with the leaven of Dissent.

  10. Johnson Fox—for it is of him I write—that did much in our little village to leaven the mass with the leaven of Reform.

  11. Doddridge’s acceptation of the term, and I fancy did much as lords of the manor—and as inhabitants of Wrentham Hall, a building which had ceased to exist long before my time—to leaven with their goodness the surrounding lump.

  12. But it was not from William Johnson Fox that at that time came to our small village the grain of light that was to leaven the lump around.

  13. At least there was a wholesome leaven in it of honest stupidity.

  14. For it appeared to me very nat'ral that, seeing they had no bread in the locker, and hearing tell of leaven which they weren't to eat, they should think it had summat to do with their having none of any sort.

  15. Find out why our Lord was so much displeased with the disciples, whom He knew to be ignorant men, for not knowing what He meant when He warned them against the leaven of the Pharisees.

  16. And so they wouldn't have been set upon the wrong tack when He spoke about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees; and they would have known in a moment what He meant.

  17. Take the blade in thy hand, nor shrink from it; the touch of steel will fire thy heart, and purge away the accursed leaven of effeminacy which is creeping over our Viking race.

  18. It is this divine leaven which alone can leaven the whole mass.

  19. I could not beat out of thy bones this leaven of insolence!

  20. Where the leaven of new ideas was showing itself was not in a cessation, but in a decrease, of pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

  21. Those priests are as crafty as foxes when the heretic leaven gets into them.

  22. For a long while now the leaven of Lollardism had been working silently in the country, and there were very many even amongst orthodox sons of the Church who were more or less "bitten" by some of the new notions.

  23. Nevertheless, in country places the leaven of their teaching permeated far and wide, and Sir Oliver had more than once occasion to fear that amongst his own retainers some were slightly tainted by heresy.

  24. Sir Oliver Chadgrove's household was strictly orthodox in all outward matters; but the leaven of Lollardism was wonderfully penetrating, and he himself had suspected and feared that some of his servants might be tainted therewith.

  25. True the leaven is at work, but truth is not leaven, but leaven is evil.

  26. Whoever has eyes opened by the Word and the Spirit, must see how well the woman has succeeded in putting the leaven of error and wickedness into the fine flour, and the leaven is doing its perfect work in leavening the whole lump.

  27. Leaven was of old the symbol of wickedness: our Lord spake of the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees: yet we hear from His own lips, The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven.

  28. It is the leaven that softens and ameliorates the hard conditions of life, that makes our relations with our fellow-men bearable.

  29. It is the leaven which has changed governments, and which in the end, I am firmly convinced, will make true democracy inevitable.

  30. The public conscience of which I speak is the leaven of Christianity at work.

  31. But whatever we may do there still remains to us, in the marrow, a certain leaven of chivalry which preserves us from death.

  32. The leaven spreads through the whole body politic, so that out of a little thing proceeds a great.

  33. Among the crowd were the pickets and a fair leaven of the men on strike; but a large majority of the people might have been described as sympathisers.

  34. I got acquainted with her on the street by a handkerchief flirtation," laughed the actor, and he saw that the leaven worked.

  35. The leaven of Cissy's words had worked steadily in her mind.

  36. In the succeeding generation we become aware of a certain leaven of dissatisfaction with the aesthetic and intellectual code thus inherited.

  37. Ale and clamour unite their powers; the crowd, condensed and heated, begins to ferment with the leaven of sedition.

  38. She descanted on how a little leaven of good manners would leaven a whole lump of bad manners, and how popular Southern students were in Northern schools and colleges because of the good manners and breeding they brought with them.

  39. It spreads itself as naturally as the leaven spreads in the meal.

  40. The little leaven was now mixed with his life, which would leaven the whole.

  41. Perhaps Webster's speaking is a good sample, in its own line, of the leaven wherewith these times are leavened.

  42. Some of the old leaven alluded to in the last note exists amongst the ladies and gentlemen of the Tremont theatre: they do not seem to despise their work, and it is, generally speaking, well done therefore.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaven" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.