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Example sentences for "respire"

Lexicographically close words:
respiration; respirations; respirator; respirators; respiratory; respired; respires; respiring; respit; respite
  1. The moment after I began to respire twenty quarts of unmingled nitrous oxide.

  2. Those animals which respire frequently, and consequently consume much oxygen, possess a higher temperature than others which, with a body of equal size to be heated, take into the system less oxygen.

  3. They dwell mostly indeed in concealed situations, but also in those that are freely exposed, while many live in water, and are so subjected to its influence that their larvæ actually respire this element through branchiæ.

  4. A perfectly unclosed vascular system appears to be developed only in animals which respire air.

  5. They appear to absorb water through the skin, and respire by the intestine.

  6. All the organs respire directly, such as the intestine, the motor fibres, nerves, sexual parts, and wings.

  7. There are also Worms which respire only through the intestine, its vascular system being bathed on all sides by water, as in the Aphroditæ.

  8. Added to this, they respire usually through two tubes which open upon the anus.

  9. This race of beings, from their extreme want of mind, were not considered worthy to live on earth, or to respire thin and pure air.

  10. They were condemned to respire nothing but deep and turbid water, many of them, as oysters, and other descriptions of shellfish, being fixed down at the lowest depth or bottom.

  11. To open the mouth wide in catching the breath, or in laborious respiration; to labor for breath; to respire convulsively; to pant violently.

  12. To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion or from eagerness or excitement; to respire with heaving of the breast; to gasp.

  13. A native of the land where I respire The clear air for a while.

  14. The smooth newt, the warty newt, and the noble triton, are almost essential to the completion of the collection, and as they respire air at the surface, they do not exhaust the water of oxygen.

  15. These larvae swim with facility, and have two fleshy appendages at the tail, by means of which they suspend themselves at the surface with their heads downwards, when they have occasion to respire (Cuvier).

  16. They were condemned to respire nothing but deep and turbid water, many of them, as oysters and other descriptions of shell-fish, being fixed down at the lowest depth or bottom.

  17. Repeat these measures alternately, deliberately, and perseveringly fifteen times a minute, until a spontaneous effort to respire be perceived.

  18. When a spontaneous effort to respire is observed, proceed to induce Circulation and Warmth.

  19. It needs no peculiar or unusual habitude in order to respire what is termed night air.

  20. In this family we reach a group of Gasteropods much more numerous, both in species and in special types, which respire by the aid of branchiæ, or gills.

  21. The Crustaceans, so far as they are aquatic, respire by means of branchiæ, or gills.

  22. Moreover, in many instances, a great proportion of the larger scholars will respire the estimated quantity of air.

  23. There was in the room an intermittent positive pressure breathing apparatus, which can be used to respire for a patient.

  24. Carrico saw the President was attempting to respire on his own, however, I did not personally see this in the brief seconds that I stood there before I went ahead and started work.

  25. Its malignant power is betrayed by no external sign: you respire an air that seems pure; the earth is fertile; a delicious freshness atones in the evening for the heat of the day; and all this is death!

  26. Remember, this is a very different air from that you will respire in the tumultuous hall which soon will re-echo your name?

  27. They respire by the oxygen which is dissolved from the air by the water, and form carbonic acid; and they all move about to produce the one great work of making the animal and vegetable kingdoms subservient to each other.

  28. It is the same also under the surface in the great bodies of water, for fishes and other animals respire upon the same principle, though not exactly by contact with the open air.

  29. It is the same also under the surface, in the great bodies of water; for fishes and other animals respire upon the same principle, though not exactly by contact with the open air.

  30. Their simple lives, though very inactive, are nevertheless very enduring; they respire little, are susceptible of hibernation, and can remain for a considerable time shut up in a very confined place.

  31. At their birth they respire by means of gills, and consequently resemble fishes.

  32. When a person gets under water and cannot swim, there is a natural tendency to struggle, and in the efforts to respire water is drawn into the windpipe and cough is brought on.

  33. This expels the air from the lungs with the water which threatened to suffocate him, and as further efforts are made to respire more water is taken in and has to be swallowed.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "respire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blow; breathe; cough; exhale; exhaust; exist; expel; expire; gasp; gulp; hack; hiccup; huff; inhale; inspire; live; pant; puff; respire; sigh; sneeze; sniff; sniffle; snore; snort; snuff; snuffle; subsist; wheeze