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Example sentences for "reefs"

Lexicographically close words:
reef; reefed; reefer; reefers; reefing; reek; reeked; reeking; reeks; reel
  1. From the court came the odor of strange flowers, and from the window he could see the ocean brilliantly blue, and with the sun coloring the spray that beat against the coral reefs on the shore.

  2. There was a long pause, in which the silence of the office was only broken by the sound of the waves beating on the coral reefs outside.

  3. They seem also to have strengthened the natural barrier towards the north by a continuous wall of huge blocks along the reefs and the islets, portions of which are still in existence.

  4. Between the reefs was a space of about 140 feet, which was left open, but could be closed, if necessary, by a boom or chain, which was kept in readiness.

  5. Reefs of rocks and drifts of sand render the west coast unsuitable for anchorage, and the roads are unsafe when the wind is in the south-west.

  6. To the east he has the coast of Chile, with its countless reefs and islands and deep fiords, and above it rises the snow-capped crest of the Andes.

  7. A voyage on it is then more dangerous, for banks, boulders, and reefs are covered with water and form whirlpools and seething eddies.

  8. When reefs form circles they are called atolls.

  9. The ships had to be sailed with great caution, for dangerous reefs lay round the islands.

  10. They die and increase again and again, and therefore the coral reefs grow in height and breadth, and only the height of water at ebb tide puts a limit to their upward growth.

  11. Now, the utmost depth at which corals can construct reefs is between twenty and thirty fathoms, so that wherever there is an atoll a foundation must have originally existed within a depth of from twenty to thirty fathoms from the surface.

  12. On the other hand, coasts merely fringed by reefs cannot have subsided to any perceptible amount, and therefore they must, since the growth of their corals, either have remained stationary or have been upheaved.

  13. It was on two projecting coral reefs from the island of Shaduan, that the 'Carnatic' was wrecked in 1869.

  14. Towards dusk we made the light of Nabae Sinaon Yo Sina, and, steering past it, had to take several sharp and awkward turns, to avoid two reefs off Siyako and Usi Suria.

  15. It was a very pleasant twenty minutes' sail to the shore, racing along before the wind, with two reefs in the mainsail--quite a different thing from beating out.

  16. The discovery of rich gold-reefs in the Transvaal brought to that land a large mining population, mainly of British extraction, and led to the founding of the "golden city" of Johannesburg.

  17. When the alluvial deposits were exhausted, it was found that large reefs of auriferous quartz lay below them, and a steady development of scientific mining by machinery superseded the haphazard work of the early diggers.

  18. Three reefs were at once taken in, and not a moment too soon.

  19. When morning broke, a large fleet of prows was discovered about three miles to leeward; we immediately made sail, and stood down towards them, a bright look-out being kept for reefs and shoals.

  20. The boat entered a small creek, between banks of coral in process of formation, which in time would form a chain of reefs along the southern coast of the island.

  21. The reefs were skillfully avoided, but, with the unsteady breeze, they did not seem to draw nearer the shore.

  22. Since then he had heard nothing more of the Britannia, and naturally supposed that she had been wrecked, with all on board, on the dangerous reefs of Twofold Bay.

  23. The Britannia had never been wrecked on the reefs of Twofold Bay!

  24. At the southwest point are meadows, and reefs seaward.

  25. D) They also, in their general shape and lines, enclose spaces in a similar way to that which coral reefs invariably enclose.

  26. These blew half a gale of wind at the time of the landfall; yet Navarette, Varnhagen, and Captain Becher anchored the squadron on the windward sides of the coral reefs of their respective islands, a "lee shore.

  27. How absurd to say that these corals built no reefs about the European coasts during all these ages.

  28. The "Challenger" expedition found some Cyathophylloid corals now building reefs at the bottom of our modern ocean.

  29. He had even done better and had gone himself to reconnoitre these imaginary reefs which his look-outs had reported they had seen in the east.

  30. In the middle of that dark night the ship had disappeared in the depths of the sea, without leaving on the reefs the slightest traces of its wreck!

  31. They had come in without oneā€”such a trifling bit of navigation, after scraping coral reefs by the score and being close inshore, with strong current setting in, not being worth considering.

  32. He was given a great send-off when he finally embarked by launch to rejoin the Renown waiting for him beyond the reefs with the end of her mission in sight and her blunt grey nose pointing toward home.

  33. Bendigo may thus look forward to a future of agriculture when her reefs are exhausted.

  34. The boat had cleared the Black Reefs and was making for the open sea, when suddenly the demon wind played a trick on the captain of the little schooner and changed its tack.

  35. Only the dim outline of objects twenty yards away could be seen and the muffled call of the fog horn at the lighthouse on the Black Reefs sounded its dismal warning through the mist.

  36. And this murmur, like a dim flash from a dark lantern, showed me for a moment the broad belt of islands and reefs between that unknown ship, which was mine, and the freedom of the great waters of the globe.

  37. Though I could hardly imagine what could tempt me to involve my ship amongst the currents and reefs of the Malay shore, I thanked him for the advice.

  38. Are there not wrecks sometimes along those reefs we see there?

  39. Quartz reefs and alluvial deposits are found in many parts of the country.

  40. For the coral worm is tireless, and the making of new reefs is without end.

  41. After they were wiped out the wreckers still reaped their fine harvest by signaling ships onto reefs at night.

  42. Without a word said, he turned to pointing out this and that inlet between the reefs where there seemed a chance to slip through.

  43. There were other islands beyond, but they were surrounded by reefs which might prevent the possibility of landing upon them, while, from the savage character of the natives on the inhabited ones, they could only expect a hostile reception.

  44. The Edie must go to look for reefs on Karimoen Djawa, though the commander thought Japara interesting.

  45. Here we must have a care for the sea wind, which is very unwholesome, because it must first blow over coral reefs and slime before it reaches us.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reefs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.