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Example sentences for "archipelago"

Lexicographically close words:
archiepiscopus; archil; arching; archipel; archipelagic; archipelagoes; archipelagos; architect; architectonic; architects
  1. But we have every reason to believe that the terrestrial productions of the archipelago would be preserved in an excessively imperfect manner in the formations which we suppose to be there accumulating.

  2. The Malay Archipelago is one of the richest regions of the whole world in organic beings; yet if all the species were to be collected which have ever lived there, how imperfectly would they represent the natural history of the world!

  3. The process employed in this Archipelago consists in first stripping the ripe fruit of the outer fibrous husk.

  4. There are localities in the Archipelago where the plague of rats is unknown and where the beetles abound.

  5. Will it not then be best to build a ship which, if necessary, could take us either to the Polynesian Archipelago or to New Zealand?

  6. Such is, in brief, the simple history of the islands discovered by Magellan before the archipelago was ceded by the treaty of Paris to the United States.

  7. The Philippine Archipelago contains fourteen principal islands, the Government of which is divided into twenty-seven provinces, which are governed by alcaldes under the orders of the Governor Captain General.

  8. The principal Spice Islands were the Moluccas, or the islands of the East India Archipelago between Celebes on the west and New Guinea on the east, Timor on the south and the open Pacific Sea on the north.

  9. This archipelago was a new world of wonder.

  10. In this place there were many circumjacent islands, on which account the archipelago was named St. Lazarus.

  11. The archipelago consists of some six hundred islands that might find marking on an ordinary map of the world.

  12. Here surely was a new archipelago which had found no place on a map.

  13. This region and archipelago is in ten degrees north latitude, and a hundred and sixty-one degrees longitude from the line of demarcation.

  14. A sultanate was formed on the Sulu archipelago nearly eight hundred years ago, and the Mohammedan populations are called Moros or Moors.

  15. The earthworms of the Hawaiian archipelago have been studied by a good many persons, and altogether a number of species have been described from that group of islands of which the following is a list: Pheretima hawayana, P.

  16. Fortunately there are a good many facts at our disposal for this purpose; and we shall compare the earthworms of the Hawaiian archipelago with those which are found upon certain small islands lying to the south of New Zealand, viz.

  17. All the others are found in many parts of the world and not only in the nearest mainland to the archipelago which we are now considering.

  18. Galapagos Archipelago I pushed with the muzzle of my gun hawks from a branch, and held out a pitcher of water for other birds to alight on and drink.

  19. In the Caroline archipelago the cats have very long legs, and are of a reddish-yellow colour.

  20. Burmah, the Malay peninsula, the Indo-Chinese countries, the Philippine Islands, and the Malayan archipelago as far eastward as Timor.

  21. Still more surprising was the fact that most of the inhabitants of each separate island in this small archipelago were specifically different, though most closely related to each other.

  22. Nevertheless the climate of the Malayan archipelago apparently tends to cause the duck to vary much, for Zollinger (8/12.

  23. Uhle[6] states that "the influence of the plant ornamentation of the East Indian Archipelago is also found in West New Guinea.

  24. Uhle[63] points out that "The influences of the plant ornamentation of the East Indian Archipelago are also found in Western New Guinea.

  25. Uhle has pointed out, is so widely spread in the decorative art of the Malay Archipelago and Northern New Guinea.

  26. At the extreme south-east end of New Guinea and in the adjacent archipelago the most frequent designs are beautiful scroll patterns, which are subject to many variations.

  27. Nowhere in the Melanesian Archipelago do we find scroll designs comparable with those of the district of New Guinea now under consideration.

  28. Although essentially peculiar to the western portion of the East Indian Archipelago it is not wanting in isolated cases in the eastern.

  29. South-Eastern Archipelago of New Guinea, but there is no ground for comparing them except for this casual resemblance.

  30. Even when an Indonesian element has been recognised in the population of the Archipelago there has been too persistent a practice of terming the brachycephalic element "Malay.

  31. A regiment of soldiers might be able to patrol the woods on the mainland, but it is easier to trail an Indian than to follow a fleet craft through the Archipelago de Haro.

  32. Icebergs of considerable size have been described as having been seen off Franz Josef Land, but I can only say with reference to this that during the whole of our voyage through this archipelago we saw nothing of the kind.

