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Example sentences for "sculptor"

Lexicographically close words:
sculp; sculped; sculpin; sculpins; sculpteurs; sculptors; sculptress; sculptural; sculpture; sculptured
  1. During this time of travel he became intimate with the sculptor Thorwaldsen, and the painters Leopold Robert and Horace Vernet.

  2. It recalls in a contrary sense that saying of the sculptor Puget: "The marble trembles before me.

  3. We next entered a room where there was another work of the sculptor in process of formation.

  4. The feet and the legs, which could be seen through the clear water in which she stood, attracted the eye by a delicacy which was worthy of a sculptor of the middle ages.

  5. The sculptor has chosen the moment of parting.

  6. Hence before long subscribers took to paying the sculptor for the statue of their dead statesmen, on condition that he did not make it.

  7. And, oh, I am as bad a sculptor as I am a good painter---almost!

  8. As a sculptor you ought to be a better judge of character.

  9. It was a very businesslike little sculptor who took him in hand.

  10. Aside from the improbability that the little sculptor would brave such weather, the charioteer was presently so immersed in his own immediate concerns that he all but forgot the prospective visit.

  11. Said the sculptor within her, exultingly: "I've got him.

  12. These were the eccentric Mrs Seymour Damer, the amateur sculptor and friend of Horace Walpole, and Lady Ferrers, widow of the peer who was hanged for the murder of his steward.

  13. The sculptor who worked there, whoever he may have been, had profited doubtless by the study of Myron's famous work.

  14. This mystery of combined motion and rest, of rest in motion, had involved, of course, on the part of the sculptor who had mastered its secret, long and intricate consideration.

  15. It resembled the work of a renowned artist, so much so that the sculptor was suddenly seized with a burning desire to regain his lost art.

  16. With an indifference that seemed to argue that Zingarella made no distinction between chairs and people, she took her seat between the sculptor and the writer.

  17. Her chin, rounded as though some amorous sculptor had polished its fulness, was as white as milk.

  18. Such a clever dodge deserves life," said Jacques Collin, admiring the execution of the crime as a sculptor admires the modeling of a figure.

  19. The same difficulties that beset the sculptor of the Polledrara bust, in working in the round instead of relief, are visible here; and the contrast with the Hellenic style of the reliefs round the lower part is very marked.

  20. In one scene the type of Apollo Kitharoidos closely resembles that associated with the sculptor Skopas.

  21. They were purchased by the sculptor Nollekens, who restored them and sold them to Mr. Towneley, from whom they were acquired for the British Museum.

  22. The sculptor carried his usual reverence into his careful delineation of the victor's form, while he obtained in him a model, usually of the very highest type, for perfecting his idea of some divinity.

  23. In the morning, when his friends came in, they found the old sculptor dead; but the image was preserved unharmed.

  24. The sculptor lay on his bed, with his statue before him in the centre of the fireless room.

  25. The sculptor takes the blackened marble block and hews it into a form of beauty.

  26. It is covered with figure sculptures, executed with great care and delicacy; but when the sculptor came to the simple arch mouldings, he did not choose to draw the eye to them by over precision of work or over sharpness of shadow.

  27. Upright in figure and in carriage as ever, and with his eye as bright as ever, it was difficult to suppose that the venerable and stalwart figure of the old sculptor was not destined still for years of life and activity.

  28. The sculptor had then just completed his first imaginative work, the "Greek Slave," which numerous replicas have since made so well known on both sides of the Atlantic.

  29. The friends of the sculptor thus patriarchally establishing himself said laughingly that the region ought to be called Powerstown.

  30. I was as the poet before he has touched his lyre--as the sculptor ere he has found his marble.

  31. But such recent arrivals on the banks of the Arno as paid their respects to Mrs. Powers in the hope and expectation of seeing the famous sculptor were almost, if not quite, invariably disappointed.

  32. The painter only paints the shadows of beauty on his canvas; the sculptor only chisels its lines and curves from the marble; the sweetest melody is but the faint echo of the wooing voice of music.

  33. At any rate, no later sculptor has made anything more charming than this figure, or more masterly within its limits.

  34. But the sculptor was too old to go and therefore only a bronze cast of this same horse was offered.

  35. When it was uncovered in its present position all Florence flocked to the Loggia to praise it; the poets placed commendatory sonnets on the pillars, and the sculptor peacocked up and down in an ecstasy of triumph.

  36. The name of the sculptor is not given by any of the authorities consulted, which is perhaps just as well.

  37. The St. Charles Borromeo, near the shore of Lake Maggiore, dates from 1697, and is the work of a sculptor known as Il Cerano.

  38. It is admitted that he is a man of talent, but that he is not considered a great sculptor in his own country is equally beyond doubt.

  39. I think the nearer malefactor, with a goitre, and wearing a large black hat, is either an addition of the year 1709, or was done by the journeyman of the local sculptor who carved the greater number of the figures.

  40. There being no chapel at Varallo with any of the remaining subjects treated at Saas, the sculptor has struck out a line for himself.

  41. I say "mainly," because there is at least one other sculptor who may well have belonged to the year 1709, but who fortunately has left us little.

  42. The eighth chapel is that of the Sposalizio, is certainly not by Aureggio, and I should say was mainly by the same sculptor who did the Presentation in the Temple.

  43. I am afraid Shakespeare was dead before the sculptor was born, otherwise I should have felt certain that he had drawn Juliet's nurse from this figure.

  44. The young sculptor was strongly attracted by this commanding personage.

  45. That was the way the sculptor had made him.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sculptor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    carver; casting; chaser; engraving; glyptic; modeler; modeling; molder; molding; relief; sculptor; statuary; stonecutter; whittling