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Example sentences for "undigested"

Lexicographically close words:
undevout; undher; undherstand; undid; undifferentiated; undignified; undil; undiluted; undiminished; undimmed
  1. The gas and the bloating are supposed to be the sign and the seal of indigestion, a positive evidence that undigested food is fermenting in the stomach.

  2. The poet may assume a hundred personalities in as many poems, or manifest a hundred influences, or he may work a single sham personality threadbare or render piecemeal an undigested influence.

  3. They may be greenish yellow in color and contain particles of undigested food and mucus.

  4. They may be greenish yellow in color, containing mucus and particles of undigested food and, in prolonged cases, blood.

  5. When there is a great deal of undigested food found in them the upper part of the bowel is more affected; when the stools contain more mucus than food the lower bowel is the chief seat of the trouble.

  6. The former method of estimating the digestibility of food was first to analyze the food, and then to analyze the intestinal residue, and subtract the undigested remnant of each particular class of food from the amount originally eaten.

  7. Other substances, however, remaining undigested in the cooked diet, were much in excess of that in the uncooked, yet no starch was present.

  8. The digestive juices, and especially the bile, pour considerable material into the alimentary canal which cannot be distinguished from the undigested elements of food.

  9. It is obvious that the undigested food plays no part in the process of metabolism, therefore it is necessary to know the amount of the various food elements that are digested.

  10. In the case of the uncooked grains, no starch whatever passed through the body in an undigested form.

  11. Heavy, all-gone sort of feeling low down in hypogastrium; color of stool was dark brown with pieces of undigested food in it.

  12. A good deal of it is in the form of undigested straw and hay.

  13. The nitrogen in the dung is contained in the crude, undigested portions of the food.

  14. Most municipal solid waste compost has a high carbon to nitrogen ratio and when tilled into soil temporarily provokes the opposite of a good growth response until soil animals and microorganisms consume most of the undigested paper.

  15. When the beds have grown to about three feet tall, the surface few inches containing worms and undigested food are scraped off and used to form new vermicomposting beds.

  16. The passage, indeed, of undigested seeds through the stomachs of animals is one of the most efficient causes of the dissemination of plants, and is of all others, perhaps, the most likely to be overlooked.

  17. In like manner, the blackbird and misselthrush, when they devour berries in too great quantities, are known to consign them to the earth undigested in their excrement.

  18. When the waters really digest the rocks, they hold the various minerals in solution, and run limpid and dancing to the sea; when they have an undigested burden, they run angry and turbid.

  19. It comes down from the fore-world an undigested bit that has resisted the tooth and maw of time, and can tell you many things if you have the eye to read them.

  20. At the end of this time the amount of undigested albumin was accurately determined.

  21. Raw meat, however, was less completely utilized, the fæces showing portions of undigested fibres.

  22. It is a purely nervous disease and may be caused by reflex nervous irritation from undigested food in the stomach or bowels, irritation of the gums in dentition, or from brain disorders.

  23. It absorbs the gasses produced by the fermentation of undigested food.

  24. If a child vomits soon after taking the bottle, and there is an appearance of undigested food in the stool, it is a sign of overfeeding.

  25. If the child is suffering from constipation, and undigested curds of milk appear in its fæces, and the child starts suddenly in its sleep, give nux vomica.

  26. The immediate consequence of the acute attack may indeed be, and often is, comparatively beneficial, inasmuch as the diarrhea removes the undigested material that occasioned the irritation.

  27. Diagnosis: foul, undigested material, due to a chronic inflammation of the lower intestinal tract.

  28. In the membranes themselves no micro-organisms were found; in the pieces containing undigested material the bacillus coli communis was found as well as micrococci, and the bacilli of putrefaction (secondary formation) were seen.

  29. Undigested foodstuffs may become an irritant, or increase, as is usually the case, the established irritation, and thus bring on an acute attack of diarrhea.

  30. The hard, undigested seeds are mostly expelled from the mouth in pellets, shown in the illustration, and germinate more promptly than those untouched by birds.

  31. The very hard seeds are surrounded with sweet pulp, which most likely made it an inducement for some of our native animals to devour them and thus transport the undigested seeds to remote localities.

  32. The undigested portion is detained in the upper, or cardiac extremity, near the entrance of the esophagus, by contraction of the circular fibers of the muscular coat.

  33. Meat and vegetables passed through the bowels undigested in about two hours, causing great pain.

  34. The convulsions of young children are often owing to the irritation of undigested food in the intestinal canal.

  35. It will appear beyond question that those feelings were private fancies merged with observation in an undigested experience.

  36. The SOLID DUNG contains the undigested parts of the food, the insoluble parts of the ash, and the nitrogenous matters which have escaped from the digestive organs.

  37. As is the case with the ox, the dung contains the undigested food, the secretions (or leakings) of the digestive organs, and the insoluble parts of the ash of the digested food.

  38. It has been found from investigation of this subject that the cellulose or undigested material of the cereals, vegetables and fruits, is an absolute essential to good bowel action.

  39. The cellulose makes bulk in the bowels and the simple presence of this bulk of undigested material stimulates the muscular contractions.

  40. Putrefactive fermentation is the process by which undigested food substances (principally proteids), under the influence of ferment bacteria, yield gases.

  41. It must be remembered that often there is a great amount of undigested food and fecal matter in the stomach and intestines.

  42. Intestinal fermentation is hastened in the dead body by the presence of much undigested food and the absence of any restraining organisms.

  43. He lay down and slept till about five, when he vomited a large amount of undigested food.

  44. Change in frequency of the movements, or appearance of undigested food or curds of milk in the stool, should be carefully noted and if continued, reported to a physician; they may be the first signs of serious digestive trouble.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undigested" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.