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Example sentences for "victorious"

Lexicographically close words:
victoriae; victoriam; victorias; victorie; victories; victoriously; victors; victory; victorye; victrola
  1. Beneath their feet was the rising ground--a moment more, and they would leap victorious up the ragged slope.

  2. The tongue of the case answers thus: "We were a victorious army, but we had fought long and hard.

  3. It was given to the Church by Arthur Cleveland Coxe, an American bishop, in 1851, and since that time it has made its victorious course around the world.

  4. Kingo extols Christ as the risen, victorious Saviour--the Sun that breaks through the dark shades of sin and death.

  5. It was this victorious crusade that saved Germany, and probably all of northern Europe, for Protestantism.

  6. It was not completed until later in the day, when he reached Baltimore and joined in the victorious joy that filled the city.

  7. Under the wide arch of the Porte de Paris victorious Napoleon entered after the Prussian occupation of the city in 1814.

  8. Thus Joan of Arc had seen it when, at the head of her victorious army, she conducted the king to Rheims for his coronation.

  9. But I hear the roll-call yonder, and I go with willing feet Through the shadows to the valley where victorious armies meet.

  10. The victorious knight made his horse caracole before the king, and bowed low in his saddle.

  11. With a yell of rage the victorious knight threw himself on his horse and rode away at a furious gallop.

  12. In whatever quarter Rome turned her victorious arms she encountered Greek colonies speaking the Greek language, and enjoying the arts of civilization.

  13. The victorious enemy proposed to the Grecians terms of accommodation, but, having invited Clearchus and other leaders to a conference, they treacherously put them to death.

  14. And the question of who had come off victorious had been the subject of many a debate below stairs.

  15. What might they not do to the defenceless city under their victorious hand, whose citizens were nobly loyal to the South?

  16. A long silence followed, for I had another conflict with my temper; but I was fully victorious before I spoke again.

  17. Be sure you make me victorious over the duenna.

  18. It is related that the young Queen Berenice, when her husband was called away to the wars, vowed to sacrifice her beautiful tresses to Venus if he returned victorious over his enemies.

  19. This discourse was followed by a musical drama, entitled Reason Victorious over Fanaticism, in which Watchfulness, in a robe sown with eyes, and Fanaticism in priestly garb figured, with Rousseau and Voltaire as acolytes of the former.

  20. But whatever may be our trials, however difficult our tasks, they are only the problems of peace, and a victorious peace.

  21. Here were planted the same seeds of righteousness victorious which later flourished with such abundance at Saratoga, at Gettysburg, and at the second battle of the Marne.

  22. Within its first week the victorious advance of America and her allies terminated in the armistice of November eleventh.

  23. We of this day have just finished a victorious war that has added new glory to American arms.

  24. Having set up a sound government in Massachusetts, having secured their independence, as the result of a victorious war, the people expected a season of easy prosperity.

  25. If they were characterized by selfishness, by politics, by a balancing of expediency against justice they will be counted as a time of ignominy for which a victorious war would furnish scant compensation.

  26. Argyle welcomed Cromwell as a deliverer, but the victorious general had hardly entered Edinburgh when he was recalled by pressing news from the South.

  27. The victorious fleet sailed along the rich coast of Holland, burning merchantmen and plundering its undefended towns.

  28. Be it observed that, according to the Jansenists, every grace is charity, irresistible, victorious delectation.

  29. Mistrust of themselves, dejectment, even defeat may follow the victorious exaltation of the soldiers and the people.

  30. With the aid of God and His saints, could she not be victorious in an actual battle, also?

  31. In spite of this he had conquered by his wit and his good dialogue; and by the time of which we now speak he was victorious and secure.

  32. Major Barbara is an account of environment victorious over heroic will.

  33. Some say that the victorious Nadir Shah ordered it to be sent to him, and that it was broken on the journey.

  34. In earlier and different times the sovereign of Bokhara had other possessions on the further side of the Oxus, but he was deprived of them by the victorious Dost Mohammed Khan, and now has nothing remaining there except Chardjuy and Kerki.

  35. The Khan again retreated, but, finding himself still pursued and even his capital menaced, he sent a flag of truce to his victorious enemy.

  36. According to the Khivan Constitution, which is of Mongol origin, he is (1) Khan or Padisha, who is chosen for the purpose from the midst of a victorious race.

  37. That this fear reached its highest point during the victorious march of Dost Mohammed Khan towards the Oxus, need scarcely be mentioned.

  38. It was then subject to Bokhara, and was compelled to {241} oppose the victorious march upon the Oxus of Yar Mohammed Khan, who besieged it during four months, and at last only took it by storm.

  39. Long and uncertain lasts the awful fight; At length is heard a hideous scream; for now Victorious Thor hath given the mortal blow, And tramples with his heel the monster’s head.

  40. During peace shall Odin take the lead, Planting on each isle and rock their banner, Shall our bands victorious still advance: On those rugged cliffs shall oft give battle; Oft our skiffs on foaming billows dance.

  41. Perhaps the clearest instance of distinct prophecy of the victorious dominion of the personal Messiah is the 110th psalm.

  42. The steadfast flow circles unchecked round, or rises victorious over all hindrances.

  43. As the experience of the exile, so that of the victorious monarch supplied the colours with which the spirit of prophecy in him painted "beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow.

  44. Von Koenik had detailed him to attend upon the prisoners in order that he might communicate to them the progress of the victorious Germans towards Paris.

  45. On his part he was absolutely certain that no mortal power could arrest the victorious march of the Kaiser's legions; and such was his obsession that he imagined both Kenneth and Rollo could have no inmost doubts on the matter.

  46. Then perhaps you would tell your friends in England how the victorious Germans will march through London, hein?

  47. The devout king refused to leave till the service came to an end, but soon after, fighting bravely at the head of his men, he was cut down by victorious foes.

  48. Either they fled from their victorious enemies, or they were driven by a storm so far from their native shores that they could not return.

  49. There in the wilderness as by magic rose Futtehpur Sikri, the victorious city, Of marble and red sandstone among the trees, A rose unfolding in the kindling dawn.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "victorious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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