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Example sentences for "sphagnum"

Lexicographically close words:
spewed; spewing; spews; speyk; sphaera; spheare; sphenethmoid; sphenoid; sphenoidal; spheral
  1. Unlike the ferns, the male cells of sphagnum have only two tails, but they nevertheless swim, tail first, to the female, when the time for fertilization comes.

  2. In ferns the conspicuous well-known stage is the spore-bearing one, in sphagnum it is the production of male and female cells directly on what appears to be the mature plant.

  3. Their vegetative or green parts vary much in shape, size, and the arrangement of the tiny leaflike appendages, and while most of them are a beautiful bright green, nearly all the bog or sphagnum mosses are rather ashy gray in color.

  4. The branches bearing males are greenish, yellow, or even reddish, quite unlike the ashy gray foliage leaves which give to sphagnum its characteristic ashy gray color.

  5. The reproduction of sphagnum is not unlike that of ferns already described.

  6. We have already spoken of the spawn of mushrooms; and even on sphagnum moss, in addition to its sexual reproduction, it produces sterile branches that will root and, after separation from the old plant, form a new one.

  7. Many erroneous notions are still held concerning the prime importance of sphagnum in peat formation, owing to the peculiar local conditions under which the early studies were made.

  8. In order behind the floating bog come the advanced plants of the conifer group, with sphagnum and low shrub here upon a peat base extending to the lake bottom.

  9. In placing grafted walnuts in sphagnum or sand they should not stay wet or the buds will die.

  10. Some nuts have been in damp sphagnum for over 5 weeks now and are in excellent shape except for a few that spoiled at first (which I am quite sure were bad to begin with).

  11. This year I used green sphagnum with all its water and the nuts seemed to keep well in it.

  12. If I attempt to hold seed nuts about a week or more I pack in damp sphagnum in crates and keep these under the shade tree with excellent results.

  13. Later we found it much better to keep scions at home in a cellar at a higher temperature, and in only slightly dampened sphagnum moss.

  14. I should side-graft them close to the collar and plunge them in sphagnum moss, leaving the top bud of the graft out to the air.

  15. The graft ought to be well united about the last of March, when the plants should be taken from the sphagnum and set in the body of the house to finish their growth.

  16. The exterior of the nest was of green Sphagnum moss, interwoven with vine stems, and a very few twigs, bound lightly with plant down, small wads of which appeared here and there over the moss.

  17. In one experiment some of the cuttings were placed in a glass cutting bed in live sphagnum covered with sand, the upper ends of the cuttings projecting from the sand.

  18. The butternut and black walnut hardly showed any callus at all after keeping the sphagnum wet as long as my men would do it.

  19. The difficulty was in getting my men sufficiently interested to keep the sphagnum wet all the time.

  20. It was good to hear the tinkle of water, to feel the solid ground after the weird wobbling of the sphagnum moss, and to snuff the smoke of the handful of fire crackling under the tea-pail.

  21. The two men "hopped" the broad expanse of Patch Dam heath, springing from tussock to tussock of the sphagnum moss.

  22. The Sphagnum moss will be seen at the base of the upright plant.

  23. The plant in Figure 462 was found in a sphagnum swamp near Akron and was photographed by Prof.

  24. Very fine sphagnum moss may be sifted over the seed, or the box set in a moist place, where the soil will remain wet until the seeds germinate.

  25. When it can be had, florists' or sphagnum moss is an excellent medium in which to pack roots for winter.

  26. The pockets are filled with good fibrous moisture-holding earth, and often a little sphagnum or other moss is added.

  27. When pots are spaced, damp sphagnum or other moss among them will hold them in place, keep the soil from drying out too rapidly, and at the same time give off moisture, so grateful to the foliage.

  28. The best material in which to pack them is sphagnum moss, the same that nurserymen use in packing trees for shipment, and which may be obtained in bogs in many parts of the country.

  29. Sphagnum on the margin of Coleshill Pool.

  30. The following are the more rare mosses:-- Sphagnum auriculatum, S.

  31. This is hollow and filled with any sphagnum moss.

  32. Sphagnum moss is used next the body and changed every other day.

  33. It is to be hoped that Thoreau enjoyed his surveying, as he probably did, especially when it took him through sphagnum swamps or scrub-oak thickets or a tangle of briers and thorns.

