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Example sentences for "theses"

Lexicographically close words:
therwith; thes; thesame; thesauri; these; thesis; thess; thest; thet; thether
  1. I will put in the following eight theses the view which has approved itself to me after mature reflection on the subject, though I am no expert in this department: I.

  2. Among the above theses as to the physiology of conception the inheritance of the psychic qualities of the two parents is of particular importance for psychological purposes.

  3. In Emil du Bois-Reymond we find similar contradictions with regard to the most important and fundamental theses of philosophy.

  4. He proved the following important theses with the aid of his theory of selection: 1.

  5. But it met with an effective reverse at the hands of modern science in the second half of the nineteenth century, which entirely demolished the theses of the system of practical reason.

  6. One of them during this controversy complained with some justice that Luther, according to his own admission, had thundered forth many of his theses merely because the Papists “had pressed him so hard,” and not from any inner conviction.

  7. It has been asserted by controversialists that another version of the German translation of these Theses had already been made in 1545 from which some of the most “swinish expressions” were omitted through motives of modesty.

  8. In the Resolutions on the Indulgence Theses we find the same antipathy to the war, again justified on similar mystical and polemical grounds.

  9. At an earlier date he had, so he said, defended the theses of his Resolutions only “because God compelled him to advance all these propositions.

  10. His theses on the Primacy and his other polemical statements (see below, xx.

  11. His position was sustained before the Protestant Academy at Sedan with certain theses published under the title of Theses Sedanenzes in 1683.

  12. In reality it is for the most part a sharp rejection of Bernard’s formulation of his theses and a new enunciation of them in more orthodox phraseology.

  13. On the ethical side, Abélard’s theses (in their context in his works) are truly remarkable.

  14. Theses theologicæ he constructed a system of theology, in which the divine foreknowledge of the result, as the reconciling middle term between the particularism and universalism of the call, was set forth in a manner favourable to the latter.

  15. The Catholics presented the Anglicans with fourteen theses essential to union, in which the anti-Protestant doctrines were for the most part toned down, but transubstantiation distinctly asserted.

  16. Sidenote: The Ninety-five Theses] The Theses had been written in Latin for the educated class but they were now speedily translated into German and spread like wildfire among all classes throughout the country.

  17. And that when a collection of theses or dissertations is published under the name of a praeses as his "opera" it is merely in a secondary literary sense, viz.

  18. The monks of Erfurt contented themselves with intimating that his theses had incurred their high displeasure.

  19. Luther, stimulated by his impious and nefarious harangues, and glowing with pious zeal, published his Theses on Indulgences.

  20. Tezel defends and reiterates this assertion in his Anti-Theses published the same year.

  21. He refuted it point by point, in his own way, and then announced that he was preparing to combat his adversary at greater length in theses which he would maintain at the university of Frankfort on the Oder.

  22. The celebrated historian, Albert Kranz, was at Hamburg on his deathbed, when Luther's theses were brought to him.

  23. To maintain these theses at Wittemberg had been an easy matter.

  24. Luther's sermon, which had been to the people what his theses had been to the learned, was the subject of his first reply.

  25. But these theses were destined to be heard in other places than under the roof of an academical hall.

  26. The prudent Erasmus was in the Netherlands when the theses reached him.

  27. Tezel, after his auto da fe at Frankfort on the Oder, had hastened to send his theses into Saxony.

  28. He, accordingly, began to write theses which he proposed to maintain in a public discussion.

  29. Larin and Radek severally summed up and made final attacks on each other's positions, after which Radek's resolution approving the theses of the Central Committee was passed almost unanimously.

  30. Long before the All-Russian Congress of the Communist Party approved the theses of the Committee, one form of industrial conscription was already being tested at work.

  31. These ideas are embodied in the series of theses issued by the Central Committee in January (see p.

  32. Trotsky's twenty-four theses or notes must have been written in odd moments, now here now there, on the way from one front to another.

