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Example sentences for "never know"

  • Who dey was I ain't never know'd, but dey took Alex Leech to Black's Ford on Bullet Creek and killed him for being a radical.

  • I never know'd but one old nigger dat come from Virginia, old Ellen Abner.

  • We hear dat church bell here de other evenin en we never know what it been tollin for.

  • So dem Yankees went on somewhars, I never know'd whar, and everything round Yorkville was powerful relieved.

  • A sick man that gets talking about himself, a woman that gets talking about her baby, and an author that begins reading out of his own book, never know when to stop.

  • I never know what I am going to write when I sit down.

  • We never know when we are entertaining an angel unawares.

  • We never know what we are, he had said, until we become something else!

  • Man, you would hear dat thing windin en I remember, I would stand dere en want to spin so bad, I never know what to do.

  • You know, I wouldn' touch my hand to do nothin like dat, but I never know.

  • It is, but I could not get off; Cashel is incurably lazy, and I never know how to say 'no.

  • Let him take mine; there are plenty of them, and he 'll never know anything of it.

  • He used to say: "They'd never know me now.

  • Pa Cudjo tell dat he make for de bank fast as he could get dere cause he know de devil been in de river dat day en he never know whe' he might go.

  • My old Massa been Anthony Ross en he had set my age down in de Bible, but my old Missus, she dead en I know dem chillun wouldn' never know whe' to say dat Bible at dese days.

  • Course we never know'd nothing 'bout no doctor at all.

  • You see, I was a little small child den en I never know no better den to speak dat way.

  • Freedom has a thousand charms to show, / That slaves, howe'er contented, never know.

  • We see so darkly into futurity, we never know when we have real cause to rejoice or lament.

  • They say Doubt is weak, but yet, if life be in the doubt, / The living doubt is more than Faith that life did never know.

  • As you haven't been where I've been, you'll never know what it is to go in and come out when you like.

  • I wonder what's happened around in these woods since we went to sleep last week, Phil; but I suppose we'll never know.

  • I never know'd yer had ter run off your own niggers in the night, so's ter sell 'em down South.

  • I never know'd she wa'n't no nigger till after we got yere.

  • Ther joke ov it is, he never know'd thet Joe hed told me all 'bout the fix he wus in, afore we cum ashore.

  • First, I never know my host and hostess by sight.

  • Next, in a summer dusk, I never know anybody.

  • It is needless to say that, at whist, I never know in the least what will happen in consequence of the card I play; and life is very much too short for the interminable calculations of chess.

  • I never know, or, if my sub-consciousness knows, I never remember, who anybody is.

  • I'm seventy-odd years old, and I never know'd a little young'un to lie.

  • And your papa won't never know we's went.

  • They are gently and quietly instilled into us, and we never know they do not come of themselves, until we happen to realize that some verse of his, familiar to our childhood, has been haunting us all the time.

  • In a week you'd never know he'd stepped on a nail.

  • Why he jumped the fence into the yard we'll never know.

  • Had the cannon bone broken and you'd never know it now.

  • I never know'd a deer to stay within hearing of one.

  • Janet, you'll never know what I've suffered these nineteen years.

  • We'll make fun of him to his face and he'll never know it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never know" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acetic acid; cried passionately; first view; negro servant; never allowed; never beheld; never did; never goin; never have; never having; never heerd; never intended; never like; never liked; never marry; never mentioned; never occurred; never remember; never seemed; never seems; never stopped; never think; never tired; never want; never will; never would