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Example sentences for "regalia"

Lexicographically close words:
regal; regale; regaled; regales; regali; regalias; regaling; regalis; regality; regall
  1. Regalia of a church, the privileges granted to it by kings; sometimes, its patrimony.

  2. Defn: A ball or globe forming part of the regalia of an emperor or other sovereign.

  3. He has the same regalia on now, with a carnation in his buttonhole.

  4. Their processions and parades, their regalia and emblems, and their high-sounding titles are evidently designed to impress the minds of their own members and of outsiders with ideas of their excellence and grandeur.

  5. In those rites, proceedings, and regalia which do appear, these orders are frivolous, belittling, and unworthy of respect.

  6. Regalia propitiated with prayer and sacrifice, i.

  7. Loowoo, a kingdom in Celebes, regalia of, i.

  8. I suppose you keep spare regalia in stock on the First Level?

  9. And everybody is to bring back his priestly regalia to the First Level; that will be needed.

  10. Say, Butch, suppose all that Western regalia makes him water-logged; he's a terribly long while down there!

  11. The regalia and implements of the defunct Chickasaw Tribe, No.

  12. I have sought to render efficient and faithful service, and, while the year has not been free from perplexities and responsibilities, I trust that I can return unsullied the regalia you bade me wear.

  13. That Past Sachems be required to procure and wear regalia according to their rank as Past Sachems in this Great Council," and this recommendation was adopted.

  14. Upon assuming his stump, Great Sachem Ellerkamp was presented with a handsome Great Sachem's regalia by Past Sachem F.

  15. He has defended the Ku Klux Klan by ascribing these unlawful actions to imposters who use the regalia of the Ku Klux.

  16. In other cases they have worn regalia like that of the Ku Klux.

  17. The poor dupes who have been "soaked" for regalia and dues will wake up some time and discover how they have been deluded and misled.

  18. Dunnottar; and in 1651 the Scottish regalia were left for safe keeping in his castle.

  19. Delivered over to the hereditary enemies of his race by men of his own household, tongue, and blood, he was brought before Edward at Rhuddlan, and with him were handed over the crown of King Arthur and the rest of the regalia of Wales.

  20. Some of the jewels of the Welsh regalia were used for the decoration of the shrine of Edward the Confessor at Westminster.

  21. Old-fashioned music was performed and the regalia were delivered to him by the Urabe.

  22. Other instances are the symbolic meanings ascribed to the regalia and the notion that the cross timbers of the roof of the typical Shinto shrine represent the (Chinese) virtues of benevolence, justice, courtesy, and wisdom.

  23. A sword is one of the regalia at the present day.

  24. It was also their duty, at least at one period, to deliver the regalia to the Mikado at his coronation.

  25. Associated with the mirror as regalia were a sword and a jewel.

  26. Kagura was also performed in the Naishidokoro (the chamber in the Palace where the Regalia were kept), and under Chinese influences became a very solemn function, in which numerous officials were concerned.

  27. The room was dark, however, except for the dim twinkle of a candle or gaslight; and the regalia did not show to any advantage, though there are some rich jewels, set in their ancient gold.

  28. The Regalia of Scotland lie on a circular table within an iron railing, round and round which the visitors pass, gazing with all their eyes.

  29. Chiang, unlike many other national leaders, has consistently shrunk from the regalia of arbitrary power.

  30. If narrow, class-bound or unprogressive groups assume the regalia of a novel legality, using their position to obstruct further development, the program will fail.

  31. His imperial regalia had been discarded, for the stick and cap had never gone down into the depths with him, and the paper stars had of course been dissolved by the water.

  32. So he donned his imperial regalia and sallied forth, taking good care not to be among the first arrivals.

  33. In this Tower is the Jewel-house containing the regalia and the Crown jewels.

  34. One of these chairs has for a seat the venerable stone on which the Scottish kings had been crowned at Scone from time immemorial; but which together with the regalia of Scotland, Edward I.

  35. The next day, Saturday, the castle of Dalkeith was given over by Traquair, with all the regalia and a large quantity of ammunition and arms.

  36. The Earls of Rothes and Balmerino took the castle, and conveyed the regalia safely to the castle of Edinburgh.

  37. These regalia were kept in the Vatican till Pope Clement sent the harp to Henry VIII.

  38. After a while in full regalia The Major appeared, a train of servants following with a silver tureen.

  39. Thenceforth, on the accession of a Northern sovereign a merely nominal ceremony of transferring the sacred regalia sufficed.

  40. It is plain that the proposal made by the minister of the Right had for motive the convenience of the Minamoto, whose cause lacked legitimacy so long as the sovereign and the regalia were in the camp of the Taira.

  41. Moreover, the transfer of the true regalia constituted the very essence of legitimate succession.

  42. Moreover, a sword, a mirror, and a magatama, may be called the regalia of Japan.

  43. The retired sovereigns, Kogon, Komyo, and Suko, had all been carried to a place well within the Southern lines, and even the false regalia were not available.

  44. The sanctity of the remaining pieces of the regalia appears to be less marked.

  45. It is possible that there may be, in the Malay mind at all events, some connection between the supernatural powers ascribed to this portion of the regalia and the more general use of iron as a charm against evil spirits.

  46. Sometimes, however, it is upon a lump of iron called besi kawi, which not unfrequently forms part of the regalia as well.

  47. A list of the Jelebu regalia (given me by Ungku Said Kechil of Jelebu) ran as follows:-- 1.

  48. An enumeration of the writer's regalia often forms an important part of a letter from one Malay sovereign to another, more especially when the writer wishes to emphasise his importance.

  49. At last, after six days of this luxurious imprisonment, on the day before the Ides of July, sometime before noon, my apartment was entered by Juvenalis himself in the full regalia of Prefect of the Palace.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regalia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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