  33. Both Radek and Larin were going to the Communist Conference at Jaroslavl which was to consider the new theses of the Central Committee of the party with regard to Industrial Conscription.

  34. And as those watchwords--abstractly true--roused the dormant energies of the French to a terrible conflict against feudalism and royalty, so those theses of Luther kindled Germany into a living flame.

  35. The new invention of printing scattered those theses everywhere, far and near; they reached the humble hamlet as well as the palaces of bishops and princes.

  36. These theses are enforced by quotations from Lalor, the most outspoken Democrat and Radical in the tradition of Irish nationalism.

  37. It is difficult to conceive a course of action more nicely calculated to demonstrate on a large scale the principal theses which Sinn Fein had been preaching for years.

  38. Graduation theses other than French, on the same theme:-- VAN GEEST (Lugd.

  39. Other theses of great value present a systematic outline of existing knowledge of some subject which had never before been brought into useful form, or made in any way accessible to the practitioner.

  40. All theses are expected to be made complete and satisfactory to the head of department of Engineering before his signature is appended to the diploma which is finally issued to the graduating student.

  41. These theses are papers of, usually, considerable extent, and are written upon subjects chosen by the student himself, either with or without consultation with the instructor.

  42. In their poems disyllabic theses also often occur initially and internally, while more careful poets more rarely permit themselves these licences.

  43. The four-beat alliterative lines, on the other hand, are mostly of more regular structure, the distances between the first and second arsis not being so unequal and the theses as a rule being disyllabic.

  44. It is not always possible to draw a sharp distinction between regular lines with somewhat long first theses and lengthened lines.

  45. Other variations may be effected by disyllabic or even polysyllabic theses in the beginning ('anacruses') or in the middle of the verse instead of monosyllabic theses.

  46. For the doctorate in the faculty of letters two theses must be submitted, of which the subject and plan must be approved by the faculty (until recently one of them was required to be written in Latin).

  47. The literary theses required by French universities are, as a rule, volumes of several hundred pages, and more important in character even than the German Habilitationsschrift.

  48. Theses are generally examined by two or more specialists.

  49. Permission to print the theses is given by the rector or vice-rector after report from one or more professors, and they are then discussed publicly by the faculty and the candidate (soutenance de these).

  50. Thus, when he had affixed the Theses against Tetzel to the church door, he writes confidingly to the Archbishop Albrecht of Maintz, the protector of the trader in indulgences.

  51. Here, too, his surprise is honest that his theses are making so much stir with their unintelligible sentences, involved, according to the old custom, to the point of riddles.

  52. Tetzel was forced to retreat from the borders of Saxony to Frankfort-on-the-Oder, where he drew out and published a set of counter-theses and publicly committed those of Luther to the flames.

  53. The general purport of these theses was to deny to the Pope all right to forgive sins.

  54. He drew out ninety-five theses on the doctrine of indulgences, which on October 31st he nailed up on the door of the church at Wittenberg, and which he offered to maintain in the university against all impugners.

  55. As regards his more original views on Christian origins, he is not impressive to the modern reader; but theses which to-day stand for little were in their own day important.

  56. The poor man proved that he had done so only in order to refute them, and produced the theses publicly maintained at Salamanca by his pupils as a result of his teachings.

  57. When even these theses were in the main ignored, more mordant doctrine was necessarily burked.

  58. It is remarkable," says Schopenhauer, "that we find the few main theses of pre-socratic philosophy repeated innumerable times.

  59. Also in the works of modern thinkers, such as Cartesius, Spinoza, Leibniz, and even Kant, we find that their few main theses are repeated over and over.

  60. The influence of the Fabian Society on political thought is already the theme of doctoral theses by graduates, especially in American universities, but it has not yet found much place in weightier compilation.

  61. The Origin of Species," published in 1859, inaugurated an intellectual revolution such as the world had not known since Luther nailed his Theses to the door of All Saints' Church at Wittenberg.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.