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Example sentences for "plagues"

Lexicographically close words:
plagiary; plagioclase; plagis; plague; plagued; plaguey; plaguily; plaguing; plaguy; plaice
  1. This forces them in storm time to such extremities, that no wonder fevers and plagues are the result.

  2. His whole talk was of this land; full of piracies, plagues and poisonings.

  3. The psalmist traces Israel's sin to forgetfulness of God's mercy, and thus glides into a swift summing up of the plagues of Egypt, regarded as conducing to Israel's deliverance.

  4. But the conjecture may be hazarded that its reason lies in the better illustration of continual interlacing of mercy and unthankfulness afforded by the events in the wilderness, than by the plagues of Egypt.

  5. In that hour he cured many of diseases and plagues and evil spirits; and on many that were blind he bestowed sight.

  6. Connecting with plagues in the north of England, there was a great prevalence of the infection in Scotland.

  7. Among other outbreaks in 1625 was one at Newcastle, but it does not compare in extent with some earlier and later plagues there.

  8. The chroniclers are not agreed as to the chronology of the various 14th century plagues from the first (the Black Death) to the fifth.

  9. The plagues in provincial towns were in those years much more serious relatively than those in London.

  10. The two remaining English plagues of those years were both in cities that had suffered much from plague before, and were in a constant state of turmoil during the war, namely Chester and Shrewsbury.

  11. He gives point to this phrase by an account of the local plagues of recent times in Gujerat and Kumaon.

  12. The great plagues of the 6th and 14th centuries had, on the other hand, a diffusive power which carried them over the whole known world.

  13. Like some of the later plagues in London it lasted through the winter.

  14. Like the Israelites during the plagues that came to Egypt these faithful ones will be kept untouched through this terrible time that is to come.

  15. They have miraculous power in protecting themselves against attack, and in withholding rain, and sending plagues among the people, and in turning water into blood, to give force and effect to their testimony.

  16. The invalids loved the jingling refrain, and added to the plagues of Mudros by roaring its chorus.

  17. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no person was able to enter into the temple, until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completely executed.

  18. AND I saw another sign in the heaven, great and wonderful, seven angels having the seven last plagues because by them is the wrath of God completely executed.

  19. How then are we to keep this Heart pure, to free it, in other words, from the plagues I have named?

  20. No: from these plagues of civilisation protect us, Allah!

  21. When angry heaven scatters its plagues among you, Is it for nought, ye Thebans?

  22. Why those portents in heaven, and plagues on earth?

  23. My executioners are in my soul, and all the plagues of hell in my conscience.

  24. Thus pour the stars down plagues for perjury.

  25. All God's pleading with him by the message of Moses and Aaron, by the mighty plagues which God sent on Egypt, only hardened Pharaoh's heart.

  26. The Lord did not bring all these plagues on Egypt without giving Pharaoh fair warning.

  27. The Bible talks of the Lord visiting people in His wrath--visiting them for their sins--visiting them with sore plagues and punishments, about forty times.

  28. Hell and furies ayd me, That I may have power to avert the plagues That press upon me.

  29. The plagues of men light on 'em, They cross my hopes like Hares, who's that?

  30. And He spake to His disciples, that a little boat should wait on Him because of the crowd, lest they should throng Him: for He had healed many; insomuch that as many as had plagues pressed upon Him that they might touch Him.

  31. Then arose an unbecoming and irreverent rush of as many as had plagues to touch Him.

  32. Our journey hither from Lyons produced neither accident nor adventure worth notice; but abundance of little vexations, which may be termed the Plagues of Posting.

  33. In spite of Joseph's testimonial the "plagues of posting" are still in the ascendant, and Smollett is once more generous of good advice.

  34. THE END OF THE FIRST NOVEL II The Story of the Tenson "Plagues a Dieu ja la nueitz non falhis, Ni 'l mieus amicx lonc de mi no s partis, Ni la gayta jorn ni alba ne vis.

  35. The whole congregation, threatened with plagues and disasters in approaching God, has protection through the holy service of the Levitical tribe.

  36. It belongs to an age when moral ideas had often to be enforced with indifference to human life; when, conversely, the plagues and disasters that befell men were always connected with moral offences.

  37. Plagues that swept away thousands, or the slow, sure election of death, had taken all who left Egypt excepting a few.

  38. Again and again in the wilderness, where thunderstorms were common and plagues spread rapidly, the impression was strongly confirmed that the Most High observed everything that was done against His will.

  39. No pestilence shall exterminate the murmurers, nor shall they be left without the guidance of Moses and of the cloud to melt away in the plagues of the wilderness.

  40. Once favoured by the Eternal Sire He plagues the worlds in ceaseless ire, For peerless power and might renowned, By giant bands encompassed round.

  41. The Gospel and the Epistles of John were added after this; and we may trust that no plagues were "added" to the beloved disciple for writing them.

  42. Plagues and pestilences now and again desolated the whole land, and Norfolk and Norwich did not escape the ravages of diseases emphatically named the “Black Death.

  43. Under it the sanitary state of the city was so bad, the drainage of the city so defective, and the supply of water so insufficient, that plagues and pestilences, which carried off thousands of the citizens, were of frequent occurrence.

  44. It is a popular belief, universally diffused in Germany, that cattle-plagues are caused by witches (A.

  45. The effect of the ceremony is supposed to be to avert the various plagues from which the fruits of the earth are apt to suffer; and the bands of straw fastened round the stems of the trees are believed to render them fruitful.

  46. God breaketh not promise with his servants who die in common famine, no more than with them who die in plagues or wars.

  47. When filthy, vain, and impious language is grown common, it will bring down common plagues and judgments!

  48. For God is the avenger, and his plagues shall revenge the injuries of the oppressed.

  49. God hardens Pharaoh's heart only after all the earlier plagues have been sent.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plagues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.