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Example sentences for "agonies"

Lexicographically close words:
agoing; agon; agone; agonic; agonie; agonised; agonising; agonistic; agonize; agonized
  1. Once they were thrown into a pit, a kind of well, and suffered agonies all through the night.

  2. Day by day I suffered all the agonies of death and hell, and shall I not have granted to me that most righteous gift of God?

  3. The joy of the resurrection followed swiftly on the agonies of Calvary.

  4. Without thinking of the influence it might have on her feelings, he sought her presence as a balm to his chafed and tortured heart, as a repose to his worn and weary spirit, as an anodyne to the agonies of remorse.

  5. And I should apologise for not having returned your call sooner, but till quite lately we have been in the agonies of furnishing and moving into our house.

  6. Tell them that you have tortured me, and that I have writhed in agonies under your secret power.

  7. Could I not swallow poison; and, in the agonies of deaths send for Edward?

  8. The jubilee of massacre began with cruel flagellations, for the intention was to combine amusement with utility and to represent these unnumbered agonies as a festival of expiation.

  9. Nereus gladly consented, for the gloom and loneliness of Aricia weighed upon his spirits, and he was haunted by the thoughts of the agonies which he had witnessed in the imprisonment and death of his brethren at Rome.

  10. And as he gazed for hours together of the day and of the night, he endeavoured to realise the aspect of the spectacle, and did not allow himself to be disturbed by the multitudinous agonies which it implied.

  11. When the first beam of dawn lit the east, it showed a youth whose pallid features were haggard with agonies of fear.

  12. Its foundations reach down to hell and each chamber with its beautiful settings is filled with the ghosts of women who suffered untold agonies of mind and body to make it attractive to victims of the women who followed them.

  13. Who can tell of the agonies undergone in their short existences?

  14. In the first agonies of his own grief, which approached to frenzy, he found no relief but from weeping along with her; nor solace when a degree calmer, but in talking to her of the angel they mutually regretted.

  15. We don't want any more agonies and recriminations and scenes.

  16. If anything had happened to him, if he had taken his life, for instance, one imagined that in the first agonies of remorse she would have taken hers too.

  17. Far under the surface I went and knew all the agonies of dissolution; but the box was strongly and cunningly made and rose again; then it began to fill and sink once more, and again I tasted of the final pangs.

  18. Heaven knows what agonies have been sometimes endured behind that printed mask!

  19. He suffered acute agonies from this modern device, but he bore them bravely; and he went straight from the tailor's to the Great Northern Railway Station, where he took his ticket for Doncaster.

  20. But other than womanly agonies are suffered behind the 'Times.

  21. In the camp of the besiegers, there were mutilation, and death's agonies and despair.

  22. Six months only passed away, ere he too was writhing upon the royal couch in the agonies of death, whether paralyzed by poison or smitten by the hand of God, the day of judgment alone can reveal.

  23. The garrison was suffering agonies of thirst.

  24. They thought that a little food would strengthen them to toil on to the end of their painful journey; and the agonies of hunger were hard to endure.

  25. Withdrawn from the excitement of the actual conflict, these wretched men now began to suffer in all their unendurable extremes the agonies of hunger and thirst.

  26. He did suffer agonies of mind," replied the old monk.

  27. Christopher heard him preach in the church of the Augustinian Convent, where he had (as Fritz told me) suffered such agonies of conflict.

  28. I do not know that Brother Martin doubted his vocation, or looked back to the world; but he seems to have suffered agonies of inward torture.

  29. During the reign of horror that followed the fall of the city, fire and snow, rain and pestilence added their agonies to the already overflowing tragedy.

  30. Other individuals had been aggrieved by personal disappointments, and the spirit of faction could not be altogether extinguished even amid the agonies of war.

  31. Oh, Sir Edward, you cannot realise what agonies I have suffered since I became possessed of this terrible knowledge!

  32. Then you mean that while I was hurrying from place to place like a madman, suffering untold agonies of fear, and believing that Valerie's life depended upon my speed, you were in reality deceiving me?

  33. They screwed the thumbscrews down to the last pang, and then threw their victim into some dungeon, where, in the throbbing silence and darkness, he might suffer the agonies of the fabled damned.

  34. In a little while the throat would begin to swell, and suffocation would end the agonies of that man.

  35. I knew that she was suffering agonies from her tightly bandaged wrist.

  36. The Crown Princess suffers agonies when she hears music (everything sounds false to her sensitive ears).

  37. The silent inflexibility of God in upholding laws that work out such terrible agonies and suffering is something against which the human heart moans and chafes through all ancient literature.

  38. Yet we cannot but feel that the mysterious agonies of Gethsemane, that wrung the blood-drops from his heart, were in part due to that conflict with cruel and malignant spirits.

  39. It would seem as if the words so bitterly fulfilled passed through his mind, as one by one the agonies and indignities followed each other, till at last he bowed his head and said, "It is finished.

  40. There are agonies that overwhelm, that crush,--their only language seems to be a groan of prostrate anguish.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agonies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.