  34. He finds poverty more attractive than riches, solitude more welcome than society, a sphagnum swamp more to be desired than a flowered field.

  35. The method of storing chestnuts that perhaps has been more widely used than any other is to pack the nuts in slightly moist sphagnum moss or fresh hardwood sawdust in boxes and place them in cold storage at 32°F.

  36. The completed graft was packed in layers of sphagnum and placed in an incubator instead of using a greenhouse.

  37. The correct amount of moisture may be attained by adding 4 fluid ounces of water to 1 pound of dry sphagnum moss.

  38. The checks were held in sphagnum moss at Beltsville, Md.

  39. Stone, broken pot, sphagnum moss, or hay will do for this.

  40. I wanted to know what you were going to use in place of sphagnum moss.

  41. Some pots have sphagnum moss over the drainage.

  42. The white bog-moss (Sphagnum palustre) powdered, is applied to excoriations in the skin of young children.

  43. At other places sphagnum becomes abundant and the conditions approach those of a sphagnum bog.

  44. Four of these were taken in tall sedges, one in grass alongside the sedges, and one in sphagnum between the sedges and the lake.

  45. In these places the cat-tail is dominant, though numerous sedges occur, and there is some sphagnum growing on the fallen logs and along the shore.

  46. Sphagnum bog habitat: In a restricted sense the name is here applied to the part of a bog which is free from trees.

  47. Children gathered apples for the men of the Fleet, worked in the fields for short-handed farmers, and collected eggs and sphagnum moss[2] for the hospitals.

  48. With German thoroughness, they made further experiments, and so "discovered" sphagnum moss from the surgeon's point of view.

  49. Footnote 2: Sphagnum or bog moss occurs in large patches of a pale green or reddish colour on moors, and sometimes fills up small lakes or pools.

  50. I found him on his knees in the wet sphagnum moss, chanting ecstatically the mystic word "Blephariglottis.

  51. To-day I walked for miles and miles through stretches of low, gleaming pines and past pools set in golden sphagnum moss.

  52. Near the top of the mountain are two sphagnum bogs, difficult to find, but the home of many a rare bird.

  53. In a marsh beyond the sphagnum bog, I found the nest of a Maryland yellowthroat, set in a yellow viburnum shrub some six inches from the ground.

  54. One of the most beautiful songs of that week I heard in the middle of a marsh, up to my knees in muck, water, and sphagnum moss.

  55. Once I saw it by a sphagnum bog where I was hunting for the almost unknown nest of the Tennessee warbler, amid clouds of black flies and mosquitoes that stung like fire.

  56. Curious herbaceous plants, requiring to be grown in pots of rough peat, filled up with sphagnum moss, in a moderately cool house having a moist atmosphere.

  57. The pots should be two-thirds filled with crocks, then filled up with fibrous peat and sphagnum moss.

  58. A mixture of peat and chopped sphagnum is what it likes.

  59. Plant these Orchids firmly in well-drained pots, using equal parts of live sphagnum and fibrous peat.

  60. The pots in which they are grown should be filled with fibrous peat and sphagnum moss, largely mixed with charcoal, and abundant drainage ensured.

  61. The "Hill Peat" is made up of Sphagnum and other mosses and of ferns and heather.

  62. Pack them in sphagnum moss, put them in cold storage and freeze them solid.

  63. The Wedge Nursery of Albert Lea, Minnesota, have a method of packing roses in sphagnum moss.

  64. The prettiest nests of this Thrush we have ever seen were from the Rivelin Valley, and composed externally almost completely of sphagnum moss, amongst which a few slender birch twigs were interwoven.

  65. Its favourite haunts are the clear tarns surrounded with rushes and sphagnum on the moors, at no great distance from the sea.

  66. But it needs sharp eyes to see them, so closely does their spangled backs harmonize with the golden sphagnum and other vegetation.

  67. I did not obtain this substance in a separate state, but tried angular bits of dry wood, cork, sphagnum moss, linen, and cotton thread.

  68. The trail led them down the side of the ridge, and across a bog covered with sphagnum moss stiff with the frost of the night before.

  69. There in the thick sphagnum moss, the spreading hoof prints were plain.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sphagnum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.