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Example sentences for "sociologist"

Lexicographically close words:
socioeconomic; sociologic; sociological; sociologically; sociologie; sociologists; sociology; socios; socius; sock
  1. Somebody has evidently put up to our Christian sociologist the embarrassing fact that so many of those who survive under the capitalist system are godless scoundrels.

  2. As the sociologist from Geneva phrases it, "Your suppression imposes itself as an imperious necessity.

  3. The expert is every day more clearly demonstrating its inefficacy while the psychologist and the sociologist are constantly becoming more convinced that it is barbarous.

  4. In the profoundly suggestive study of love which the distinguished sociologist Tarde left behind at his death (Archives d'Anthropologie Criminelle, loc.

  5. Oh, I don't intend to turn her over to Mr. Worrall and make a sociologist and a militant suffragette out of her.

  6. Tarde is a sociologist with the most pronounced anti-naturalistic views.

  7. The types and general forms of development which the sociologist attempts to disengage can only assist the historian in understanding the actual course of events.

  8. For the sociologist it is enough that all agree that men are held under some powerful grip of nature and driven at times almost inevitably to the doing of acts quite irrespective of their social effects.

  9. There are other questions which the sociologist would ask if it were possible to carry the investigation further.

  10. The sociologist must study maps of lands and plans of cities.

  11. But it was the reorganization rather than the organization of relations which the sociologist observes to have first taken place.

  12. History is the laboratory in which the sociologist sees his social experiments working out their [Page: 133] results, and history is to the sociologist what experiment is to the physician, or the comparative method to the biologist.

  13. We need definitely to acquire such a centre of survey and service in each and every city--in a word, a Civicentre for sociologist and citizen.

  14. The indispensableness of these relations to others is assumed, also, in the assertion by the sociologist of an evolution toward a society, at once more and more complex, and more and more perfect.

  15. The sharp insistence of the sociologist that "organization must be for the organized" expresses the same thought.

  16. The careful study of different social classes is forcing upon both the scientific sociologist and the practical social worker, the sense of the ethical immaturity of men.

  17. Aren't you yourself the author of the sentiment that a sociologist ought to have some first-hand knowledge of the problems of society?

  18. Yet you feel that the sociologist has no such relation?

  19. A real sociologist would be absorbed in watching this marvelous process: social evolution actually surprised in her workshop.

  20. Then she sat down once more, and calmly said: "As you are a failure as an editorial writer and as a man, so you are a failure as a sociologist .

  21. In any case, a sociologist cannot hold such a point of view.

  22. In the first place, for the sociologist as for the historian, social facts vary with the social system of which they form a part; they cannot be understood when detached from it.

  23. We have already seen how the stoical element of Japanese character serves to conceal from the sociologist the emotional nature of the people.

  24. CG] The point just made is, however, only one aspect of a more general fact, too, of cardinal importance for the sociologist and the student of human evolution.

  25. Both ideas are merely public opinions, and while the psychoanalyst as physician may perhaps assume them, the sociologist may not take the products of existing public opinion as criteria by which to study public opinion.

  26. What for a sociologist is a normal social career?

  27. The last was an item the sociologist would be sure to record: the white-bearded Tenant had pronounced that reference to a written testament in capital letters.

  28. He knew that now he would have to be the one to stress their original mission: Loudons would probably be so fascinated by this society that the sociologist might never remember the primary reason for coming to Pittsburgh.

  29. Just as the physicist must hold hard by his principles of motion and thermodynamics and radiation and the like, so the sociologist must hold hard by the organic principles which determine the life and continuance of living things.

  30. The chemist who otherwise bases his account of a reaction is wrong; the sociologist who denies it Nature will deny.

  31. The reader will already have anticipated the conclusion, to which, as I see it, the study of the fundamental laws of life must lead the sociologist in this case.

  32. The ancient sociologist would consider that the expression of the general will in the second year of the 73rd Olympiad was not law at all, but a decree.

  33. When he speaks of law, the modern sociologist means the expression of the general will at such and such a date, 1910 for instance.

  34. For the modern sociologist is a confirmed plutocrat.

  35. Then our sociologist will put him very low down on his list of the stages of human progress.

  36. I seen I made a hit before and I thinks I'll push my luck, so I swells up and says: "I'm a kind of sociologist myself.

  37. That the historian and the sociologist should find much to say touching the relation of nations to each other and to subject peoples goes without saying.

  38. The historian, the anthropologist and the sociologist reinforce his reasonings with a wealth of illustration not open to the men of an earlier time.

  39. The sociologist and the political philosopher should be consulted, as well as the historian, by one who would make a satisfactory list of books touching the subject of this chapter.

  40. The anthropologist and the sociologist are concerned with the codes of communities and with the laws of social development.

  41. Nor is it only that they adopt diametrically opposed conclusions: we find that each adopts his conclusion with the most serene and complete indifference to the line of historical reasoning on which his brother sociologist relies.

  42. The antithesis between the sociologist and the conventional historian is comparable to that between the biologist and the descriptive naturalist.

  43. Dyce might have gone on to say that the suggestion, with reference to this very book of Herbert Spencer's, came from a French sociologist he had been reading; but it did not seem to him worth while.

  44. When I showed the article to Miss Tomalin, she agreed with me that there seemed a striking resemblance between the theories of this French sociologist and those which Mr. Lashmar has independently formed.

  45. The man whom the operators had expected me to appoint as the sociologist was Carroll Wright--who really was an eminent sociologist.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sociologist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anatomy; anthropology; psychology