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Example sentences for "lengths"

Lexicographically close words:
lengthen; lengthened; lengthening; lengthens; lengthily; lengthways; lengthwise; lengthy; lengua; lenguas
  1. I thought there was No other as I thro' all the weary lengths Of Time the gods have made, who pined so long And found fruition mock him.

  2. The larger music, the more majestic lengths of verse called epics, the exact in sculpture, the classic drama, the most absolute kinds of wine, require a perfect harmony of circumstance for their appreciation.

  3. They had enjoyed a certain intimacy with him, in lengths varying with their respective ages, but they had never made a full avowal that his being rested on any tangible physical basis.

  4. It developed in Rosamund a sixth sense--one which was to lead her to lengths that none of her kin could have anticipated.

  5. I have gone too great lengths in the encomiums which I bestow on the illustrious men of paganism.

  6. At the end of the first mile Harvard was two lengths in advance, and seemed to be gaining.

  7. At the beginning of the last mile Harvard was scarcely two lengths in advance.

  8. While they are doing this take some of the eggs they have found, run ribbon through them and suspend in different lengths from a chandelier.

  9. This can be easily accomplished by cutting the paper into lengths a little longer than the pencil, pasting one side, and rolling the pencil in the paper, then tying with a bow of narrow ribbon.

  10. In the centre of the bowl place a tall green glass vase and make it secure by passing four lengths of ribbon crossed over the top of it, fastening the ends on the edge of the centrepiece with little bows.

  11. The packet ship South America, which left New York at the same time we did, came in a few lengths behind, thus losing a wager of ten thousand dollars which had been made the day of starting.

  12. If it is 34 inches, then it will be easy to calculate how many lengths to buy of cloth 36 inches wide.

  13. How many lengths of cloth are needed to cut such a skirt?

  14. Baste also one-fourth inch hems at the outside edges of the side lengths which are raveling.

  15. For short skirts one must deduct from the full lengths the number of inches desired from the floor.

  16. Each girl will need two lengths for the skirt part of the apron, measuring from the armhole at chest, to the desired length.

  17. We shall need three lengths of cloth for the skirt.

  18. Just as they reached the top, however, they heard someone talking a few bow-lengths to the west of them.

  19. Then the Ute turned aside to avoid some bowlders, and crawled to the crest of the ridge several bow-lengths away.

  20. Both companies rode at full speed until they were only several bow-lengths apart.

  21. And it had been in native dugouts of various crude types that I had boated greater or lesser lengths of the swifter upper stretches of the Orinoco, Amazon and Parana.

  22. The trouble was that every foot of that "freeboard" was cordwood, and then some; for the huge stacks of four-foot firewood had weighted down the logs under them until those great lengths of spruce and cedar were completely submerged.

  23. Turning at the finish of my stroke, I saw that big spray-flipping comber about two lengths away, and dead ahead, looking savager than ever.

  24. The Arrow Lakes are merely enlargements of the Columbia, keeping throughout their lengths the same general north-to-south direction of this part of the river.

  25. The barrier gave way in two or three places, so that we were shedding trailing lengths of wire all the way to the river.

  26. And I think I recall spray dashing two or three lengths astern of us, before the solid battering ram of the water hit me on the back, and Roos in the face.

  27. He had out-stripped all his escort, except his squire, and even he was several lengths behind.

  28. Just near the turn were two horsemen; and the rearmost, when he saw his cry had been heard, waved his hat and gesticulated violently toward the other, who was several lengths in front.

  29. A thousand trees were felled and trimmed, and cut into suitable lengths for a palisade, and even now men are at work digging holes in the sand to insert the ends of the timber.

  30. But man should no longer disguise the long lines, the strong forms, in those lengths of piping or tubing that are of all garments the most stupid.

  31. It was many a long year before I had a dress-maker's dress, or went to such lengths of luxury and extravagance as to order carpets or curtains to be made for me.

  32. In a few minutes the half-breed had swum several cables’ lengths towards the boat in an oblique direction.

  33. Only to find that in brief time the twenty lengths have become doubled, then trebled, till in fine they see that it is fruitless to carry the pursuit further.

  34. The moon is now up, everything on the level llano distinguishable for miles, and the black horse with his pale-faced rider is still less than twenty lengths ahead; so after him they go, fast as their mustangs can be forced.

  35. And now the goody had waited seven lengths and seven breadths for her husband to come and call them home to dinner; but never a call they had.

  36. The incident has value only as showing the lengths to which the mind may be led once it has detached itself from the steadying influences of experience-tested reality.

  37. The testimonials to these cures and to the strange powers of Burkmer are themselves an arresting testimony to the lengths people go in the face of what they do not understand.

  38. But on the other hand a recognition of the unwarranted lengths to which--with lonely longing behind it--it may carry even the best poised minds, must give us pause in accepting any conclusion thus reached.

  39. They still make but a poor show there beside the treasures of Herculaneum, where the excavation of a few streets and houses has yielded costlier and lovelier things than all the lengths and breadths of Pompeii.

  40. I did not find that series of apparent principessas or imaginable marchesas leaning at their lovely lengths in their landaus.

  41. This last, as the two boats have arrived within less than three lengths of one another.

  42. When he again takes hold of the steering tackle the Mary is within six lengths of the advancing boats, both now nearly together, the bow of the pursuer overlapping the stern of the pursued.

  43. In a few seconds the boats are but a couple of lengths apart, the heavy craft coming bow-on for the lighter; while the faces of those in her, slewed over their shoulders, show terribly forbidding.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lengths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.