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Example sentences for "talks"

Lexicographically close words:
talkest; talketh; talkie; talkin; talking; talkt; talky; tall; tallage; tallages
  1. He used often to be invited to dinners at the Ruysdaels' when there was no other guest, because Ruysdael liked this earnest lad and enjoyed long evening talks with him.

  2. Both Moray and Lennox make Mary talk of the house where the explosion is already arranged: at least Lennox talks of its being 'prepared,' which may merely mean made inhabitable.

  3. Well, she is a very fine girl, and talks well.

  4. He talks of nobody but you, and of nothing but your actions, which we were just reading about when you came in.

  5. He talks constantly of home; he has done so for months; but when the time comes he puts it off.

  6. Mrs Plausible will be quite pleased at meeting her old shipmate; she often talks about you.

  7. Who talks of Cæsar or Xenophon nowadays, except some Cambridge or Oxford prig?

  8. Yes, I detested her; there were moments (more especially at the close of our talks together) when I would gladly have given half my life to have strangled her!

  9. Indeed, of late her talks with me had invariably ended on a note of temper and irritation--yes, of real temper.

  10. When father comes back, tell him that I have at last gone to college--my mistress talks Spanish.

  11. He among you who talks that language neglects his own in such a way that he neither writes nor understands it, and how many have I not seen who pretended not to know a single word of it!

  12. Why, his hair is white as snow, and he sometimes talks to himself just as Uncle Arthur does.

  13. He comes here occasionally to see Tom, and always talks of you.

  14. You couldn't know that any one would be there, and this woman certainly is not the Gretchen of whom your brother talks so much.

  15. I bought them to please the little girl, who talks about them all the time.

  16. I wonder what ails him that he never smiles or seems interested in anything except when I am smoothing his hair or sitting on his knee; then he brightens up and calls me his pet and his darling, and talks queer kind of talk, I think.

  17. Luther felt this, for he used to say, "When I open the Bible it talks to me.

  18. A child's intercourse with his father is quite simple and natural, he talks freely about everything.

  19. When a boy is disobedient the father calls him, then he talks to him and pleads with him.

  20. When he talks of freedom, you should stick to it and say: 'I don't want it.

  21. When he talks to you about women you should answer him sharply: 'I don't want them!

  22. Masha used often to visit the mill, she evidently took pleasure in her talks with Stiepan; he abused the peasants so sincerely and convincingly--and this attracted her to him.

  23. Shortly afterwards she came in: she is very pleasant, extremely distinguished and talks most admirably upon every subject.

  24. She talks remarkably well, and shows a shrewdness of observation and a constant desire to please.

  25. It is whispered that what she considers to be rheumatism is something much more serious; the doctors wish to send her to Wildbad; she talks quite as usual.

  26. Talleyrand, and talks of the past and the present with keen interest and intelligence.

  27. The poor Grand Duchess constantly talks of her death, though this does not prevent her making many plans.

  28. Talks the slaveholder of the "prosperity" of the South?

  29. St. Paul, in the Acts of the Apostles, talks to the angel of Macedonia.

  30. Every one on earth is wrong but he: every one is conspiring against him; he talks of 'Solomon's fool' too.

  31. The Parliament opened just now--they say the speech talks of the rebellion of the Province of Massachusetts; but if they-say tells a lie, I wash my hands of it.

  32. When one talks on general themes, it is a sign of having little to say.

  33. I found her quite alone, and I thought she did not answer quite clearly about her two knights: the Prince de Poix has taken a lodging in town, and she talks of letting her house here, if she can.

  34. The reason may be found perhaps in the characteristic remark with which he opens his plan: Trade, like religion, is what everybody talks of, but few understand.

  35. A high functionary cares nothing if the whole Salon del Prado talks of his pilferings, but he will risk his life in an instant if you call him no gentleman.

  36. There is-an old proverb which coarsely conveys this idea: A mule that whinnies and a woman that talks Latin never come to any good.

  37. He who talks like a chief; referring to the sacred pipes.

  38. This refers to one who talks softly when he tries to tempt another.

  39. He talks an awful lot about wanting help.

  40. In those talks of ours he had sometimes forgotten the difference of forty years in our ages, and more than once had paid me compliments which might have been almost embarrassing had I been minded to take them at all literally.

  41. Do you know how my master expresses himself when he talks of me to his friends?

  42. Your illustrious worship talks well, but you should have been in the place of your poor priest, and have had the same thing happen to you.

  43. Men always look for a mystery when one talks of sanctification, some mystery apart from that which must ever be mysterious wherever Spirit works.

  44. In like manner, the Native graduate of the Madras University talks of himself as being, not a B.

  45. She comes near our women, and talks to them.

  46. Peggy also wrote to Graham every day, and she tried to make her letters as sprightly and entertaining as possible, so that he should not miss their daily talks so much.

  47. Madame shut her eyes to what was going on and she had long private talks in corners with Monsieur Vasse, as if to settle the last details of something that had already been settled.

  48. She knew from the first my opinion of him, and we never have any talks now.

  49. I should like to ask Caroline what sort of happiness she expects with a man that talks of the Bible as if it was no better than the Iliad!

  50. With Helen his cup was full to overflowing, for he had managed to hold several long talks with her during the afternoon, and to his mind he had heard nothing detrimental to his hopes.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "talks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.