  33. I could explain it all best by supposing ourselves to be on the west coast of the archipelago of Franz Josef Land, were it not that the variation, I think, is too great, and also for the number of Ross's gulls there still are.

  34. It is, perhaps, even more difficult to determine how far the Franz Josef Land archipelago stretches to the eastward.

  35. How far the Franz Josef Land archipelago stretches towards the north cannot as yet be determined with certainty.

  36. On many of the islands of the Alexander Archipelago coal has been discovered.

  37. Alexander Archipelago and on the thirty-mile strip.

  38. The Thlinkets reside in from forty to fifty villages in the Alexander Archipelago and along the coast from Cape Fox to Copper River.

  39. In the island of Ombai, situated at the extremity of that vast archipelago which seems in some remote age to have formed an isthmus connecting the Australian with the Asiatic continent, the natives are of a more or less decided olive-brown.

  40. The islands of the Indian Archipelago likewise contain several varieties of elephants, which experts can easily distinguish from one another.

  41. Has Yucatan as an island far from mainland with a dense archipelago instead of an isthmus.

  42. America shown as a vague archipelago in the Pacific.

  43. Yucatan an island with dense archipelago in lieu of isthmus.

  44. No further attempt will be made here to prove the necessity for a tract of land, an archipelago, or an area of very shallow water situated between the present Arctic Archipelago and Siberia.

  45. It is the Baffin Bay tide transmitted, first, northwesterly through the eastern portion of the Arctic Archipelago to the Arctic Ocean, and then easterly along the northern coast of Grant Land to Cape Columbia.

  46. She was weak, because she was cut in pieces and had become like an archipelago of small islands in a stormy ocean.

  47. But the more the morselling of Christianity went on, the more dangerous became the raging ocean around it, so that now the Christian Archipelago seems to be quite covered with the stormy waves.

  48. Running in till within a mile of the shore she hauled down her sails and let go the anchor just as the short twilight which reigns in the Archipelago gave place to darkest night.

  49. Perhaps her crew went ashore somewhere in the Archipelago and were set upon by the natives.

  50. The Archipelago was, in fact, overrun with these sea-robbers and murderers, and it had been at first somewhat difficult to realize who were the peaceful natives and who the piratical ones.

  51. The islands of the Archipelago are willing to aid our efforts, but they claim from me in return a guarantee for the safety of their goods and for the regular administration of their imposts.

  52. Off the coast of Asia Minor and among the southern islands of the Archipelago he waited for more than a week.

  53. I visited the islands of the Archipelago until summoned to Nauplia by Admiral Cochrane, who was then on board the little steam-vessel Mercury.

  54. Mary Gordon told of the distant Oceanic archipelago in which her father exercised authority like a viceroy.

  55. Miss Mary Gordon, a blonde-haired idealist, daughter of the governor of an English archipelago in Oceanica, traveling through Europe accompanied only by a maid, had met him one summer in a hotel at Munich.

  56. The sinuosities of this labyrinth of channels permit navigators from the archipelago of the Pityusæ to go from one island to another by different routes, according to the direction of the winds.

  57. Through this archipelago the waters of the Zambezi slowly run, giving no intimation of what is taking place several miles below.

  58. Stealthily the water moves over the wide ledge of rock, when its dull, lifeless color in the archipelago now assumes a much brighter shade.

  59. The depot ships lay in what was regarded as the outer waters of China--that is, the archipelago in the estuary of the Canton river.

  60. Spanish, ballestones; but the contrivance mentioned in the text refers to a trap used throughout the archipelago for hunting large game; it is called belatic or balantic, and as it is sprung discharges a sharp javelin or arrow.

  61. In all the islands of that archipelago there are Indians from Philipinas, either refugees or captives.

  62. FIJI (Viti), a British colony consisting of an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, the most important in Polynesia, between 15 deg.

  63. A sort of cake made by mashing up the inferior kinds serves in parts of the Archipelago as a substitute for bread.

  64. In the archipelago of the British Channel islands," this learned author goes on to say, "the first steamboat which made its appearance received the name of the 'Devil Boat.

  65. In Chile, besides the Araucanians, described in Chapter VI, there are a few small tribes, in a low state of barbarism, left in the archipelago of wet and woody isles along the Pacific coast.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archipelago" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    archipelago; atoll; bar; insularity; island; key; reef; sandbank; sandbar